Examination dates
Examination resits
Re-taking negatively assessed examinations first attempted from the 1st of October 2011 onward
If the first attempt to take the examination occurred after the 30th of September 2011, negatively assessed examinations, which are conducted in the form of a single examination act, can be re-taken three times (§ 77 para. 2 UA), which means that the total number of attempts permitted is four.
Upon application by the student the second attempt to re-take a negatively assessed examination shall be conducted as examination by an examination board. Examination by examination board is obligatory in any case for the third attempt (§ 77 para. 3 UA and § 15 para. 1 University Charter Part B).
If the student has received a negative assessment for a course with continuous assessment, the student shall repeat the entire course. Students can repeat negatively assessed courses with continuous assessment up to three times.
If the student fails all examinations, including the third and final attempt to re-take, the student’s admission is annulled to all degree programmes in which the course in question is listed as compulsory course in the curriculum (§ 68 para. 1 subpara. 3 UA). The renewed admission to these degree programmes at the University of Klagenfurt shall be excluded (§ 63 para. 7 UA).
Re-taking negatively assessed examinations first attempted before the 1st of October 2011
If the first attempt to take the examination occurred before the 1st of October 2011, negatively assessed examinations, which are conducted in the form of a single examination act, can be re-taken four times, which means that the total number of attempts permitted is five (§ 15 para. 1 Part B in the version as published in the University Bulletin dated the 7th of October 2009, Issue 1, No. 4, Appendix 2 in combination with § 24 para. 5 University Charter Part B).
Upon application by the student the second attempt to re-take a negatively assessed examination shall be conducted as examination by an examination board. Examination by examination board is obligatory in any case for the third and the fourth attempt (§ 15 para. 1 Part B in the version as published in the University Bulletin dated the 7th of October 2009, Issue 1, No. 4, Appendix 2 in combination with § 24 para. 5 University Charter Part B).
If the student has received a negative assessment for a course with continuous assessment, the student shall repeat the entire course. Students can repeat negatively assessed courses with continuous assessment up to four times.
If the student fails all examinations, including the fourth and final attempt to re-take, the student’s admission is annulled to all degree programmes in which the course in question is listed as compulsory course in the curriculum (§ 68 para. 1 subpara. 3 UA). The renewed admission to these degree programmes at the University of Klagenfurt shall be excluded (§ 63 para. 7 UA).
Re-taking negatively assessed examinations required within the scope of the University Entrance Qualification Examination
Negatively assessed examinations, which are part of the University Entrance Qualification Examination, can be re-taken twice. The final permissible attempt must be conducted as examination by examination board. After failing the final permissible attempt, the student shall be excluded from any further attempts to take the university entrance qualification examination for this field of study at the university concerned (§ 64a para.12 UA).
Re-taking a positively assessed examination
1. Deadlines for re-taking the examination
The examination may only be re-taken within 12 months following the passed examination. If the degree programme is concluded before the 12-month deadline expires, an attempt to re-take the examination after the completion of the degree programme shall be excluded. With regard to the different types of courses, the 12-month deadline shall be calculated as follows:
a. Course examination or modular examination or comprehensive examination
The statutory period ends 12 months after the original examination.
Example: Examination on 15.12.2017
Provided that the student’s admission remains active, a re-take of the examination within the same degree programme is admissible up to 15.12.2018. A re-take at a later date is not admissible.
b. Courses with continuous assessment (this includes all types of courses, such as PS, KU, SE, but excludes lecture courses)
Example: Final assessment on 15.12.2017
In the case of courses with continuous assessment, the first session of the course to be repeated must lie within the stated 12-month period. In the above case, students may register for a course taking place in the summer semester of 2018 or, at the very latest, in the winter semester of 2018. This course must be completed within the same degree programme.
2. Effect of re-taking a passed examination
The repeat attempt to take an examination renders the original examination null and void. Specifically, this means that, without exception, the grade awarded for the examination completed most recently shall be the valid grade – this also applies in cases where the student receives a worse grade for the re-taken examination than for the original examination.
The positively graded course with continuous assessment is rendered null and void as soon as the first session has commenced, which is relevant for the assessment of the course.
3. Effect of re-taking a passed examination outside the deadline
If an examination is re-taken outside the deadlines listed in point 1 above, it shall be deemed null and void. Specifically, this means that, without exception, the assessment of the examination completed earlier shall remain valid.
Re-Taking Examinations: General Information
Counting the number of examination attempts
All attempts to re-take an examination in the same examination subject in all relevant degree programmes at the University of Klagenfurt must be considered when calculating the total number of permissible attempts (§ 77 para. 2 2nd sentence UA); see course chain (German: LV-Kette) as depicted on the course information sheet.
Examination mode
The same examination mode (oral or written examination) shall apply to all repetitions of the examination.
In the event that an examination is conducted in a single act using the multiple-choice method, students are entitled to take the last permissible re-take of the exam for which they have received a negative assessment as an oral exam. This switch to a different examination method is contingent upon a formal request, which must be submitted at the time of registering for the exam (§ 15 para. 3a Part B University Statutes).
Comprehensive examinations
Comprehensive examinations must be repeated in their entirety, if more than half of the subjects were assessed negatively. In all other cases, the part to be re-taken is limited to the negatively assessed subjects (§ 15 para. 2 University Charter Part B).
Resitting examinations that take place before a committee
Procedure for the registration to re-take an examination conducted by examination board
In principle, written repeat examinations conducted by examination board are scheduled to coincide with regular examination dates. The possible dates are therefore predefined as the regular examination dates announced previously.
According to § 15 para 3a University Charter Part B the students have the right to change the method of examination to an oral examination at the last re-taken of the exam, if the exam is an multiple choice test. This change in the method of examination requires a request (to be made on the occasion of the application for examination).
- When registering for the examination in ZEUS, the student in question receives the information that the examination has to be conducted by an examination board. He/she is further instructed to complete the form Application for Admission to Re-take an Examination before an Examination Board” and to submit this form to the Programme Director no later than two weeks before the examination date.
- In line with the department’s suggestion, the Programme Director assembles the examination board and records the authorisation on the form.
- For the third attempt to re-take an examination, the Rector for Academic Affairs is included as a member of the examination board and shall act as chairperson. It is also advisable to nominate the course lecturer as a member of the examination board.
- Following the approval of the admission application, the Programme Director informs the student and the members of the examination board.
- The student attends the examination, bringing a copy of the approved application with him/her. The student must present this form, in order to be permitted to take the examination. If the student takes the examination regardless of not being able to present the form, the attempt is not assessed, and no grade is recorded (especially no positive grade).
- In the case of electronic examinations, students must contact the Center for University Learning and Teaching (CULT) no later than two weeks before the date of the examination or, respectively, two weeks before the examination week, and should also register their need for a loan device, if required. Students must bring their copy of the approved application to the examination and must present this to the members of the CULT-team, who shall then formally register the students for the examination.
- The chairperson of the examination board forwards the examination record to the Admissions Office.
- The Admissions Office is responsible for recording the grade in ZEUS.
Do you have any questions about the regulations for resitting examinations?
Please contact the
Office of Academic Affairs
Telephone: +43 463 1006
E-mail: stud_re [at] aau [dot] at
Annulling a failed examination
If maladministration is suspected in the conduct of an examination that was subsequently failed, the Rector of Studies/Vice Rector of Studies may decide to annul this examination upon receiving an application from the student. The application must be made within 14 days of receiving your results (Section 79 Para. 1 of the Universities Act 2002). Circumstances that could be considered serious maladministration in the conduct of an examination include failing to assess an examination in accordance with ZEUS examination criteria and standards (Section 59 Para. 6 of the Universities Act 2002 and Section 10 Para. 6 of the AAUK Constitution Part B).
Application for alternative examination arrangements
When you register for an exam, you may apply to sit the examination in a format other than one of those listed in the programme curriculum. You must provide evidence of an disability that would prevent you from sitting the exam in the usual format and the alternative arrangement should have no negative impact on the content or requirements of the examination (Section 59 Para. 1 Clause 12 of the Universities Act 2002). If the registration or application for alternative exam arrangements is not accepted, the Rector of Studies/Vice Rector of Studies will confirm this upon the request of the student and after consultation with the relevant programme director.
Applications should be made in writing (without an application form) to the Office of Academic Affairs.
Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan