Call for Papers: The Future of Tourism in the Alpine-Adriatic region – ​International symposium, 22nd-24th October 2024

International Symposium in Hermagor, Carinthia, Austria

In memory of Zlatko Pepeonik, 1934-2004.
Symposium Theme:

The future of tourism in the Alpine-Adriatic region in the sense of the coastal areas of the northern Adriatic and their partly mountainous hinterlands faces serious challenges, first and foremost by climate change and global warming. Will in the mountains skiing and other winter sports be sustainable under the conditions of a lack of natural snow and ice? Will in the coastlands seaside tourism remain attractive in growingly hot summers, when further to the North summer temperatures are much milder and better endurable? A second challenge will be climate protection and restrictions in energy consumption. Will tourism in these areas, so far in its vast majority based on private car traffic and dependent on it, be able to survive, when the price of fuels continues to grow, and restrictions make approaching them by car less and less attractive?

All this is said on the background that tourism in the Alpine-Adriatic region is all but homogenous but composed of divergent tourism segments ranging from seaside bathing tourism to Alpine skiing, from health to urban and cultural tourism, from recreational to conference tourism and boasts a huge variety of regional and local specifics. Thus, not only studies on tourism in general and the Alpine-Adriatic region in total would be welcome, but also in-depth investigations into individual market segments and studies with a very local focus.

Call for papers_Future of Tourism in the Alpine-Adriatic Region

The call is open from 15th March to 30th April 2024.

Zlatko Pepeonik, born 1934 in Varaždin, professor at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb, was an eminent Croatian geographer and tourism researcher. He taught also at the Portland State University, Oregon, and the University of Texas, Austin, as well as at the University of Mostar, Bosnia and Hercegovina. He was an associate member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Commission for Tourism and Recreation of the International Geographical Union (IGU).

Weitere Informationen zum Symposium finden Sie auf der Website der Südosteuropa Gesellschaft.

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