Engineering Serverless Workflow Applications in Federated FaaS
Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is the latest paradigm of cloud computing in which developers deploy their codes as serverless functions, while the entire underlying platform and infrastructure is completely managed by cloud providers. Each cloud provider offers a huge set of cloud services and many libraries to simplify development and deployment, but only inside their clouds, often in a single cloud region. With such „help“ of cloud providers, users are locked to use resources and services of the selected cloud provider, which are often limited. Moreover, such heterogeneous and distributed environment of multiple cloud regions and providers challenge scientists to engineer cloud applications, often in a form of serverless workflows. In this talk, I will present our design principle „code once, run everywhere, with everything“. In particular, I will present challenges and our approaches and techniques how to program, model, orchestrate, and run distributed serverless workflow applications in federated FaaS.
Ass. Prof. Sashko Ristov
Christian Timmerer (christian [dot] timmerer [at] aau [dot] at)