University bulletin
Mag. Dr. Marianne Luschin
Edda Krassnig
Please send items for publication in the university bulletin to the Editorial Team at the following email address before the deadline: mitteilungsblatt [at] aau [dot] at
As an official publication body, the university is required to announce all of the most important decisions taken at the university in a university bulletin in accordance with Section 20 Para. 6 of the Universities Act.
Publication dates
The 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month.
Special issues of the bulletin may be published outside of the set publication dates in the interests of providing up-to-date information.
Submission deadline
The Friday before the publication date.
The following items are made known by the university bulletin:
- The Statute, development plan and organisational chart including personnel allocation
- Opening balance sheet
- Performance agreement, statement of account, intellectual capital statement
- Regulations and standing orders issued by government bodies
- Guidelines issued by university management
- Curricula
- Degrees to be awarded by the university and titles for students graduating from university-level courses
- Notices to students and other announcements of general interest
- Election announcements and results
- Announcements for jobs and management roles
- Members of university management
- Staff who have been granted authorisation to teach
- Rights and authorisations granted
- Statements on how university fees are spent.
The university bulletin is broken down according to academic year (e.g. 2004/2005) / issue (e.g. Issue 1, Special Issue 5a) / number (each individual announcement made in an academic year is numbered consecutively).
All internal staff at the university receive an electronic notification via the Staff Portal on the date a university bulletin is published. External organisations approved as distributors by the Editorial Team receive a message about the issue on the date of publication. If you are an external organisation interested in becoming an approved distributor, please send a message to the University Bulletin Editorial Team giving a short explanation of your interest. The bulletin may not be forwarded to private individuals. The decision to accept a distributor remains at the discretion of the Editorial Team.
Since November 2002, the University of Klagenfurt university bulletin has also been published in electronic format at the web address
Only texts posted on the official noticeboard are binding in law!
All university bulletins are publisehd in German and are available on the German website!

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan