Extending your period of study
Pursuant to Section 8 (2) Part B of the Statutes of the University of Klagenfurt, upon student request, the Rector of Academic Affairs “may” extend the deadline for the completion of a study programme “in cases of particular hardship”.
A “case of particular hardship” as laid down in Section 8 (2) Part B of the Statutes of the University of Klagenfurt shall only be deemed to exist, if, firstly, there is an “exceptional” reason, which prevents the timely completion of studies and if, secondly, this “exceptional” reason is of a temporary nature, not exceeding the duration of one semester at most.
For Masters´s degree programmes students must have an active supervision arrangement for the Master´s thesis (approved academic thesis – electronic application: Application for supervision of Master´s thesis).
An approval is only granted, if it appears likely that the degree programme will be completed within the requested period of one semester. An extension of the duration of study amounting to more than two semesters is excluded.
There is no legal entitlement to the granting of an extension of the duration of study.
General information and application deadlines
Applications requesting the extension of the duration of study must be submitted electronically (Student online account – My Applications).
Furthermore, all communication in this regard must be conducted exclusively through your university account.
The application to extend the duration of study must be received by the Office of Academic Affairs no later than three weeks prior to the expiry date. This means, if your degree programme ends on the 31st of March 2025, you must submit the electronic application to extend the duration of study no later than 24:00 hrs (midnight) on 10th March 2025.
If your degree programme is due to be discontinued and can no longer be studied after the 31st of October 2025, you must submit the electronic application no later than on 10th October 2025.
The earliest opportunity to submit an application is at the start of the final semester during the defined period of study. The extension applied for cannot exceed one semester. As study progress represents one of the criteria used when considering the request, we recommend that you submit your application just a few months before the deadline expires. A subsequent application requesting the extension by an additional semester can only be approved in exceptional circumstances, provided that you can provide evidence of significant progress in your studies.
Expiry date: Without exception, applications that arrive once the deadline has expired will not be processed.
Please note: Any supervision agreement in place for your Master or Diploma thesis will expire automatically when the period of study ends, and does not lead to the extension of the duration of study!
An extension of the duration of study does not mean, that students don´t have to pay the required university fees and student union fee.
Study period extensions
Guideline governing study period extensions for students enrolled in the Master’s degree programme in Information and Communications Engineering (ICE), UL 066 488, Version 15W, which is due to expire and can therefore only be studied until the 31st of March 2025.
Information about former study period extensions
The following Regulation on study period extensions apply to students enrolled in the Master`s degree programme in Business and Law (UL 066 909, Version 12W), which is due to be terminated an can therefore only be studied until the 31st of October 2025.
The following Regulation on study period extensions apply to students on the Bachelor´s degree programme in Applied Business Administration (Version 14W), which is due to be terminated and can therefore only be studied until 31st of March 2023.
The following Regulation on study period extensions apply to students on the Bachelor´s degree programme in Business and Law (Version 12W), which is due to be terminated and can therfore only be studied until 31st of March 2023.
The following Regulation on study period extensions apply to students on the Master´s degree programme in Applied Informatics (Version 13W) which is due to be terminated and can therefore only be studied until 30th of April 2022.
The following Regulations on study period extensions apply to students on the Master’s degree programme Information Technology (L 066 489, Version 06W) which is due to be terminated and can therefore only be studied until 30 November 2018.
The following Regulations on study period extensions apply to students on the Bachelor´s degree programme Applied Business Administration (L 033 518, Version 12W) which is due to be terminated and can therefore only be studied until 30 April 2019.
Electronic examination book
BA/MA programmes with an electronic examination book: A copy of the relevant examination book should be uploaded with your application.
MA programmes with and without an electronic examination book: For programmes that can be studied until 31st March 2025 , the statement from your supervisor should be received by 10th March 2025 at the latest in electronic format. A statement from your supervisor (in electronic format) on the current status of your Master’s dissertation should be received by 10th October 2025 at the latest, if the programmes can be studied until 31st October 2025.
MA programmes without an electronic examination book: Provisional submission forms and a statement from your supervisor on the current status of your Master’s dissertation should be uploaded with your application. The time frames mentioned above also apply.
Competent authority/certification
If the Rector of Academic Affairs approves the application for an extension of the duration of study, the details recorded on your online student card will be updated automatically.
Legal consequences/ramifications
In the event that an application for an extension of the duration of study is approved, you are entitled to continue and to conclude your studies until the end of the stipulated period.
If the defined deadline coincides with winter semester, the studies are considered to have been properly concluded provided that all academic achievements required according to the curriculum have received a positive grade no later than the 31st of March in the next year.
If the deadline coincides with summer semester, the studies are considered to have been properly concluded provided that all academic achievements required according to the curriculum have received a positive grade no later than the 31st of October in the same year.
A leave of absence does not prolong the duration of study.
Regulations on study period extensions for students on the Bachelor´s degree programme in Applied Business Administration (L 033 518, Version 12W)
In accordance with § 8 para. 2 Part B of the AAU University Statutes, an extension of the period of study can only be approved in “cases of particular hardship”. This is the case if an “exceptional” reason of a temporary nature prevents the timely completion of studies (e.g., military, training or community service; pregnancy; illness, which verifiably interrupts study progress; childcare responsibilities, or other similar responsibilities to care for dependents; completion of a voluntary social service year).
Employment is not considered to be a case of particular hardship unless it has a specific, short-term impact.
The approval of a study period extension can only be granted for one semester. A further (second) semesters may be approved, if the student can demonstrate significant academic progress. An extension for a third or fourth semester will not be approved under any circumstances.
- The application must be submitted electronically (student online account – My Applications).
- Credible evidence demonstrating reasonable grounds for an extension should be provided.
- The application must be received no later than 24:00 hrs (midnight) on the 9th of April 2019, (please note the expiry date: Applications received after the deadline will not be considered under any circumstances).
- The electronic examination book (ePB) must be at least 80%
- Extensions to the period of study will only be granted if all of the requirements listed above have been met in full.
- The university is not legally required to grant an extension to a student’s study period.
- Please note: In order to ensure that you can complete your studies within the stipulated deadline, the electronic examination book (ePB = degree of completion 100%) must be submitted in a timely manner (approx. three weeks prior to the termination date indicated on the data sheet of the course) to allow the necessary time for the formal review process.
As of: 26.07.2018
Regulations on study period extensions for students on the Master’s degree programme Information Technology (L 066 489, Version 06W)
In accordance with § 8 para. 2 Part B of the AAU University Statutes, an extension of the period of study can only be approved in “cases of particular hardship”. This is the case if an “exceptional” reason of a temporary nature prevents the timely completion of studies (e.g., military, training or community service; pregnancy; illness, which verifiably interrupts study progress; childcare responsibilities, or other similar responsibilities to care for dependents; completion of a voluntary social service year).
Employment is not considered to be a case of particular hardship unless it has a specific, short-term impact.
The approval of a study period extension can only be granted for one semester. A further (second) semesters may be approved, if the student can demonstrate significant academic progress. An extension for a third or fourth semester will not be approved under any circumstances.
- The application must be submitted electronically (student online account – My Applications).
- Credible evidence demonstrating reasonable grounds for an extension should be provided.
- The application must be received no later than 24:00 hrs (midnight) on the 9th of November 2018. (Please note the expiry date: Applications received after the deadline will not be considered under any circumstances)
- The electronic examination book (ePB) must be at least 65% complete. At the time of lodging the application the courses remaining to be completed must not exceed 18 ECTS credits and the student must have an active supervision arrangement for the Master’s thesis (electronic application: Application for supervision of Master’s thesis).
By submitting your application, you formally confirm that you meet these prerequisites.
- Please note that the supervisor is granted a period of two months from the date of submission to assess the Master’s thesis. We recommend that you take this into consideration when planning your schedule.
- Extensions to the period of study will only be granted if all of the requirements listed above have been met in full.
- The university is not legally required to grant an extension to a student’s study period.
As of: 25.07.2018
Regulations on study period extensions for students on the Master’s degree programme in Applied Informatics (version 13W)
governing study period extensions for students enrolled in the Master’s degree programme in Applied Informatics (version 13W), which is due to be terminated and can therefore only be studied until the 30th of April 2022.
In accordance with § 8 para. 2 Part B of the AAU University Statutes, an extension of the period of study can only be approved in “cases of particular hardship”. This is the case if an “exceptional” reason of a temporary nature prevents the timely completion of studies (e.g., military, training or community service; pregnancy; illness, which verifiably interrupts study progress; childcare responsibilities, or other similar responsibilities to care for dependants; completion of a voluntary social service year).
Employment is not considered to be a case of particular hardship unless it has a specific, short-term impact.
The approval of a study period extension can only be granted for one semester. A further (second) semesters may be approved, if the student can demonstrate significant academic progress. An extension for a third or fourth semester will not be approved under any circumstances.
• The application must be submitted electronically (student online account – My Applications).
• Credible evidence demonstrating reasonable grounds for an extension should be provided.
• The application must be received no later than 24:00 hrs (midnight) on the 9th of April 2022. (Please note the expiry date: Applications received after the deadline will not be considered under any circumstances)
• The electronic examination book (ePB) must be at least 80% complete.
• At the time of lodging the application no more than three courses as well as the final oral comprehensive examination by committee may be outstanding. The student must have an active supervision arrangement for the Master’s thesis (electronic application: Application for supervision of Master’s thesis).
By submitting your application, you formally confirm that you meet these prerequisites.
• Please note that the supervisor is granted a period of two months from the date of submission to assess the Master’s thesis. We recommend that you take this into consideration when planning your schedule.
• Extensions to the period of study will only be granted if all of the requirements listed above have been met in full.
• The university is not legally required to grant an extension to a student’s study period.
• It is expressly pointed out that in the case of the provision of incorrect information, the extension of period of study is deemed not to have been granted and the student will be subject to the new curriculum retroactively (from the summer semester 2022).

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan