Hörsaal 1, beleuchtet, ohne Studierende

A very good faculty-student ratio supporting the intense dialogue between teaching staff and students, characterised by mutual appreciation, a high quality aspiration in teaching and an internationally attractive range of studies distinguish the experience of studying at the University of Klagenfurt.

Mission Statement Teaching

Providing optimal education and mentoring for our students

The University of Klagenfurt is aware that the legal mandate regarding education through science is associated with a high level of responsibility. Ideally, our students will acquire profound scientific competencies, a critical attitude, a scientifically sharpened capacity for judgement as well as a strong sense of responsibility.

The University of Klagenfurt expects teaching staff to see themselves as companions of students in the teaching and learning process, but also as learners who seek to develop their own teaching at a high level of quality as a matter of course. The opportunity to enter into an intense and personal exchange with the students is highly appreciated and the feedback on student performance is deemed to be a cornerstone of successful progress in the acquisition of knowledge. For the teaching staff of the university, the diversity of the students is a precious resource and they are also receptive towards new formats of teaching and learning.

The teaching staff can expect students to perceive education as a chance which should be handled responsibly and in a resource-saving manner, to approach study offers with curiosity and active interest, to see themselves as the designers of their own degree programmes and to assume responsibility for the high-quality development of their studies.

The University of Klagenfurt strives to fullfill the legal mandate to educate through science in teaching (Section 3 (2) Universities Act) in the optimal way. The efforts aim at graduates acquiring profound scientific competencies, a critical attitude, a scientifically based sharpened reflectivity and judgement as well as a strong sense of responsibility. A high level of self-responsibility of students is expected. The guiding principle of all actions is the realisation of the Humboldtian ideal – the link between research and teaching.

In order to accomplish this goal, the members of the university align their actions to achieve a high quality in teaching and to further develop their teaching in terms of qualitative didactics and methodology. Quality and dedication in teaching is to be taken into account adequately with all personnel-related decisions. The guiding principle for the design of the scientific range of studies is a “future viability” – quite literally. This means above all the ability to be able to deal with conditions changing very quickly and with insecurities.

Starting with a broad education in the basics and methods, the range of studies is consistently adjusted to meet current and future challenges. All members of the university – teaching staff, learners and administrative personnel – are obligated equally and based on partnership to the goal of providing optimal education for our students. The common effort is shaped by fairness and mutual appreciation and respect.

Universities are appointed to serve scientific research and teaching. Research and teaching are closely linked with each other. Researchguided teaching is an essential feature of university teaching and is considered as a consistent principle. Research and teaching are equally important in the task fulfillment of universities. There is no reciprocal trade-off.

Teaching at the University of Klagenfurt is guided by the paradigm of the community of teaching staff and learners; teaching and learning is considered as a process, with teaching staff and students taking an active and equal part in it. Expecting a high degree of selfresponsibility, teaching staff see their task especially in mentoring students in their pursuit of knowledge and education in the optimal way. The conditions are convenient at the University of Klagenfurt because in almost all degree programmes there are good facultystudent ratios. Specifically, providing optimal mentoring for our students means

  • to assure a high-quality and individual counseling in all stages of the degree programmes,
  • to align courses with the principles of a dialogue, to encourage active participation in the teaching and learning process and being open for questions and suggestions,,
  • to adequately consider the variety of students regarding learning prerequisites and learning styles,,
  • to establish an open learning environment that is adequate to the scientific knowledge,,
  • to give students feedback about their achievements and – if appropriate with regard to the form of achievement – also about their strenghts and weaknesses,
  • to make learning goals, the expectations regarding learning activities of students and the exam performances transparent,
  • to prioritize the justified expectations of students when organizing the learning programme.

The University of Klagenfurt respects and protects the rights and freedoms of students. Students understand university education as a valuable good, as a chance to be dealt with responsibly and sustainably.

  • approach the range of courses with curiosity, active interest and a genuine willingness to occupy themselves intensively with the content,
  • use the guidance services provided by the university and familiarize themselves sufficiently with the framework of their degree programmes (curriculum, examination regulations etc.),
  • understand themselves as designers of their degree programmes and shape high-quality teaching,
  • participate actively in the dialogue about the high-quality development of teaching,,
  • join participative forms of teaching offers,
  • give the necessary feedback to teaching staff and other students.

The University of Klagenfurt feels reinforced in the assumption that in-person teaching enables an indispensible quality of teaching and learning – especially after the forced restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Teaching staff and learners use the good facultystudent ratio in almost all degree programmes in order to cultivate an intensive personal exchange. The convenient conditions for a direct exchange are a quality feature in teaching which is consistently used.

Nonetheless, innovative, espescially digital formats of teaching and learning are welcome. Different eLearning tools are seen as means to increase teaching quality and complement classroom formats didactically and/or raise the flexibility for students. The University of Klagenfurt stands for an open teaching and learning culture and is committed to eliminating barriers – if possible – and it supports the development of new teaching-learning forms and course types. Attendance-independent formats are – originating from the principle of providing optimal mentoring for our students – welcome.

The University of Klagenfurt understands diversity as gain. The diversity of the students due to various characteristics (origin, age, gender, educational background, with care responsibilities, professional activity …) is deemed as a chance to initiate educational processes and shape these in line with an open society. The members of the university show consideration for the diversity of students and their different conditions.

