University fees
To continue your programme of study, you have to pay the required university fees and student union fee every semester.
Payment deadlines
Winter semester: until 31 October
Summer semester: until 31 March
You will receive an e-mail with the payment details (recipient, IBAN, BIC, reference number) for the payment of the ÖH student union fees/tuition fees.
Information required for fee payments
- fee amount
- payment reference
can be found in your online student profile under “University fees for the current semester” (Studienbeitrag für das jeweilige Semester) and “Show University fee data” (Studienbeitragsdaten anzeigen). You can then transfer the payment using the payment method of your choice.
Information about university fees
How much are the university fees?
Students whose fee-free period has expired, or who are required to pay a fee due to their nationality or taking a non-degree programme, must pay university fees every semester.
University fees amount to EUR 363.36 per semester and EUR 726.72 per semester for third-country nationals. In addition to university fees, students also have to pay the student union fee plus insurance (EUR 24.70 per semester). This means that a total of EUR 388,06 or EUR 751,42 is due per semester.
Deadline for notification of continuation of studies:
Summersemester: 31 March
Wintersemester: 31 October
Who has to pay university fees?
You have to pay university fees if:
- your fee-free period (official length of study-programme + two additional semesters) has expired
- you have to pay fees because of your nationality
- you are taking a non-degree programme (attending individual classes or a programme connected with having an overseas qualification recognised)
Who is exempt from paying university fees?
The following degree students are entitled to a fee-free period* (official length of study-programme + two additional semesters**):
- EU/EEA citizens
- Students subject to an international agreement (e.g. Switzerland, Convention refugees) that gives them the same right to enter a profession as Austrian students
- Students with a residence permit that states “Long-term resident of the European Union” (Daueraufenthalt EU)
- Students who fall under the terms of the Austrian Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (Personengruppenverordnung)
- Non-EU/EEA citizens with a residence permit that states a term other than “Student” (Studierender)
- Students from Least Developed Countries can also study without having to pay a fee. (Detailed information, please see Webseite der OECD)
* How is the fee-free period defined?
The fee-free period is the official length of study-programme plus two additional semesters per programme of study or per study phase.
This means, for example, that:
The university fees for a six-semester Bachelor’s programme or six-semester Doctoral programme must be paid by the ninth semester; fees for a Master’s programme must be paid by the seventh semester.
** How is the number of semesters calculated?
The number of semesters is calculated by considering all registered semesters per programme of study. For some modes of study, additional semesters for preparatory study are also taken into consideration.
- For Doctoral programmes, all semesters with the same initial programme code are also added together, with the exception of the dissertation project. In case the initial programme code is “794” or “796”, all semesters with the same first and second programme code are considered.
- For Master’s degree programmes, only semesters with the same first and second programme code are considered.
- For Bachelor’s degree programmes, only semesters with the same first and second programme code are considered.
- For diploma curricula, semesters for preparatory study in the same department are also taken into consideration. For teacher training programmes, the calculation is made on the basis of the number of semesters per subject (including extension studies according to Section 54b and 54c of the Universities Act 2002).
- For extension studies according to Section 54a of the Universities Act 2002, all semesters with the same first and second programme code are considered.
University fee waivers
There are a number of reasons why university fees may be reimbursed or waived (e.g. childcare responsibilities/other similar care obligations). Check whether one of these circumstances applies to you and then submit the relevant application.
Both the “Waiver application” and ”University fee reimbursement application” must be submitted online, within a specific time frame, via the Student Portal under “My applications”.
Under what circumstances may a waiver be granted?
General grounds for a waiver
A waiver of university fees is to be granted to degree studens by fulfilling one of the following conditions:
- Mobility programmes
for degree students who can prove that they are taking programmes of study or practical training programmes as part of a transnational EU, state or university mobility programme (Section 92 para. 1 subpara. 1 of the Universities Act 2002). - Compulsory overseas study
for degree students who are completing programmes of study overseas to fulfil compulsory elements of their curriculum (Section 92 para. 1 subpara. 2 of the Universities Act 2002). - Co-operation agreement
for overseas degree students under Section 92 para. 1 subpara. 3 of the Universities Act 2002 whose foreign post-secondary educational institution has a partnership agreement in place with the Austrian university or universities which allows for the mutual waiver of university fees. - For overseas degree students
from the Least Developed Countries under Section 92 para. 1 subpara. 3a of the Universities Act 2002 according to the “DAC List of ODA Recipients” established by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organization for Economic Development and Collaboration (OECD).
Special grounds for a waiver
Fee-paying degree students may apply for a university fee waiver on special grounds by submitting an online application on the Student Portal under “My applications” within a set time frame.
One of the following criteria must apply:
- EU/EEA citizens
- Students subject to an international agreement (e.g. Convention refugees, Swiss nationals) that gives the same right to enter a profession as Austrian students
- Students with a residence permit that states “Long-term resident of the European Union” (Daueraufenthalt EU)
- Students who fall under the terms of the Austrian Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (Personengruppenverordnung)
- Non-EU/EEA citizens with a residence permit that states a term other than “Student” (Studierender)
- Illness/Pregnancy
You can apply for a waiver in this instance if your studies have been delayed by more than two months because of illness or pregnancy during a fee-bearing semester.
Evidence: Letter from a consultant
Upon providing the required evidence, the waiver can be applied to a maximum of two consecutive semesters. After the expiration of these two semesters another application is possible if a further waiver can be fulfilled. - Childcare / other similar care obligations
You can apply for a waiver in this instance if you are prevented from your studies because of caring for children of up to seven years of age or older if they start later to go to school or because of other similar care obligations during a fee-bearing semester.
Evidence of Childcare: the child’s and the student’s current residential registration certificates (the addresses given on each certificate must correspond and the certificates must not be older than one month), the child’s birth certificate and the student’s sworn declaration that he/she is the primary care of the child. Confirmation from the education authority if the child is starting school later than seven years of age.
Evidence of Care of relatives: confirmation of the level of care or medical confirmation about the need of care; proof of the degree of relationship and the student’s sworn declaration that she/he is the primary care of the relative.
Upon providing the required evidence, the waiver can be applied to a maximum of two consecutive semesters. After the expiration of these two semesters another application is possible if a further waiver can be fulfilled. - Disability
You can apply for a waiver in this instance if you are assigned a disability of at least 50%.
Evidence: Certificate of disability issued by the Federal Social Welfare office or confirmation of the level of care or medical confirmation.
Upon providing the required evidence, the waiver can be applied for the duration of your programme of study. This waiver may also apply to non-degree students. - Financial aid
You can apply for a waiver in this instance if you received financial aid in the previous semester or will receive it in the current semester in accordance with the Student Support Act 1992, Federal Law Gazette no 305/1992, in the current and valid version.
Evidence: Notification received from the financial aid office.
Upon providing the required evidence, the waiver can be applied to a maximum of two consecutive semesters. After the expiration of these two semesters another application is possible if a further waiver can be fulfilled.
The waiver of the tuition fee because of the employment status has been suspended per 30.06.2018 by the Constitutional Court.
Other grounds for a waiver set by the University of Klagenfurt
- Gifted students
Students nominated by the ÖAD Young Science and who have been admitted to the University of Klagenfurt to attend lectures and seminar courses as part of a non-degree programme, do not have to pay university fees for up to two semesters.
A further fee waiver may be applied upon successful completion of at least four semester hours (University bulletin dated 20 April 2005). - Outgoing Mobility
Degree students who have completed studies or work placements abroad during one or several semesters in compliance with § 92 para. 1 subpara. 1 of the Universities Act within the scope of transnational European, state- or university-run mobility programmes, and where the period abroad falls within the fee-exempt period of the respective degree programme shall, upon application, be exempted from tuition fees for the duration of the first semester following the end of the fee-exempt period of the respective degree programme. This type of tuition fee exemption may only be claimed once.
This only applies to instances of outgoing mobility which take place from the winter semester 2016/17 onwards. Please direct any inquiries to studienbeitrag [at] aau [dot] at.
Dates for applying for a fee waiver
The final dates for submitting an application are 31 October for the winter semester in question and 31 March for the summer semester.
Applications for a waiver of university fees can be made online in the Student Portal under “My applications” (Meine Anträge).
If you are unable to submit your application for a waiver of university fees by 31 October or 31 March, or should grounds for a waiver arise later in the semester, such as illness or childcare commitments, the student must pay the university fees in the first instance. It is, however, possible to submit a waiver application by the following 28/29 February for the winter semester and for the summer semester until the 30 September. This application must be accompanied by the evidence outlined above.
A student who obtains a waiver of university fees by wilfully providing incomplete or incorrect information with respect to material facts shall pay double the normal university fees.
Reimbursement of university fees
Applications for a fee reimbursement can only be submitted electronically via the Student Portal. You can access the “University fee reimbursement application” under “My applications”.
An application for a reimbursement of winter semester fees has to be submitted until the following 28/29 February, for the summer semester until the 30 September.
Students from third countries, who want to apply for reimbursement of study fees for outstanding academic achievements, see Reimbursement of university fees for students from third countries.
(1) You are entitled to claim a reimbursement if you have paid your fees and:
- have paid too much
- have paid the required university fees but have been unable to register as a continuing student due to late arrival
- have not paid the full fees and have therefore had your admission to the University of Klagenfurt revoked
- have paid the required university fees, however grounds for a waiver now arisen in that semester
- have paid the required university fees and have been confirmed as a non-fee paying student before 31 October of the respective winter semester or 31 March of the respective summer semester because of:
a) taking a degree that rolls over enrolment from the previous semester, meaning that no fee is payable for the current semester
b) taking a break in study as long as you have been registered as a continuing student for the previous semester
c) taking a break in study as long as you have sat no examinations or submitted no coursework for assessment during the current semester.
(2) If you are attending other universities at the same time, you must provide evidence in your reimbursement application that your admission on all fee-bearing programmes of study at these universities lapsed before 31 October of the respective winter semester or 31 March of the respective summer semester.
(3) You are not entitled to claim a reimbursement if you are receiving or have received a study allowance in accordance with Section 52c Student Support Act during the semester in question.
(4) If you were required to pay the student union fee but not university fees, you must submit your application for a reimbursement directly to the student union. The student union fees are not retained by the university. They are forwarded to the student union and will therefore be reimbursed by the student union.
Office responsible/Confirmation of application receipt
The fee reimbursement application is processed by the Admissions and Examinations Office. If your application meets the formal criteria, the Admissions and Examinations Office will forward your application to the Finance Office for the transfer to be made. The Finance Office will process the transfer.
You will receive an email confirming that your application is being processed. You can view the status of your application in the Student Portal.
Legal consequences/outcomes of your application:
If your application is successful, the university will transfer the amount to the account provided (IBAN/BIC).
If your application is unsuccessful, you will receive an email explaining the reason why the application was rejected.
(Information valid from: 07.06.2022)
Reimbursements of university fees for students from third countries
Regulations concerning university fees can be found in the Universities Act 2002, Austrian Federal Law Gazette I No 120/2002, in the valid version.

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan