Open-Position: Predoc Scientist (all genders welcome)

The University of Klagenfurt, with approximately 1,500 employees and over 12,000 students, is located in the Alps-Adriatic region and consistently achieves excellent placements in rankings. The motto “per aspera ad astra” underscores our firm commitment to the pursuit of excellence in all activities in research, teaching and university management. The principles of equality, diversity, health, sustainability and compatibility of work and family life serve as the foundation for our work at the university.

The University of Klagenfurt is pleased to announce the following open position at the Digital Age Research CenterD!ARC, employment to commence on August 1st, 2023, or by arrangement:


Predoc Scientist (all genders welcome) (in German: Universitätsassistent:in)


Level of employment: 75 % (30 hours/week)

Minimum salary: € 34,412.– per annum (gross); classification according to collective agreement: B1

Limited to: 4 years

Application deadline: June 28th, 2023

Reference code: 319/23

Area of responsibility

  • Independent research with the aim to submit a thesis/dissertation and acquire the Doctoral degree / Ph.D.
  • Participation in research projects of the research group
  • Teaching in the area of linguistics or computational linguistics


  • A Master’s degree completed at a domestic or foreign higher education institution in the field of computational linguistics, linguistics, computer science or alike, graded with success and corresponding knowledge in the field
  • Solid programming skills in Python
  • Fluent in English and German, both spoken and written
  • Proven expertise in Natural Language Processing

Desired skills

  • Familiarity with setting up annotation tasks via crowdsourcing
  • Profound knowledge of publicly available NLP tools and resources
  • Experience with NLP on social media, particularly Twitter
  • Experience in teaching at a university
  • Experience in working in interdisciplinary research projects
  • Social and communication skills, ability to work independently

Additional information

Our offer:

This position serves the purposes of the vocational and scientific education of graduates of Master’s or Diploma degree programmes and sets the goal of completing a Doctoral degree / a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences. Applications by persons who have already completed a subject-specific Doctoral degree or a subject-relevant Ph.D. programme therefore cannot be considered.

The employment contract is concluded for the position as Predoc Scientist and stipulates a starting salary of € 2,458.– gross per month (14 times per year; previous experience deemed relevant to the job can be recognized in accordance with the collective agreement).

The Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC), founded in 2019 as an inter-faculty university centre, aims to shed light not only on the technological but also on the economic, legal, social, individual, behavioural and cultural aspects of the digital revolution. Over the next few years, it is set to develop a corresponding profile in research with a European claim to excellence as well as modules for the range of courses offered at the University of Klagenfurt.

The University of Klagenfurt also offers:

  • Personal and professional advanced training courses, management and career coaching
  • Numerous attractive additional benefits, see also
  • Diversity- and family-friendly university culture
  • The opportunity to live and work in the attractive Alps-Adriatic region with a wide range of leisure activities in the spheres of culture, nature and sports

The application:

If you are interested in this position, please apply in English providing the following documents:

  • Letter of application
  • Curriculum vitae (with clear information about the degrees including date/place/grade, the experience acquired, the thesis/dissertation title, the list of publications if any, and any other relevant information)
  • Copy of the degree certificates and transcripts of the courses
  • Any certificates that can prove the fulfilment of the required and additional qualifications listed above (e.g., the submission of the final thesis/dissertation if required by the degree programme, copy of publications, programming skills certificates, language skills certificates etc.)
  • If an applicant has not received the Diploma or Master’s degree by the application deadline, the applicant should provide a declaration, written either by a supervisor or by the candidate themselves, on the feasibility of finishing the Diploma or Master’s degree by June 28th, 2023 at the latest.

To apply, please select the position with the reference code 319/23 in the category “Scientific Staff” using the link “Apply for this position”.

Candidates must provide proof that they meet the required qualifications by June 28th, 2023 at the latest.

For further information on this specific vacancy, please contact Professor Michael Wiegand (michael [dot] wiegand [at] aau [dot] at). General information about the university as an employer can be found at At the University of Klagenfurt, recruitment and staff matters are accompanied not only by the authority responsible for the recruitment procedure but also by the Equal Opportunities Working Group and, if necessary, by the Representative for Disabled Persons.

The University of Klagenfurt aims to increase the proportion of women and therefore specifically invites qualified women to apply for the position. Where the qualification is equivalent, women will be given preferential consideration.

People with disabilities or chronic diseases, who fulfil the requirements, are particularly encouraged to apply.

Travel and accommodation costs incurred during the application process will not be refunded.

Translations into other languages shall serve informational purposes only. Solely the version advertised in the University Bulletin (Mitteilungsblatt) shall be legally binding.


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