The Rectorate leads the university and represents it externally. It is responsible for the performance of all tasks not assigned to other bodies in the current version of the Universities Act 2002, Federal Law Gazette I no 120/2002 as amended. Among the Rectorate’s responsibilities are, in particular, the tasks specified in section 22 (1), clauses 1-17 of the Universities Act 2002. In accordance with section 23 (1) of the Universities Act 2002, the Rector is the Chair of the Rectorate and is its spokesperson.
The Rectorate informs the University Council and the Senate in a comprehensive and timely manner about all matters that are likely to have considerable influence on the future development of the university.
The Rectorate is made up of the Rector, the Vice-Rector for Research & International Affairs, the Vice-Rector for Education & Diversity and the Vice-Rector for Transfer, Cooperation & University Lifelong Learning.
The Rectorate is supported in the fulfilment of its tasks by the extended management.
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Ada Pellert
Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Doris Hattenberger
Vice-Rector for Education & Diversity
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Peter Schlögl
Vice-Rector for Transfer, Cooperation & University Lifelong Learning
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jan Steinbrener
Vice-Rector for Research & International Affairs
The rules of procedure* of the Rectorate
§ 1 Duties of the Rectorate
The Rectorate manages the university and represents it externally. It is responsible for all matters not assigned to another body by the University Act 2002, Federal Law Gazette I No. 120/2002, as amended. The duties of the Rectorate include, in particular, those specified in Section 22 (1) (items 1-17) of the Austrian Universities Act (UG). Pursuant to Section 23 (1) of the Austrian Universities Act, the Rector is the chairperson and spokesperson of the Rectorate.
The Rectorate shall provide the University Council and the Senate with comprehensive and timely information on all matters that are likely to have a significant influence on the future development of the University.
§ 2 Members of the Rectorate
The Rectorate consists of the Rector, the Vice-Rector for Research & International Affairs, the Vice-Rector for Education & Diversity and the Vice-Rector for Transfer, Cooperation & University Lifelong Learning.
§ 3 Principles Governing the Performance of Duties
- The members work together in a collegial manner and keep each other informed of all significant measures and events in their respective spheres of responsibility. Each member is obliged to seek a formal resolution of the Rectorate if an issue is likely to have a significant impact on another area of business.
- The members of the Rectorate are obliged to exercise due care when carrying out their duties and are not bound by any instructions or orders in the performance of their functions. The Rector has the authority to establish guidelines.
§ 4 Responsibility and Competences
- The following matters are handled jointly by the members of the Rectorate:
- Drafting the statute and proposed amendments to the statute for submission to the Senate;
- Drawing up a development plan and an organisational plan for the University for submission to the Senate and the University Council;
- Preparation of a draft of the performance agreement for submission to the University Council;
- Preparation of the preliminary budget for submission to the University Council and transmission to the Senate for informational purposes;
- Adoption of a resolution in the event of proceedings under Section 21(14) of the Austrian Universities Act concerning the removal of a member of the University Council;
- Ongoing development and operation of the quality management system;
- Commissioning of evaluations and the publication of evaluation results, where this is not assigned to the sole responsibility of a specific member of the Rectorate by these Rules of Procedure;
- Establishing and discontinuing degree programmes, commenting on curricula, prohibiting curricula or changes to curricula in accordance with Section 22(1) (items 12, 12a and 12b) of the Universities Act, excluding the matters listed in item 3.3;
- Promotion of international relations and cooperation;
- Representing the University in national and international associations and partnerships; if necessary, representation can be delegated to a member by resolution of the Rectorate;
- Representing the University in committees and other gatherings; this is done by the member of the Rectorate responsible for the respective matter in accordance with these Rules of Procedure. Representatives shall be determined by mutual agreement among the members of the Rectorate, notwithstanding Section 7;
- Performance of all duties in accordance with Section 22 (1) (second sentence) of the Austrian Universities Act not assigned by that Act to another body (general competence), unless assigned by these Rules of Procedure to one or two members of the Rectorate. Certain duties of this kind may be delegated to one or more members of the Rectorate by resolution of the Rectorate; this shall be announced in the University Bulletin.
- 2. The following duties are performed individually by members of the Rectorate in accordance with Section 22 (6) of the Austrian Universities Act:
- 2.1 By the Rector:
- Appointment and dismissal of the heads of the organisational units;
- Concluding target agreements with the heads of the organisational units, as well as allocating budgets, including determining the staffing structure; depending on the respective responsibilities, this is done in consultation and cooperation with the other members of the Rectorate;
- Assigning University members (Austrian Universities Act, Section 94(1)(items 2–6)) to the individual organisational units;
- Advertising of professorships in accordance with Section 98 (2) of the Austrian Universities Act;
- Appointing university professors in accordance with Section 97ff of the Austrian Universities Act and overseeing all personnel matters relating to university professors;
- Issuing guidelines for the authorisation of University employees in accordance with Section 28 (1) of the Austrian Universities Act;
- Handling of all personnel matters, human resources management and human resources development for general and academic university staff, including oversight of equal opportunities, advancement of women, protection against discrimination and diversity management as they relate to these matters;
- Assigning positions, releasing them for reassignment, advertising and hiring for positions;
- Conducting person-related evaluations;
- Concluding company agreements with the works councils for academic and general staff;
- Maintaining accounting and reporting systems;
- Maintaining a planning and reporting system that ensures that the universities fulfil their reporting obligations in accordance with the statutory provisions and the requirements of the Federal Minister of Finance with regard to the establishment of an equity and financial controlling system;
- Preparation of the Intellectual Capital Statement;
- Setting of deadlines and alternative measures in the event of default on the part of corporate bodies in accordance with Section 47 (1) of the Austrian Universities Act;
- Negotiating and concluding the performance agreement with the Federal Minister and informing the University Council of the results without delay (Section 23 (1) item 4 of the Austrian Universities Act);
- Preparation of the financial statements;
- Determining fees and deciding on their use in accordance with Sections 26 (3) and 27 (3) of the Austrian Universities Act;
- Responsibility for all aspects of campus development and infrastructure;
- Organisation and execution of internal and external communication;
- Award of authorisation to teach (venia docendi) in accordance with Section 103 (1) in conjunction with (9) of the Austrian Universities Act.
Specific responsibilities can be delegated by the Rector to the Director of Human Resources or the Director of Finance, with the Rector retaining ultimate responsibility. Delegations shall be made in writing and shall be provided with the necessary legal power of attorney in accordance with Section 28 of the Austrian Universities Act and the right to sign documents in accordance with Section 6.
- 2.2 By the Vice-Rector for Research & International Affairs:
- Responsibility for all matters relating to research and development, including ensuring good scientific practice;
- Responsibility for all matters relating to doctoral studies that fall within the remit of the Rectorate (incl. admission to doctoral studies), including the support of doctoral student mobility insofar as this is not covered by the Erasmus+ Key Action 1;
- Conducting research evaluations;
- Conducting all legal transactions in research matters, in particular entering into national and international research collaborations;
- Prohibiting research projects in accordance with Section 26(1) in conjunction with (4) of the Austrian Universities Act;
- Revoking authorisation in accordance with Section 27 (1) of the Austrian Universities Act;
- Granting and revoking the authority to conduct projects in accordance with Section 27 (2) of the Austrian Universities Act;
- Responsibility for all aspects of research communication.
- 2.3 By the Vice-Rector for Education & Diversity:
- Responsibility for all aspects of academic teaching (with the exception of doctoral programmes);
- Conducting all legal transactions in the sphere of teaching, in particular, cooperation at the national and international level, insofar as these are wholly or primarily attributable to the sphere of teaching;
- Conducting teaching evaluations;
- Conducting evaluations of study programmes;
- Student admissions (including all other Rectorate responsibilities in accordance with Sections 60 to 71 of the Austrian Universities Act) with the exception of admissions to doctoral programmes;
- Collecting university fees as legally required (including resolutions and decrees in accordance with Section 92 of the Austrian Universities Act, as agreed with the Rector in terms of budget);
- Promoting student mobility (incoming and outgoing); this includes the promotion of mobilities of doctoral students within the framework of the Erasmus+ Key Action 1;
- Awarding scholarships (in collaboration with the social fund in the case of welfare scholarships);
- Responsibility for the agendas of gender equality, the advancement of women, protection against discrimination and diversity management, insofar as they do not relate to personnel matters.
- 2.4 By the Vice-Rector for Transfer, Cooperation & University Lifelong Learning:
- Transfer of knowledge and technology in connection with research and development in cooperation with external partners;
- Developing partnerships with institutions in the tertiary education sector, other educational institutions and partner institutions (for teaching in consultation with the Vice-Rector for Education & Diversity, for research in consultation with the Vice-Rector for Research & International Affairs);
- Developing and evaluating the continuing education programme (Sections 3(5), 13(2)(1)(c) and 51(2)(21) of the Austrian Universities Act);
- Approving continuing education programmes not covered by item 3.2, appointing academic directors and setting course fees;
- Participating interests and associations;
- Further developing science communication;
- Responsibility for maintaining contacts with graduates (Section 3(10) of the Austrian Universities Act).
- 2.1 By the Rector:
- The following duties are performed jointly by two members of the Rectorate:
- 3.1 By the Rector and the Vice-Rector for Research & International Affairs:
- Promoting the mobility of academics;
- Promoting early career researchers.
- 3.2 By the Vice-Rector for Education & Diversity and the Vice-Rector for Transfer, Cooperation & University Lifelong Learning:
- Establishing continuing education programmes, appointing course directors, setting course fees in accordance with Section 56(5) of the Austrian Universities Act;
- Approving continuing education programmes not covered by a), appointing scientific directors and setting course fees, where this affects the regular teaching programme.
