IFF Social Ecology e-Newsletter Nr. 9 – February 2005
Andaman Nicobar Trust Account
+ Upcoming Events:
Lectures on Social Ecology
LTSER Workshop
+ Spring Semester 04:
+ Ökologische Orientierungen
Land and Territory
+ News from the Institute of Social Ecology
Institute of Social Ecology
Marina Fischer-Kowalski is delegate to the Austrian Science Fund
Marina Fischer-Kowalski as president elect of ISIE
Visiting Fellow: Naohiro Goto
Guest professor: Robert U. Ayres
+ Projects
Footprint Calculator
“The sustainable hospital” at nachhaltigkeit.at
+ Presentations at international conferences
+ New Publications
Andaman Nicobar Trust Account
Simron Jit Singh is currently on the Nicobar Islands assessing the situation following the Tsunami disaster and starting to organize help to rebuild what has been lost. IFF Social Ecology is coordinating help in cooperation with Caritas Austria and many Austrian musicians who support this initiative with the CD “Deine Hilfe wird gebraucht” (http://www.austriaforasia.at/).
Please find informations on the Andaman Nicobar Trust Account at http://www.andaman-nicobar-fund.org/
+ Upcoming Events:
Invitation to the Lectures on Social Ecology
Charles L. Redman: „Integrating Social Sciences in LTER: A Perspective From the US“
William Freudenburg: „Disproportionality in Socio-Ecological Impacts: Understanding the Tail that Wags the Distribution“
Place: IFF Social Ecology, Schottenfeldgasse 29, A-1070 Vienna
Date: 20. February 2005, 18-20h
Rolf P. Sieferle “Kulturelle Evolution und gesellschaftlicher Stiffwechsel”
Place: IFF Social Ecology, Schottenfeldgasse 29, A-1070 Vienna
Date: 28. April 2005, 18-20h
LTSER Workshop
IHDP / IGBP / LUCC / IHDP-IT workshop: From LTER to LTSER: The socio-economic dimension of long-term socio-ecological research
During this workshop around 20 scientists will convene to discuss concepts to better integrate socio-economic dynamics into long-term social-ecological research (LTSER). This requires interdisciplinary methods for integrated long-term research as well as a multi-scale approach. The workshop is funded by IHDP, IGBP, LUCC, IHDP-IT, and Klagenfurt University.
Place: IFF Social Ecology, Schottenfeldgasse 29, A-1070 Vienna
Date: 20-22 February 2005
+ Spring Semester 2005:
Course information online:
Detailed information can be found on our website: http://www.iff.ac.at/socec/lehre/lehre_aktuell.php
For further information please contact nina [dot] eisenmenger [at] uni-klu [dot] ac [dot] at
+ Ökologische Orientierungen
Boden und Territorium
„Ökologische Orientierungen“ for the spring semester 2005 will take place as a block seminar from June 2-4. The theme for this seminar is „Land and territory“ and it is open to students and professionals alike. The seminar is organised by Univ. Prof. Marina Fischer-Kowalski and Mag. Veronika Gaube, with Univ.Doz. Ing. Dr. Verena Winiwarter and Mag. Martin Schmid as guest speakers.
Dates: June 2-4, 2005
Location: TBA (in the region of Rax/Prein)
+ News from the Institute of Social Ecology
Institute of Social Ecology
Core news from the Institute is that it is indeed legally an institute incorporated as such in the Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies of Klagenfurt University. This doesn’t make more than a formal difference but signalizes the degree of self-governance and independence it actually has.
Rektor Hödl nominated Marina Fischer-Kowalski as the Universities’ delegate to the Austrian National Science Funds.
Marina Fischer-Kowalski has been elected as next president to the International Society of Industrial Ecology.
Visiting Fellow: Naohiro Goto
By beginning of March the renowned Japanese material flows expert Dr. Naohiro Goto will be our guest for a year. We welcome him and look forward to this cooperation.
Guest professor: Robert U. Ayres:
Robert U. Ayres honors our institute by his presence as guest professor this spring semester. He will give a lecture on ‘Natural Science Meets Social Science: Convergence or Chaos?’. Initial session is on march 14th at 6 p.m., lecture will take place on june 10th and june 24th. The exact time schedule will be announced on www.iff.ac.at/socec/, for further information please contact nina [dot] eisenmenger [at] uni-klu [dot] ac [dot] at.
