Special conditions apply for the use of chargeable electronic resources such as electronic journals, databases and e-books. Please take note of the terms and conditions of use of the respective publisher or supplier.
In general, the following applies:
It is fundamentally forbidden to systematically download or print e-books or large parts of e-books. Individual pages or chapters can be saved or printed out for personal use and for teaching and research purposes.
E-books may not be passed on to third parties in the form of printouts or downloads.
For further questions regarding e-books at the AAU library, please contact ebooks.bibliothek [at] aau.at.
If you are using e-books outside of the university, please check your browser settings for the proxy server. Please note that access to certain e-books (databases) is only permitted within the university campus.
In order to get a list of our e-book-holdings, filtered by subject, please click on one of the scientific-disciplines listed below
Beck online e-books
- The titles are also included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is permitted both to scholars and students upon registration of a personal Beck-online account (using the AAU email address). Click here for further information regarding the account registration.
The beck-online legal database of C.H. Beck publishing house contains commentaries, manuals and journals, as well as an extensive collection of legal texts from the fields of law and economic sciences.
Instructions to access the database on the following internet page.
With the term VPN mentioned in the description is meant the proxyserver. Please notice that you have to be connected through the proxyserver before registration as otherwise the button “Kostenlos registrieren” (Free registration) does not appear.
Beltz e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
E-books in the fields of “Psychology” and “Applied Psychology” of the Beltz publishing house were acquired. The titles can also be accessed directly via the platform “content select” (can be filtered by “access”: “only accessible content”, “media type”: “e-book” and then “publisher”: Beltz).
Bloomsbury e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
Until today e-books in the fields “Film and Media Studies”, “Literary Studies” and “Linguistics” of the Bloomsbury publishing house were acquired. The titles can be accessed via the portal Bloomsbury Collections.
Campus e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
Selected titles in the fields of history and social sciences have been licensed for the university library. These e-books can also be accessed directly via the platform “content select” (can be filtered by “access”: “only accessible content”, “media type”: “e-book” and then “publisher”: Campus).
Carl Hanser e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
Since the end of 2014, selected titles from the Carl Hanser publishing house in the fields of economic sciences and information technology have been available for the university library.
C.H. Beck e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
C.H. Beck e-books in the fields “Philosophy” and “Literature & Language” were purchased. The e-books can also be accessed directly in the C.H. Beck eLibrary.
De Gruyter e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
E-books in the fields media studies, cultural and social sciences from the De Gruyter publishing house are available via the platform De Gruyter Online.
This includes also titles from DeGruyter imprints and partner publishing houses, for example media, social and cultural sciences publications from the transcript publishing company.
Elsevier e-Books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
E-Books in the fields computer science, psychology and finance of the Elsevier publishing house were purchased. The titles can be accessed also via ScienceDirect.
Hueber grammar-bundles
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
The university library aquired several grammar-bundles (English, French, Spanish, Italian). The titles can be accessed via surf@ubk or the publishers-online-platform (top right corner in the box “Quick finder” > “meine eBooks”).
Klett-Cotta e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
E-books in the fields “psychotherapy”, “systemic psychotherapy” and “trauma” of the Klett-Cotta publishing house were acquired. The titles can be accessed directly via the platform “content select” (can be filtered by “access”: “only accessible content”, “media type”: “e-book” and then “publisher”: Klett-Cotta Verlag).
LexisNexis e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus (via Shibboleth-login) is permitted for employees of the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.
- Access off-campus for students is limited to 100 documents per week.
LexisNexis offers access to Austrian and European legal standards, Austrian decisions, commentaries, specialist books and specialist journals.
For authentification on the new platform Lexis360 the following steps are required:
- please choose “Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt” to get to the Shibboleth-login page
- login with your AAU account data
- accept the terms of use
Linde e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is permitted for students and employees at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt after logging in via Shibboleth (“Anmelden mit Institution”)
- For students the number of documents accessed off-campus is limited to 1.000 per month
Linde Digital is an online database of the Linde publishing house and consists of a range of content-related modules.
The university library has licensed following modules:
- “Tax & Economics”
- “Law”
- “International”
These modules include numerous reference books, journals, legal texts and commentaries.
You can watch an online-tutorial on how to use Linde Digital by clicking on this link.
Nomos e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
Via Nomos e-library, the university library offers access to selected individual titles in the fields of history and sociology. Moreover bundles in the fields “Media and Communications Science”, “Philosophy” and “Sociology” were purchased.
OECD iLibrary e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
The OECD iLibrary is the portal of online publications of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The portal offers access to studies, statistics, research papers, electronic journals and e-books published by the OECD.
Open access e-books
- The titles are partly included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (including for external users).
The complete e-book-collections of the OAPEN online library and the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) as well as selected titles from the Kubon & Sagner publishing house, the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the open access initiative Knowledge Unlatched are included in surf@ubk. Since 2023 the university library is financially supporting the open access-publishing company Open Book Publishers. You can find and access all OBP-titles via surf@ubk or the publisher’s online-platform.
Another interesting source for open access e-books is the FWF-E-Book-Library web page of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Freely accessible publications are constantly being added.
Psychosozial publishing company e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
E-books in the field “Psychotherapy” were acquired. The titles can be accessed also via the Nomos e-library.
RDB legal database: Commentaries and reference books
- The titles are partly included in surf@ubk.
- Off-campus access is permitted for AAU employees and students.
Instructions regarding registration and login can be found here.
The RDB legal database is an online product of the MANZ’sche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung GmbH and offers an exceptionally wide collection of specialist journals, commentaries and standards.
Routledge e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
English-language e-books in the fields “Psychology”, “Communication, Journalism, Media & Culture” and “Linguistics” of the Routledge publishing house were acquired. Furthermore, other titles from the fields of literature, communication and economic sciences were purchased.
Schattauer e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
E-books in the field “Psychotherapy” of the Schattauer publishing house were acquired. These titles can also be accessed directly via the platform “content select” (can be filtered by “access”: “only accessible content”, “media type”: “e-book” and then “publisher”: Schattauer).
Springer e-books (incl. lecture notes in computer science)
- The titles are included in surf@ubk
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt)
The AAU university library offers its users German-language e-books from the following subject areas:
- Economics (copyright years 2008 to 2024)
- Social sciences (copyright years 2008 to 2024)
- Psychology (copyright years 2017 to 2024)
- J.B. Metzler humanities (copyright years 2016 to 2024)
- Education (copyright years 2019 to 2024)
This includes among others the publishing houses Gabler, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften and DUV.
In addition, the university library offers access to the following English-language e-book bundles from the Springer publishing house:
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science (with the copyright years 2005 to 2024)
- Business and Economics (copyright year 2015)
- Business and Management (copyright year 2016 to 2024)
- Literature, Media and Culture (copyright year 2019)
- Behavioral Science & Psychology (copyright year 2019, 2022-2024)
The English-language e-book bundles also include titles from the Palgrave Macmillan publishing company.
Insofar as they have already been published, the e-books are made available for the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt and are accessible via SpringerLink. Please note that books new Springer e-books are imported in surf@ubk each month – this means that new titles are continually being made available. In total, as of the end of 2023, around 43.600 Springer titles are available for users of the university library.
You can find the e-books also via the platform SpringerLink – books that are not licensed by the library are marked with a yellow padlock.
Suhrkamp e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
E-books in the field “Cultural and Social Sciences” and “Philosophy” of the Suhrkamp publishing house were acquired. All titles can also be accessed directly via the platform “content select” (can be filtered by “access”: “only accessible content”, “media type”: “e-book” and then “publisher”: Suhrkamp).
Vahlen / UVK e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
Selected titles from the fields business administration and economics were licensed for the university library. These e-books are also available directly via the Beck e-library.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
Purchased titles comprise following fields: “Applied Psychology”, “Industrial and Organisational Psychology”, “Psychotherapy and Psychology”, “Systematics”, “Humanities” and “Literature and Linguistics”. All titles can also be accessed directly via the V&R eLibrary.
Verlag Österreich e-books
- The titles are included in surf@ubk
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt)
From copyright year 2021 e-books of the publishing house Verlag Österreich are available to the users of the University Library Klagenfurt.
WISO-Net e-books
- The titles are partly included in surf@ubk.
- Access off-campus is also permitted (exclusively for members of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt).
Within the WISO database, you have access to e-books mainly from the field of economic sciences. It includes titles form the publishing houses Duncker & Humblot, Redline, Rudolf Haufe and Rainer Hampp.
Other e-books
In addition to the publishing houses mentioned above, many titles from following publishers were purchased: John Benjamins Publishing, Brill, Ferdinand Schöningh, Franz Steiner, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, Peter Lang, Mohr-Siebeck, Morgan & Claypool, Narr, Oxford University Press, Pearson, Routledge, Sage, Tectum, Taylor & Francis, Wiley, UTB, Franz Steiner, Tectum, Schäffer-Poeschel, Hogrefe, World Scientific, Wilhelm Fink and Brepols. These titles can also be retrieved via surf@ubk.
Information for
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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
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