- 3.3 By the Vice-Rector for Transfer, Cooperation & University Lifelong Learning and the Vice-Rector for Research & International Affairs:
- Matters concerning the use and exploitation of intellectual property and the exercise of the right of first refusal in the case of inventions made by employees (Section 106 (3) of the Austrian Universities Act).
- 3.1 By the Rector and the Vice-Rector for Research & International Affairs:
- In case of doubt regarding which body is responsible for a matter in accordance with Section 22(6) of the Austrian Universities Act, the Rectorate shall decide.
§ 5 Decisions in Economic Matters
- Decisions in economic matters are made according to the dual control principle. In accordance with Section 22(6) of the Austrian Universities Act, economic matters shall be decided by the Rector together with at least one Vice-Rector, unless these Rules of Procedure stipulate that two members of the Rectorate are jointly responsible.
- Decisions within the meaning of Section 15(4) in conjunction with Section 21(1)(12) of the Austrian Universities Act require the consent of the University Council if
- the university enters into an obligation of more than €350,000, either as a one-off payment or as a total sum over a period of three years for contracts spanning multiple years,
- or in the case of multi-year contracts where the three-year amount remains below the limit specified in lit. a, if the legal transaction may result in the University incurring an obligation that cannot be unilaterally terminated (in particular under a continuing obligation) totalling more than €350,000.
The consent of the University Council is not required if legal transactions exceed the amount limits specified in lit. a and b, but have already been included in the budget proposal for the relevant year and have also been itemised separately in the budget resolution of the University Council.
The absolute amounts specified in lit. a and b are index-linked in accordance with the consumer price index published by Statistics Austria in 2015. The starting point is the index figure published for the month of December 2024. The adjustment shall take effect for the following year from 1 January of each year. If the consumer price index 2015 is no longer published, the consumer price index that replaces it or the index that most closely approximates the most recently published consumer price index shall apply.
- The University Council’s right of consent as per paragraph 2 does not extend to (1) the conclusion of employment contracts or (2) legal transactions concluded on the basis of Sections 26 and 27 of the Austrian Universities Act, provided that the project or third-party funds accruing are expected to exceed the university’s expenditures.
- The establishment of and participation in companies and foundations requires the approval of the University Council in accordance with Section 21(1)(9) of the Austrian Universities Act.
§ 6 Power of Representation
The following applies in relation to third parties:
- Documents relating to matters that fall within the remit of the entire Rectorate are to be signed by the Rector.
- Documents relating to matters that fall under the sole responsibility of a member of the Rectorate in accordance with these Rules of Procedure shall be signed by that member.
- For documents relating to matters for which the Rules of Procedure stipulate that two members of the Rectorate are responsible, each of these members has sole signing authority.
- In the event of one member being unavailable, the rules on deputizing set out in Section 7 shall apply.
§ 7 Deputising
- If the Rector is unavailable, she will be represented by the Vice-Rector for Education & Diversity.
- If paragraph 1 is inapplicable, the Vice-Rector for Transfer, Cooperation & University Lifelong Learning shall deputise for the Rector.
- In the event that paragraphs 1 and 2 are inapplicable, the Vice-Rector for Research & International Affairs shall deputise for the Rector.
- If a Vice-Rector is unavailable, the Rector will deputise for them. If the Rector is also unavailable, the provisions of paragraphs 1 to 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
§ 8 Resolutions
- A resolution of the Rectorate requires the personal participation (if necessary by electronic means) of at least three members of the Rectorate for all matters pursuant to Section 4 (1) items a) to j) of these Rules of Procedure. For matters according to lit. l, at least two members must participate. Votes may not be transferred.
- The Rectorate passes resolutions by a simple majority vote of the participating members. A three-quarters majority is required for the adoption of the development plan, the draft performance agreement and amendments to these Rules of Procedure. Votes are cast in two categories: ‘vote in favour’ and ‘vote against’.
- In the event of a tie, the Rector has the casting vote (right of casting vote in accordance with Section 22 (5) of the Austrian Universities Act). This does not apply to resolutions that are jointly adopted by two members of the Rectorate.
- Each resolution of the Rectorate shall be recorded in writing without delay. Dissenting votes shall be indicated separately. Each member of the Rectorate shall receive an electronic copy of the minutes of the resolutions.
§ 9 Entry into force, amendments
These rules of procedure and any amendments thereto shall enter into force on the day following their announcement in the University Bulletin of the University of Klagenfurt, following their approval by the University Council.
[1] Valid version: Rectorate resolution dated 03.12.2024, University Council resolution dated 13.12.2024
This is a translation of the official German document Geschäftsordnung des Rektorats. (Appendix 1 to the University Bulletin, Issue 7, No. 40 – 2024/2025, dated 18 December 2024)

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