The Karl Popper Charitable Trust (Dumfries, UK) is a charity independent of the Karl Popper Foundation and Klagenfurt University. It welcomes applications from individuals and groups for financial support for activities designed to further its principal aim; that is to say to advance the education of the public in the philosophy, ideas, life and writings of Karl Popper, especially in the spheres of scientific method, critical rationalism and the virtues of the open society.
In the past the KPCT has provided partial support for conferences centrally concerned with critical rationalism, and for the preparation of monographs, translations, and edited works on closely related subjects.
Outline proposals and inquiries should be sent in the first instance to Jeremy Shearmur.
Registered Charity No. 1059495
Trustees: J. F. G. Shearmur (Chairman), I. Fairclough, A. Paya, P. M. Shearmur, R. H. Thomas

Informationen für
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
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