+ News from projects
Footprint Calculator
Commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Water Management and the Environment, the Institute of Social Ecology has developed an “Ecological Footprint Calculator Austria,” abbreviated EFC-Aut. This computer tool can be used to evaluate the bioproductive area required to meet the resource demand of individuals. The EFC-Aut considers Austrian patterns in energy supply, housing, transport systems, agriculture, etc., and offers the user various options to reduce his or her footprint on the Earth’s ecosystems. In its current version, however, the EFC-Aut is designed for use by experts, not for the broad public. Whether it will be possible to develop a more user-friendly version will also depend upon the availability of appropriate funding.
“The sustainable hospital” at nachhaltigkeit.at
The feasibility study “the sustainable hospital” is presented on the internetportal www.nachhaltigkeit.at (bmlfuw) within the theme of december 2004: “sustainibility and health”. The article was prepared by Ulli Weisz (IFF, Social Ecology) and Uschi Trummer (Ludwig Boltzmann-Institute for the Sociology of Health and Medicine).
IFF Social Ecology will be able to continue its conceptual and strategic work for MAB Unesco operationalizing society-nature interactions in Biosphere reserves and generating a monitoring tool and operational guidance for stake holder processes.
+ Presentations at international conferences
Eisenmenger, Nina (2004): „MFA indicators – Meaning and policy relevance“ in the working group „Policy oriented approaches/indicators“. Presentation at the ConAccount Meeting 2004 „A future research agenda for MFA – Towards a new common ground for Research on Sustainable Resource use“ in Zürich, Switzerland. October 10-12, 2004.
Haberl, Helmut (2004): Economic and Social Perspectives on Soil Protection. Keynote lecture at the EU workshop „Towards a harmonized management of European soil resources, research agenda for soil protection.“ Vienna, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, 28-29 October 2004.
Krausmann, Fridolin (2004): Historical patterns of biomass flows: The development of biomass harvest and trade in relation to land use and transport in Austria 1920-2000., Lecture at the ConAccount Meeting 2004 „ConAccount Meeting. A future research agenda for MFA – Towards a new common ground for Research on Sustainable Resource use“. 10-12 October 2004, Zürich.
Krausmann, Fridolin and Schandl, Heinz (2004): Energy in early and late industrialization in Austria and the UK. Lecture at the „Colloquium on Energy, Economic Growth and Population„. 02-04 October 2004. Napoli, Italy.
Singh, Simron J. (2004): Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production as indicator for pressure on biodiversity. Presentation as the ALTERNET RA3 Workshop, Halle, Germany, 21-22 October 2004.
Singh, Simron J. (2004): Metabolic Transitions in the Nicobar Archipelago. Presentation at the ConAccount Meeting 2004 „A future research agenda for MFA – Towards a new common ground for Research on Sustainable Resource use“ in Zürich, Switzerland. October 10-12, 2004.
Singh, Simron J. (2004): Multiple Scale Integrated Assessment of Socioecological Metabolism I & II. Presentations at the Research Seminar of Lund University, Human Ecology Division, Sweden, 16-17 November, 2004.
Weisz, Beate U. (2004): Das nachhaltige Krankenhaus – Eine Machbarkeitsstudie zur Realisierung nachhaltiger Dienstleistungen im Krankenhaus. 9. Konferenz des Österreichischen Netzwerks Gesundheitsfördernder Krankenhäuser (ÖNGK). 4. und 5 . November 2004 in Schwaz in Tirol.
Singh, Simron J. (2004): A Multiple Scale Integrated Assessment of the Future of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Presentation at the IUAES conference, Calcutta, India, 12-15 December 2004.
+ New Publications
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina, Krausmann, Fridolin, and Smetschka, Barbara (2004): Modelling scenarios of transport across history from a socio-metabolic perspective. In: Review. Fernand Braudel Center 27(4), pp. 307-342.
Erb, Karl-Heinz (2004): Land-use Related Changes in Aboveground Carbon Stocks of Austria’s Terrestrial Ecosystems. In: Ecosystems 7, pp. 563-572.
Krausmann, Fridolin (2004): Milk, Manure and Muscular Power. Livestock and the Industrialization of Agriculture. In: Human Ecology 32(6), pp. 735-773.
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