The works of Karl Popper and his library
The works found in this section of the Karl Popper Archives are included in the local online catalogue of the Klagenfurt University Library. Special features of particular editions such as dedications, hand-written notes or supplements are noted in the comments for the relevant catalogue entry.
The 650-volume collection comprises the different publications, editions and translations of the works of Karl Popper, including the master copies labelled ‘MC’ by the philosopher himself. Some of the individual volumes include detailed hand-written entries by Popper and/or typewritten addenda that have been pasted in. The annotations include corrections, improvements and addenda, opinions on critical comments made by other authors; some publications contain preparatory notes for the next edition. All of these notes document the typical working method pursued by Popper, and provide an insight into how he constantly built upon his fundamental ideas as part of a never-ending thought process.
Popper’s broad spectrum of interests and the international renown of his works is evident from the List of Publications that was most recently curated by Ms Melitta Mew, as well as from the Karl R. Popper bibliography by Manfred Lube (bibliography), which also lists secondary literature.
Correspondence, commentaries, notes and other materials found loose in books, periodicals or special prints are kept separately from the books as a collection of supplements. These supplementary materials are also listed in the online catalogue.
Works by Karl Popper
- 1.0 Gesammelte Werke
- 1.1 Logik der Forschung
- 1.2 The Open Society and its Enemies
- 1.3 The Poverty of Historicism
- 1.4 Conjectures and Refutations. The Scientific Quest
- 1.5 Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach
- 1.6 Unended Quest: An Intellectual Autobiography
- 1.7 The Self and its Brain
- 1.8 Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie
- 1.9 From the Postscript to the Logic of Scientific Discovery
- Realism and the Aim of Science
- The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism
- Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics
- 1.10 Offene Gesellschaft – Offenes Universum
- 1.11 Alles Leben ist Problemlösen: Über Erkenntnis, Geschichte und Politik
- 1.12 Collections of various texts
- 1.13 Contributions by Sir Karl Popper in books and periodicals
- 1.14 Studies by other authors about Sir Karl Popper’s work
- 1.15 Special prints of Popper’s essays
The Library of Karl Popper
- 2.1 Philosophy, logic
- 2.2 Life sciences
- 2.3 Politics, economics, social sciences
- 2.4 History
- 2.5 Miscellaneous
- 2.5.1 Psychology
- 2.5.2 Religion
- 2.5.3 Music
- 2.5.4 Art, antiquities
- 2.5.5 Classical literature
- 2.5.6 Travel, exploration, mountain climbing
- 2.5.7 Novels, stories, general literature, light reading
- 2.5.8 Books for children and young adults
- 2.5.9 Bibliophily
- 2.6 Law
- 2.7 Various
- 2.8 Reference works
- 2.9 Academic journals
- 2.10 Special prints by other authors
- 2.11 Universities, academies
Popper’s library comprises around 7500 volumes of monographic literature, several hundred issues of periodicals and a collection of special prints of essays by other authors.
In addition to the books with which Popper actually worked, this collection contains many dedicated copies and a number of books that he accumulated in his home over the course of his long life.
The layout of the library reflects the diversity of Popper’s interests and his broad-ranging reading habits.

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