Call for Papers
Aesthetics of Resistance. Partisan Art and Feminist Partisan Cultural Practice in Yugoslavia and Carinthia
When: 27. and 28.10.2023
Where: University of Klagenfurt (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt/Celovec)
Short description
Our goal is to organize a conference that addresses and questions current artistic and scientific positions on partisan art through the lens of gender and gender-theories. The focus lies on art and culture both of the partisan movement and about the partisan movement in Yugoslavia and Carinthia.
The question that guides this conference is: how – in addition to politically and socially rooted themes such as the struggle for liberation, the question of class, the socialist revolution, and the victory over Nazism – can we pinpoint aesthetics of the “partisan” that conveys specific revolutionary and emancipatory narratives, and how can this aesthetic be (re)interpreted through a gender-focused gaze?
The conference aims to generate scientific knowledge that encompasses cultural-theoretical, historical-scientific and art-analytical positions, that explores the formats of the partisan aesthetic.
The conference will address the following themes and questions as well as other topics:
- specifics of the cultural activities, in particular of partisans within the people’s liberation movement during World War II in Yugoslavia and Carinthia
- artistic and political (mass) mobilization and concepts of femininity
- the depiction of women partisan combat and the de- or reconstructed gender arrangements in literature, art, film, photography, comics, songs, monumental architecture and other art forms in the war and post-war period
- iconography of the women Yugoslav resistance fighters as feminist practice and propaganda
- concealment of gender hierarchies through the romanticization of women partisans
- misogynous interpretations of armed partisan women
- women, and in particular women partisans as producers of art, film, literature, music, theater, comics, literature and architecture in the post-war period
- the influence of the partisan movement on fashion and interior design in post-war Yugoslavia
- queerness and partisans
- specifics and differences of „feminist-partisan“, „feminist-socialist“, or „feminist-anti-fascist“ (post-)Yugoslavian art
- mapping and curating of the partisans in archives, museums or at political memorial sites or monuments to the revolution
- significance of the figure of the women partisan for post-Yugoslav feminist activism after 1990
Conference languages: English is recommended, but Slovenian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and German are also very welcome.
Contact/Abstracts: If you are interested to participate, please send a short abstract (up to 1000 characters), the title of your presentation and your biography to:
Elena Messner, elena [dot] messner [at] textfeldsuedost [dot] com
Markus Gönitzer, markusgoenitzer [at] gmx [dot] at
Cristina Beretta, cristina [dot] beretta [at] aau [dot] at
Deadline for abstracts: 10.05.2023
We are looking forward to seeing you in Klagenfurt/Celovec!
Markus Gönitzer, Forum Stadtpark & Muzej/Museum Peršman
Dr. Elena Messner, Universität Wien, Institut für Slawistik
Assoc. Cristina Beretta, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt/Celovec, Institut für Slawistik
Call for Papers (Versions)

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Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
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