KARRIEREWEGE: “Artificial intelligence is currently all the rage”

In the latest edition of the panel discussion KARRIEREWEGE about 50 students dove headfirst into the rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence with all its advantages and challenges. With great interest, successful graduates from various technical study programmes of the University of Klagenfurt talked about their career entry and gave valuable tips for career planning. The event was moderated by Aya Safan, software engineer and informatics student of the University of Klagenfurt.


24. Internationale Migrationskonferenz – Andreas Wimmer

Einladung Gastvortrag: „Birchbark letters, acts, inscriptions, and more: Early East Slavic vernacular writing in the context of digital slavistics“ – Dr. Dmitri Sitchinava (Slavische Sprachwissenschaft/Universität Potsdam)

Einladung des Instituts für Slawistik der AAU-Klagenfurt zum Gastvortrag von Dr. Dmitri Sitchinava (Slavische Sprachwissenschaft – Universität Potsdam)


Birchbark letters, acts, inscriptions, and more: Early East Slavic vernacular writing in the context of digital slavistics

18. Juni 2024 – 13:30 Uhr – Raum N.0.18 und ONLINE

Institut für Slawistik, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
www.aau.at/slawistik – https://www.facebook.com/AAUSlawistik/

Zoom-Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86200523475?pwd=sC0YebOvc9V2Fzbi73NPFdO4AKa0bU.1


The paper will describe topics including but not limited to digitizing, building and expanding existing linguistic corpora of early East Slavic. The texts other than Church Slavonic-influenced books will be in focus, including private letters and acts on birch bark, parchment, and paper, as well as inscriptions on church walls and different objects.

Dr. Dmitri Sitchinavahttps://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/slavische-linguistik/team/dr-dmitri-sitchinava


Zoom Meeting


Meeting-ID: 862 0052 3475
Kenncode: 406270