The number of employed students, students with care responsibilities and first academics at the University of Klagenfurt is significantly higher than the federal average. Equal opportunities in access to education are of great importance to the University of Klagenfurt. As such, it shows consideration to various prerequisites of students and creates favourable study conditions for them. These include especially

  • the development and support of attendance-independent teaching and learning formats, including the use of digital media as well as
  • special guidance and support services.

Internationality is a characteristic of universities and the international dialogue and exchange are essential conditions for high-quality teaching. For the University of Klagenfurt, internationality is also of particular importance due to the geographic location. Internationality in teaching has many dimensions. It starts with the alignment of the range of programmes and courses, which should also prepare graduates for an international and intercultural job market. In order to attract international students, the offer of degree programmes and courses taught in English – taking specific prerequisites and objectives of subjects into account – is continously increased. Students planning a study-related stay abroad are supported in the optimal way. A continuous quality assured expansion of the network of partner institutions opens a variety of possibilities for student experiences abroad. The university supports offers and actions facilitating international experiences on campus. An essential aspect of interntaionalisation in teaching is the support of cross-border exchanges of teaching and administrative staff.

Assuming that the mastering of complex problems requires an interdisciplinary approach, the University of Klagenfurt welcomes and supports interdisciplinary collaboration across the entire range of programmes and courses. The conditions for interdisciplinary collaboration at the University of Klagenfurt are favourable (campus university with short distances).

The University of Klagenfurt is aware of the high social responsibility stipulated by law. The university supports the dialogue with various players in the region and strives for a continuous development of a scientifically based exchange, for a realisation of equal opportunities regarding participation in education and for a stop or a permanent turn-around of the brain drain in Carinthia. A high-quality and attractive range of programmes and courses is an essential instrument in the process. In addition, the University of Klagenfurt stands for an open and liberal society; their members are consistently committed to providing help, tolerance, integration and the respect of human rights as well as standing up against discrimination, xenophobia, racism and any form of political extremism and totalitarism in teaching.

The University of Klagenfurt regards itself as a place of lifelong learning; continuing education is traditionally part of its strength. The University of Klagenfurt considers a quality-assured scientific further training as a profile-building part of the range of courses offered.

Services for Teaching Staff

Here you can find various forms of support provided by service organisations at the University of Klagenfurt, guided towards assisting teaching staff with the design of their individual teaching programmes.

Digital Guide for Teaching Staff

Good teaching lays the foundation for a successful experience of studying. The digital guide for teaching staff (only available in German) supports you as member of the teaching staff in your dedication to guarantee good teaching, offering diverse didactical tips, video clips and numerous (digital) tools.

eLearning and university didactics

On questions regarding course planning, didactical methods, examinations methods, eLearning tools, online exams and also in the area of video recordings, the team at CULT offers support in the CULT Knowledge Base.

Continuing education

The Staff Development team offers internal continuing education in the areas of didactics, organisation and communication or information technology.

Information about study law

The Office of Academic Affairs informs staff about the legal basis and about deadlines regarding teaching and courses.

Course feedback

The Quality Management Office supports you in the area of course feedback.

Mobility of teaching staff

As part of the European education program Erasmus+ mobil, teaching staff can visit other educational institutions. This is coordinated by the International Office.

Veranstaltungskategorie Berufungsvortrag

Awards for teaching staff

Teaching plays an fundamental role at the University of Klagenfurt, the awards for the teaching staff from our university speak for itself. Here you can find information about projects and awards:

  • Ars docendi
    Here you can find a list of projects, which received the Ars Docendi prize – the state award for good teaching.


The University of Klagenfurt conducts three surveys each year: the survey of students starting a degree at the University of Klagenfurt, the degree programme completion survey and the graduate survey.

The aim of the three in-house surveys is to generate relevant data to support university decision-makers – the rectorate, deans, programme directors and curriculum committees – with regard to quality assurance and the ongoing development of programmes and teaching.

Entering a degree programme is an important phase in the overall course of studies, as this is where the basic prerequisites for the success of the degree programme are established. This survey focuses on students who are embarking on a regular Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme (incl. teacher training) at the University of Klagenfurt in the respective academic year. In addition to gathering socio-demographic information, the survey addresses the motives for studying, satisfaction with the chosen degree programme, orientation at the beginning of the degree programme, the planned progression of the degree programme, support services and other relevant framework conditions (e.g. employment, care obligations).

Graduates of all (regular) Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral programmes are surveyed about their experience during their studies immediately after graduation. Their evaluation of the fields of teaching and studying represents an important source of information concerning the level of satisfaction with qualitative aspects and indicates starting points for possible improvements. The thematic focus of the survey is on the choice and duration of studies, organisational aspects and the course of the recently completed studies. In addition, the supervision of the final thesis, the professional situation and the attachment to the alma mater are also examined.

The graduate survey is directed at graduates of the University of Klagenfurt who completed their studies approximately three years ago. Core questions concern the successful completion of studies, the transition to employment and the attachment to the University of Klagenfurt. In addition to addressing socio-demographic aspects, the questions focus on the situation after graduation, the specifics of starting a career and the current professional situation. In addition, the university’s services for graduates (e.g. alumni card, alumni newsletter, events) are evaluated.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write to us at befragungen [at] aau [dot] at.

Universität Klagenfurt Haupteingang

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