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A Brief History of Gender and State Relations in Turkey

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Veranstaltungskategorie Vortrag

Stiftungssaal (K.0.01)

Universitätszentrum für Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien (UZFG)


A Brief History of Gender and State Relations in Turkey Currently, Turkey is going through some important political, historical, and economic transformations which are directly affecting its gendered subjects. In this talk, I focus on the gender and state relations in Turkey in different historical periods, which I identify as “discontinuities” and “disruptions.” They are very political moments when women had fought for, demanded, and defended their rights. My cases under scrutiny will range from the social and political movements that are currently affecting Turkey to the late-Ottoman Empire and early modern Turkish Republic, which is said to have “crowned” Turkish women with political and social rights. I argue that these cases offer rich, yet problematic and entangled gender discourses vis à vis the state’s understanding of modernity and secularism. Remarkably, they are “national” issues which have resonances in and for the transnational realm and beg for feminist analyses, especially in the face of the recent political developments.

Vortragende(r) Hande Birkalan-Gedik

Elisabeth Millonig, Kirstin Mertlitsch (gender [dot] zentrum [at] aau [dot] at)