Neues Kulturgremium in Kärnten

Kärnten hat seit 26. September 2023 ein neues Kulturgremium: 32 Mitglieder und ebenso viele Ersatzmitglieder sind in acht Fachbeiräten tätig und übernehmen eine beratende Funktion für die Kärntner Landesregierung in Fragen der Kulturpolitik.

Neben den Kunstsparten Bildende Kunst, Literatur, Musik, Volkskultur, Darstellende Kunst, Baukultur und Elektronische Medien, Fotografie und Film ist Wissenschaft einer der acht Fachbeiräte. Den Vorsitz dieses Fachbeirats übernimmt Nadja Danglmaier vom Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung.

Im Winter-Semester gibt es kurzfristig einen weiteren Sport-Praxiskurs

Erstmalig ist es möglich, im Rahmen des Lehramt-Studiums Bewegung und Sport das Rückschlagspiel Tischtennis zu belegen.


Call for Applications for the ESREA Doctoral School

We are delighted to announce the ESREA doctoral school:

The Klagenfurt Research Retreat (KRR) on Adult Education and Transformation: Mapping Possibilities and Embracing Complexity 2024

May, 13-17, 2024 at Universität Klagenfurt (Austria)

The doctoral school on Adult Education and Transformation is conceptualised as a research retreat, offering a convivial space of intensive scholarly exchange based on discussion and reflection with doctoral students and an experienced, inspiring and enthusiastic faculty. The green campus of Universität Klagenfurt is close to lake Wörthersee with parks and promenades and is a perfect setting for networking, scholarly conversation, contemplation and leisure activities.

The attached  Call for Applications has more information. The deadline for submitting applications is January, 14 2024.

We appreciate if you share this call with colleagues and especially doctoral students who might be interested in the event.

With regards, the KRR faculty:

  • Michel Alhadeff-Jones, Institut Sunkhronos, Geneva (Switzerland) & Columbia University, NY (USA)
  • Eva Cendon, FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany)
  • Irene Cennamo, Universität Klagenfurt (Austria)
  • Fergal Finnegan, Maynooth University (Ireland)
  • Laura Formenti, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italy)
  • Chad Hoggan, North Carolina State University (USA)
  • Monika Kastner, Universität Klagenfurt (Austria)
  • Peter Schlögl, Universität Klagenfurt (Austria)

Please get in touch with the local organising committee if questions occur: KRR [at] aau [dot] at

Humans in the Digital Age: New thematic doctoral programme

As of the winter term 2023/24, doctoral students will be able to enroll in a new thematic doctoral programme at the AAU: Humans in the Digital Age (HDA).

Digital technologies have transformative effects on most areas of our lives. And while the digital transformation brings about new research agendas and fields, the research questions that emerge often demand novel methodological and conceptual approaches and can substantially benefit from taking the interrelations between different disciplinary perspectives into account. In line with this, the doctoral programme HDA starts from the premise that understanding and shaping the digital transformation requires disciplinary entrenchment as well as a sensitivity for the interrelation between different disciplinary perspectives.

The programme is open to all doctoral students at the AAU who work on crucial questions of our digital age in one of a broad and varied range of research areas It provides doctoral students with access to the theories, methods, tools, and skills needed to investigate and understand the ongoing digital transformation from various perspectives, as well as to actively and responsibly contribute to shaping digital technologies and their usage contexts. The teaching plan foresees a combination of mandatory courses (10 ECTS) and elective courses (8 ECTS) that include a doctoral colloquium, courses that develop and academic core skills as well as dedicated theory and method classes that can be tailored to students’ needs.

In a supportive and interdisciplinary space, doctoral students strengthen their skills in critical thinking, recognizing ethical aspects, and communicating effectively. While developing high-level technical skills, they also learn about alternative methodologies, thus strengthening their creative problem-solving skills. The collective formats and the continuous exchange with peers and more senior researchers support the advancement of individual PhD projects all the way to successful completion.



The doctoral programme HDA starts in the winter term 2023/24 at AAU. It is possible to enter into the programme at any time. If you are interested in enrolment, please see the list of potential supervisors and follow the admission process indicated here. The language of instruction is English.