Vortrag von Eva-Maria Graf zum Tag der Geschlechterforschung am 05. Dez. 2023

Vortrag zum Tag der Geschlechterforschung | Eva-Maria Graf

I shouldn’t have to try hard to fit in: A discursive analysis of women’s accounts of their performance in gendered organizations

Di 05. Dez 23 | 14 Uhr | AAU-Campus

Gendered organizations typically create a climate where women are not assumed to quite fit and are thus expected to be not as competent as men. This creates increased pressure on women not only to perform according to the prescribed policies and regulations, but very often to work beyond what is expected of them. The question remains whether such (over-)performance suffices for these women to develop a sense of felt inclusion and to be recognized as legitimate members of the organization. This talk unpacks the complexity of how women’s performance is perceived and received in highly gendered masculine organizations. The data sets consist of interviews with U.S. military women and dyadic coaching interactions between a coach and female leaders working in technology and reinsurance business. Our analysis reveals a problematic (self-)perception and reception of women’s (over-)performance that may have real-life consequences for their careers.
Eva-Maria Graf is Assoc. Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Klagenfurt. Her research interests are helping formats with a special focus on coaching and psychotherapy, sports and linguistics as well as gender and sexuality and their (de-)construction across language and discourses. She applies conversation analytic, discourse analytic and multimodal analytic methods.

Co-Authors: Melanie Fleischhacker: Department of English, University of Klagenfurt Joanna Pawelczyk: Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan Agata Janicka: Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan



Forschungstag 2023: „Digital Age: Schöne neue Bildungswelten?!“ am 24. November 2023

Das Institut für Unterrichts- und Schulentwicklung veranstaltet gemeinsam mit Kooperationspartner*innen am 24. November 2023  von 09:00 bis 16:00 Uhr an der Universität Klagenfurt (Stiftungssaal) den Forschungstag des Forschungsschwerpunkts Bildungsforschung zum Thema „Digital Age: Schöne neue Bildungswelten?!“ Weiterlesen

#UNGELAUFEN. Ansichtskarten-Ausstellung im Museum im Lavanthaus Wolfsberg

Historische Ansichtskarten können viele Geschichten erzählen – selbst dann, wenn sie ,,ungelaufen“ sind, also nicht versendet wurden. Die um einen Lavanttal-Schwerpunkt erweiterte Universitätsausstellung #UNGELAUFEN wird nun im Museum im Lavanthaus in Wolfsberg gezeigt. Die Eröffnung findet am 29. November 2023 statt.


XIII. Mediävistisches Kolloquium: Acutezza e retorica fra Medioevo e prima età moderna – 23.11.2023

Martina Meidl und Raymund Wilhelm, Institut für Romanistik, laden herzlich zur Tagung mit dem Titel

„Acutezza e retorica fra Medioevo e prima età moderna“



am Donnerstag, dem 23.11.2023, von 09:00-13:00 Uhr im N.0.56 ein.


Nähere Informationen zum Ablauf sowie zu den einzelnen Vorträgen entnehmen Sie dem Programmheft.