Social Interaction Lab
Research Focus
The experimental research conducted at the Social Interaction Lab is broadly centered on the antecedents and consequences of social exclusion, stereotyping, social categorization, and pro/anti-social behavior. We address basic and applied research questions such as (1) how individuals and groups deal with different forms of social exclusion, (2) how the negative impact of social exclusion/stigmatization can be mitigated, and (3) which factors facilitate pro- and hinder antisocial behavior.
Lab Members
University Professor in Social Psychology
Research topics:
social exclusion and ostracism, prejudice and stereotyping research
Assistant Professor in Social Psychology
Research topics:
pro- and antisocial behavior, consumer psychology
PhD Candidate
Research topics:
social exclusion and ostracism, social categorization
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
References (selection)
Papousek, I., Reiter-Scheidl, K., Lackner, H. K., Weiss, E. M., Perchtold-Stefan, C. M., & Aydin, N. (2020). The Impacts of the Presence of an Unfamiliar Dog on Emerging Adults’ Physiological and Behavioral Responses Following Social Exclusion. Behavioral Sciences, 10(12), 191.
Timm, J. D., & Aydin, N. (2020). Culturally independent risk factors of school and campus rampages: an analysis of international case studies of educational institution violence. Aggression and violent behavior, 101514.
Aydin*, N., Gula*, B., Albrecht, J., Obermair, M., Lermer, E., & Pfundmair, M. (2019). A harmless dog? Effects of a companion dog on associations of danger and threat with oriental-looking targets. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 439-446. (*shared first authorship)
Aydin N., Kleber J., Oelkrug V., Leuschner M., Wutti D. (2018). Wie kann Inklusion von Flüchtlingen gelingen? Der Universitätslehrgang „Inklusionsbegleiter*in“ an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt als Beispiel eines gelungenen Theorie-Praxis-Transfers. In: A. Rohmann, S. Stürmer (Hrsg.): Die Flüchtlingsdebatte in Deutschland – Sozialpsychologische Perspektiven (pp. 145-155). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Aydin, N., Agthe, M., Pfundmair, M., Frey, D., & DeWall, C. N. (2017). Safety in beauty. Social exclusion, antisocial responses, and the desire to reconnect. Social Psychology, 48(4), 208–225.
Aydin, N., Krueger, J. I., Frey, D., Kastenmüller, A., & Fischer, P. (2014). Social exclusion and xenophobia: Intolerant attitudes toward ethnic and religious minorities. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 17(3), 371-387.
Aydin, N., Krueger, I. J., Fischer, J., Hahn, D., Kastenmüller, A., Frey, D., & Fischer, P. (2012). “’Man’s Best Friend:’ How the Presence of a Dog Reduces Mental Distress After Social Exclusion,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 446-449.
Aydin, N., Graupmann, V., Fischer, J., Frey, D., & Fischer, P. (2011). “My Role Is My Castle — the Appeal of Family Roles After Experiencing Social Exclusion,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 981-986.
Florack, A., Kleber, J., Busch, R., & Stöhr, D. (2014). Detaching the ties of ownership: The effects of hand washing on the exchange of endowed products. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24, 284-289.
Kleber, J. & Dickert, S. (2016). 1 ≠ 1. Die variable Wirkung von Zahlen im Spendenkontext [1≠1. The ambiguous effect of numbers in donation contexts.] In N. Potysch & M. Bauer (Eds.), Deutungsspielräume. Mehrdeutigkeit als kulturelles Phänomen (pp. 175-191). Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Kleber, J., Florack, A., & Chladek, A. (2016). The moderating role of numeracy in cause-related marketing. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33, 153-161.
Kleber, J., Dickert, S., Peters, E., & Florack, A. (2013). Same numbers, different meanings: How numeracy influences the importance of numbers for pro-social behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 699-705.

Informationen für
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan