Support grant
Degree programme students at the University of Klagenfurt can receive support grants to support them when completing coursework such as a Diploma, Master’s or Doctoral dissertation.
The aim of the support grant is to provide financial aid for final projects and dissertations that involve an above-average financial outlay.
Call for applications 2024
Application periods:
From 8th April up to and including 26th April 2024
From 7th October up to and including 25th October 2024
Only online applications will be accepted: ulrike.eder [at] aau [dot] at.
Contact details:
Room: Z.1.23
Telephone: +43 463 2700 1006
No further applications can be accepted once the application deadline has passed.
Legal requirements for foreign nationals of equal status and stateless persons.
The text of the law as promulgated in the applicable version in the German language shall be the only legally binding version.
Please note the frequently asked questions.
FAQs about the support grant
What kinds of coursework are eligible for a support grant?
The application for the award of a need-based scholarship can only be submitted for academic theses yet to be completed. The application must be accompanied by evidence that the academic thesis is associated with above-average financial costs. These must be declared in a detailed cost estimate (= breakdown of the costs of the project). The plausibility of the cost estimate must be confirmed by the supervisor. Furthermore, the applicants are required to state whether funding has been requested from any other bodies.
When planning your project and the related costs please pay attention to the deadline for the submission of the final report!
Final report: The applicant is obliged to submit a report detailing the proper use of the need-based scholarship together with original invoices equalling the amount of the scholarship provided no later than three months after completion and submission of the academic thesis in question. In any case the report must be submitted within 1 year in the case of Diploma and Master’s thesis respectively within 2 years in the case of Doctoral thesis. 25 % of the approved scholarship will be retained until the submission of the final report incl. invoices.
Please note the following:
- Cost deviations: Should the report and the invoices deviate from the original cost estimate, the scholarship recipient must provide a coherent explanation for this deviation. Moreover, in the case of such deviations, a duly reasoned statement by the supervisor must also be provided.
- Repayment of unused funds: If the actual costs incurred are lower than the costs initially estimated, the difference must be repaid or the retained 25 % of the promised scholarship will be reduced accordingly.
- Loss of documentary evidence/invoices: In the case that an individual invoice is lost, the student must provide a plausible explanation. In certain cases, a repayment may be waived.
- Failure to comply with the reporting obligation: In the event of non-compliance or insufficient fulfilment of the obligation to report (e.g. incomplete or incorrect information, missing invoices) the full scholarship amount must be repaid.
Calculation of the eligibility period according to COVID-19-Studienförderungsverordnung
For the calculation of the eligibility period the summersemester 2020 is not taken into account (§ 3 para. 1 COVID-19-Regulation on Student Support/COVID-19-Studienförderungsverordnung – C-StudFV).
Which costs may be covered by the scholarship?
Eligible costs (between € 750,– and € 3.600,–) include:
- Travel- and accommodation costs and congress fees for participating at subject-relevant professional conferences or congresses
- Costs of obtaining literature: specialist literature and relevant technical journals, articles and essays, which are not available in the university library Klagenfurt, via inter-library loan services or online
- Costs of empirical investigations
- Travel- and accommodation costs of a research visit
- Travel costs: The costs of second class rail tickets and economy class flights; costs of public transport (e.g. to travel to the train station or airport, or – in the case of research visits – to reach local interview partners, libraries, research institutions, etc.)- Please note: There is no eligibility to receive the official mileage rate!
- Accommodation costs in line with the appropriate regional level (overnight hotel accommodation excluding all meals; invoice required)
Which costs are not covered?
The followings types of costs are not eligible:
- Living expenses (e.g. bills for food or restaurants)
- Per diems (this also applies abroad), overnight stays without invoice
- Costs of using a privately-owned vehicle – Exception: If journeys to locations that are hard/impossible to reach by public transport can only be made with the use of a privately-owned vehicle, accurate journey records must be kept (submission of a driver’s logbook). The applicant must provide a separate statement justifying the need, and the supervisor must confirm this. In this case, too, travel costs are reimbursed on the basis of the (fictitious) cost of a second class rail ticket
- Carpooling with private individuals
- Continued rental payments (during a period spent abroad)
- The acquisition of books or journals that can be obtained from Klagenfurt university library, from one of the university’s departments, through inter-library loan services or online
- Travel costs for the journey from the place of residence to the place of study
- Office materials
- Acquisition costs for items with a service life of several years, which remain the property of the scholarship recipient (e.g. laptop, PC, tablet computer, printer, camera, Dictaphone, suitcase; for possible exceptions see below)
- Printing and binding of the academic thesis
- Provider or online fees for the use of private Internet services for the purpose of studying
- Mobile phone or telephone charges
- Costs of professional proofreading
- Costs for Publication
Which costs are definitely covered?
The following types of costs can only be supported to a limited extent:
- Hard- and software (only if a specific explanation is provided by the supervisor justifying the purchase)
- Rental costs in the case of a research visit lasting a longer period (provision of an official rental contract)
- Copies (special justification required), e.g. a survey based on questionnaires (applicants must attach a sample questionnaire to the application); copies of relevant subject-specific specialist literature that is required urgently, but is not available through loan services.
When is the decision made on support grant awards?
The applicants will be informed of the result by e-mail as soon as the applications have been examined and the decision has been made (by the end of January 2023 at the latest).
Before this date, we kindly ask you to refrain from making inquiries by phone or e-mail regarding the decision.

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan