Language.Literature.Politics. 1918-2018. (Un)doing Nationalism and Resistance“

Z.I.08 und Oman-Saal
Institut für Slawistik
Anglistik, Germanistik, Romanistik
The Open Access journal „Colloquium – New Philologies“, the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt and the Alps-Adriatic-Rectors’ Conference are happy to announce the 3rd AARC PhD Students’ Conference entitled: Language.Literature.Politics. 1918-2018. (Un)doing Nationalism and Resistance, to take place from Thursday, 20th to Saturday, 22nd September 2018 in Klagen- furt (Austria), at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.
Although it may seem to many as a case of déjà vu, we actually bear witness to a cyclical turn of events in history. e world shortly a er World War I seems very similar in many ways to the current state of a airs in the sense that another major push against multinationalism, multiculturalism, and globalism is clearly evident. Mirroring 1918 and the nationalist movements of the time, 2018 seems to bring a strong (or at least a loud) return to nationalism. A er a long gene- ral movement into globalization, uni cation, and multiculturalism that has marked the period succeeding World War II, nationalism, particularly in the Western World, seems more pronounced today than anytime in the last 70 ye- ars. It is particularly rampant in the political discourse of today. On the other hand, supranational entities such as the EU, seem to be deriving new motiva- tion precisely from the revival of these nationalistic tendencies. A thorough look is hence needed into the languages not only of nationalisms, but also of critique and resistance to them, especially into their narrative, rhetoric, and argumentative strategies, as well as their use of metaphors, images, and other devices of communication.
among others:
– THURSDAY 20.09.2018, Room: Z 1.08, SPECIAL ADDRESS: Valentin Inzko(UN High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina) on his perception of nationalisms in Bosnia and Herzegovina als UN-High Representative
– THURSDAY 20.09.2018 Room: Z 1.08, 11.15 – 12.15h, PLENARY TALK 1: Alice Pechriggl (Universität Klagenfurt, Philosophie): Nationalism as a Regressive Identitarian Acting out – Radical Democracy as Deliberative Action against it
– FRIDAY 21.09.2018, Room: Z.1.29, 11.00 – 12.00h, PLENARY TALK 2: Snježana Kordić Language and Nationalism. The Case of the Western Balkans
– FRIDAY 21.09.2018 Room: Z.1.29, 19.00 – 20.00h: LITERARY EVENING – Maja Haderlap “Angel of Oblivion” (2011)
International Office aarc18 [at] aau [dot] at (Cristina Beretta Cristina [dot] Beretta [at] aau [dot] at)