IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 7 – June 2004
+ Upcoming Events:
– Summer Party 2004
– Lecture by Richard Hoffmann
– UNESCO-MaB Consultancy Workshop
+ Department News
– Helmut Haberl at the European Environment Agency
– Visiting scholars from Prague and Laos
+ Presentations at international conferences (11)
+ Publications (5)
+ IFF Library highlights
– Humanökologie : Ursprünge – Trends – Zukünfte (Serbser 2004)
– Ökologie (Nentwig 2004)
Upcoming Events
Summer Party 2004
IFF Social Ecology invites sponsors, colleagues, students and friends to celebrate its new institutional
identity within the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies of Klagenfurt University. We look forward to
seeing you at our garden party on June 29!
When: Tuesday, June 29, 6 pm
Where: IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29/6, 1070 Vienna
Environmental History Mini-Symposium
Prof. Richard Hoffmann: „Footprint metaphor and metabolic realities: Environmental impacts of
medieval urbanism“
The Center for Environmental History (ZUG), a joint project of IFF Social Ecology and the Department
for the Analysis of Culture and Science, is pleased to invite you to this „Environmental History Mini-
Symposium“ in the series „Lectures on Social Ecology.“
The rise of the cities in the later Middle Ages is one of the most profound social and economic
changes characterising this period. While research on the these topics abounds, the environmental
impact of cities during the Middle Ages is yet poorly understood. This lecture aims at discussing the
metabolic relations between cities and their hinterlands. It will also discuss if and how environmental
indicators developed for industrial cases can be used to interpret historical cities.
Richard Hoffmann is a Professor of History at York University, Toronto, Canada. He teaches medieval
and early modern economic, social, and environmental history and is one of the world’s leading
experts on medieval fish and fisheries. More information:
When: Monday, June 28, 5-7 pm
Where: IFF, Schottenfeldgasse 29/6, 1070 Vienna, Seminar room #6
UNESCO-MaB Consultancy Workshop
Within the research project „Re-designing the Research Agenda of Man and Biosphere (MAB) –
Austria, in special consideration of BRIM,“ IFF Social Ecology has invited to an international workshop
June 17-18 in Illmitz in the Austrian biosphere reserve Neusiedlersee. New strategies of research on
biosphere reserves in the Austrian MAB Program have been discussed with UNESCO delegates,
biosphere reserve managers and national and international scientists.
Department News
Helmut Haberl at the European Environment Agency
Helmut Haberl has been nominated as a member of the scientific committee of the European
Environment Agency (EEA) in Copenhagen for 2004-2008. EEA is the main source of environmental
information for decision makers within the EU and beyond. 25 nations are members of the agency.
Visiting scholars from Prague and Laos
Petra Kuskova and Jan Kovanda, scientists at the Environmental Center of Charles University
Prague, visited IFF Social Ecology for one month each. Scientific exchange of sustainability research
methods and concepts between the Environmental Center and IFF Social Ecology will be the focus of
a cooperation project in the coming years.
Sithong Thongmanivong and Bounnam Pathonmthong of Laos University are working on their
dissertations at the IFF Social Ecology from April 1 – September 30 thanks to an Austrian scholarship.
They will finish their doctoral study of biology in September and will be the first Laotian students to
graduate in Austria.
Presentations at international conferences
Krausmann, Fridolin (2004): Monitoring the Physical Economy: Material Flow Trends and Patterns of
European Union Countries. Ecological Engineering for Homeostatic Human Activities. Presentation at
the „International Workshop on Sustainable Social Systems“. 27 February 2004, Toyohashi University,
Toyohashi, Japan.
Erb, Karl-Heinz (2004): Methods for calculating the ecological footprint of nations in historic time
series: Austria 1926 – 2000 – Methoden zur Berechnung des ökologischen Fußabdrucks in
historischen Zeitreihen: Österreich 1926 – 2000. Vortrag am 8. österreichischer Klimatag „Klima,
Klimawandel und Auswirkungen“, am 19. und 20. April 2004 im Festsaal der Universität für
Bodenkultur, Wien.
Grünbühel, Clemens M. and Schandl, Heinz (2004): An Integrated Assessement of Farming Systems
in Lao PDR. Paper presented at the Millenium Ecosystems Assessmenr Conference „Bridging Scales
and Epistemologies“, March 17-20, Alexandria, Egypt.
Haberl, Helmut and Haas, Willi (2004): Die Klimaspirale: Führen Klimaimpacts zu immer mehr
Treibhausgasemissionen?, in: Vortrag am 8. österreichischer Klimatag, „Klima, Klimawandel und
Auswirkungen“, 19.-20. April 2004, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien.
Haberl, Helmut and Mirtl, M. (2004): Current Austrian concepts for LTSER in multi-functional research
platforms (MFRPs). Presentation at the 1st meeting of partners involved in the Work Packages I2 and
RA1 of the Network of Excellence ALTER-Net, 22-23 March 2004, CNRS, Paris-Meudon.
Haberl, Helmut and Singh, Simron J. (2004): Sozioökonomische und sozial-ökologische Forschung in
der Eisenwurzen: Erste Konzepte und Ideen., in: Vortrag beim Workshop „Konzept der multifunktionalen
Forschungsplattformen (MFRP) in Österreich – MFRPs und Systemforschung“,
Umweltbundesamt und BAL Gumpenstein, 28.-29.1.2004, BAL Gumpenstein, Irdning.
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2004): Österreichs sozialökologischer Fußabdruck. Vortrag beim
Symposion „Österreich.Bilder. Befunde und Perspektiven der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung“ am 12. Mai
2004 im ORF Radiokulturhaus, Wien.
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2004): On the functions of social monitoring within BRIM. Presentation at
the Glochamore – Global Change in Mountain Regions 1st Thematic Workshop „Global Environment &
Social Monitoring“, 9.-11. May 2004 in Vienna.
Singh, Simron J. (2004): Living and Dying: The Nicobar Islands. Presentation invited by the British
Museum, 12. January 2004, British Museum, London.
Singh, Simron J. (2004): Contextualising transition in the Nicobar Islands: past, present and future.
Presentation invited by the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), 12.
January 2004, British Museum, London.
Singh, Simron J. (2004): Community Forest Management in Protected Areas: National Parks and
People Conflict in India. Seminar on „Ecological Economies“ invited by the School of Environment of
Leeds University, 6th February 2004, Leeds.
Haberl, Helmut, Wackernagel, Mathis, and Wrbka, Thomas (guest editors) (2004): Land Use and
Sustainability Indicators. Special issue of Land Use Policy 21(3), Oxford: Pergamon / Elsevier, 193-
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina (2004): Gesellschaftliche Kolonisierung natürlicher Systeme. Arbeiten an
einem Theorieversuch. In: Serbser, Wolfgang (Ed.): Humanökologie: Ursprünge – Trends – Zukünfte.
München: ökom, Edition Humanökologie: Band 1 , pp. 308-345.
Haberl, Helmut, Schulz, Niels B., Plutzar, Christoph, Erb, Karl-Heinz, Krausmann, Fridolin, Loibl,
Wolfgang, Moser, Dietmar, Sauberer, Norbert, Weisz, Helga, Zechmeister, Harald G., and Zulka,
Peter (2004): Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production and Species Diversity in Agricultural
Landscapes. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 102(2), pp. 213-218.
Giljum, Stefan and Eisenmenger, Nina (2004): North-South Trade and the Distribution of
Environmental Goods and Burdens: A Biophysical Perspective. In: Journal of Environment and
Development 13(1), pp. 73-100.
Haberl, Helmut, Wackernagel, Mathis, and Wrbka, Thomas (2004): Endbericht zum
Forschungsauftrag: Leitschwerpunkt Kulturlandschaftsforschung: Herausgabe einer Special Issue:
Land Use and Sustainability Indicators aut Basis bisheriger KLF-Ergebnisse (KLF-Synthese). Vienna:
IFF Social Ecology
IFF Library highlights
The IFF library is constantly expanding its resources in the field of Social Ecology.
The library is open during regular office hours Mo-Fr in the
IFF building, 5th floor, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Vienna,
– Serbser, Wolfgang (Hg.) (2004). Humanökologie : Ursprünge –
Trends – Zukünfte. München: ökom. IFF: WP 5155,1.
– Nentwig, Wolfgang (2004). Ökologie. Heidelberg: Spektrum,
Akad. Verl. (Spektrum Lehrbuch). IFF: WP 5134
The library is open during regular office hours Mo-Fr in the IFF building, 5th floor, Schottenfeldgasse
29, 1070 Vienna, Austria.
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