The Karl Popper Archives
The Karl Popper Archives (KPA) manages the books, correspondence, manuscripts and other writings acquired from the philosopher’s estate in 1995, and makes them available for academic analysis.
Karl Popper copyright office
With effect from 1 October 2008, the rights to the works and correspondence of Karl Popper were transferred to the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt/Karl Popper Archives by the previous estate managers (The Estate of Karl Popper, Raymond and Melitta Mew, South Croydon, England). Since then, the Karl Popper Archives has been affiliated with the Karl Popper copyright office. All questions relating to translations and new editions of Karl Popper’s works must be referred to this office.
Contact Mag. Dr. Thomas Hainscho for requests and further information.
Email: popper [dot] copyright [at] aau [dot] at
Tel.: +43 (0)463 2700 6264
Regulations for use
The management and usage of the Karl Popper Archives is subject to the provisions of the regulations for use of the Klagenfurt University Library, which is published as Part F of the Statutes of Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt in the university bulletin.
Prior to June 2022, the KPA had been named the Karl Popper Collection.
Email: popper [dot] bibliothek [at] aau [dot] at
Mag. Dr. Thomas Hainscho
+43 463 2700-6264
Mag.ª Nicole Sager
+43 463 2700-9511
All usage agreements must be discussed in advance with Nicole Sager and Thomas Hainscho.

International personal bibliography of Karl R. Popper
Theory of science, social philosophy, logic, probability theory, life sciences.
Compiled by Manfred Lube. Since 2020, the bibliography is supplemented by Thomas Hainscho.
With thanks to David Miller for the fitting addition of literature on logic and from the Spanish-speaking world to the bibliography.
The entries regarding Persian translations of Karl R. Popper’s works, Persian translations of publications about Popper and published works about Popper by Iranian authors were provided by Dr. Malakeh Shahi Zadeh Anzabi.
(Version of: December 2024)
Publications from the Karl Popper Archives
- Lube, Manfred: A quantity of Books … Der Nachlaß von Sir Karl Popper in Klagenfurt.
In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare. 48 (1995), No. 3/4, p. 84–89 - Woschitz, Karin: Die Sammlung lebt
In: Unisono, 14 (2000/2001), No. 51, p. 36 - 100 Jahre Karl Popper
In: Unisono, 15 (2001/2002), No. 55, p. 28 - Lube, Manfred: Karl R. Popper: Die Bibliothek des Philosophen als Spiegel seines Lebens
In: Imprimatur. Ein Jahrbuch für Bücherfreunde. N.F. 18 (2003), p. 207–238 - Lube Manfred: Der Nachlaß des Philosophen Karl R. Popper als Sondersammlung in der Universitätsbibliothek Klagenfurt. Lecture: Conference on ‘Cooperation between Austrian and Slovene Libraries’, Maribor, university library, 13/05/2004.
In: Sodelovanje slovenskih in austrijskih knjižnic. Mednarodno posvetovanje, 13.-14.maj 2004. Maribor: Univerzitetna knjižnica, 2004. 29–46 - Lube, Manfred: Karl R. Popper-Bibliographie 1925–2004.
Theory of science, social philosophy, logic, probability theory, life sciences. Frankfurt/Main: P. Lang, 2005, 576 pages - Zellacher, Lydia: 10 Jahre Karl Popper-Sammlung (KPS).
In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare. No. 58 (2005), No. 2, p. 56–63

On Karl R. Popper and Critical Rationalism
- Austrian Karl Popper Research Association
- Das Niemann Web „Kritischer Rationalismus“
- Die Eichstätter Karl Popper-Seite
- The Critical Café
- The Critical Rationalist. A peer reviewed electronic journal
- The Hoover Institution Archives
- The Japan Popper Society
- The Karl Popper Web
- The Popper Newsletter Archive
Additional links
- Archives for Scientific Philosophy (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
- Research and Documentation Centre for Austrian Philosophy (Graz)
- Institut Wiener Kreis (Vienna)
- Philosophy Archive of the University of Konstanz

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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
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