Sechs Studierende sitzen auf einem Sofa und Stühlen in der Aula und trinken Kaffee.

Space to live, learn and grow

Studying technology at the University of Klagenfurt

Research and teaching excellence is what sets the University of Klagenfurt’s technology programmes apart. Established in 2007, the Faculty of Technical Sciences prides itself on its exceptional student-supervisor relationships, which facilitate continuous, profitable exchange between tutors and students at all levels. Our technology programmes, which have a large practical component and focus on our key strengths (e.g. Informatics, Information Technology and Technical Mathematics), open up a world of opportunities for our students. And if you decide to take a Joint or Double Degree, you can also gain new experience overseas by taking a semester abroad or attending a summer school.

Programmes offered | Social media & news | Preparing for your programme | Programme benefits | Information & advice | New students | Scholarships & Grants | Study abroad | Student life | Careers


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Offered courses

There are 5 Bachelor’s degree programmes, 8 Master’s degree programmes, several teacher training programmes and 3 Doctoral programmes to choose from.

Bachelor’s programmes

Studieren an der AAU

The Bachelor’s degree programme Applied Informatics creates the best conditions for your personal career by developing the technologies of the future in a practice-oriented manner. Students can specialize in different subjects, e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Multimedia Systems or Cyber ​​Security.

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The degree programme Information Technology deals with innovative and future-oriented topics, such as robotics, drone research, autonomous driving or innovative sensors. Develop promising technologies during your studies and work closely with renowned companies!

The branch of study Engineering provides students with the Natural Sciences and Engineering knowledge required for innovations in information technology. Particular emphasis is placed on in-depth study and the opportunity to specialise in specific areas of Engineering. During the course of their studies, students complete practical laboratory experiments to reinforce their technical expertise in selected topics.

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The degree programme Information Technology deals with innovative and future-oriented topics, such as robotics, drone research, autonomous driving or innovative sensors. Develop promising technologies during your studies and work closely with renowned companies!

The branch of study Business Engineering provides students with knowledge of different branches of technology and methodological expertise in the field of economics. In view of the current requirements of the increasingly interdependent and international fields of production and service management, there is particularly high demand for the interdisciplinary skills possessed by business engineers to handle business-related issues and technical problems in a consistent and integrative manner. Business engineers distinguish themselves through their honed communicative skills and a strong willingness to cooperate.

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Management Information Systems is a degree programme with a special something! The programme combines content and knowledge of computer science and business administration. Become a pioneer of the future and shape the digital technologies of the future!
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Design your optimal career model by studying Technical Mathematics! During your studies, you use your creativity to best describe and solve complex and difficult problems from business and science.

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Study our English-language Bachelor’s degree programme in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence and gain all the tools and skills you need to bring hardware and software together in perfect harmony.

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Master’s degree programmes

Studierende vor einem Laptop in der Aula

The MSc in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity is a highly focused program, which is taught entirely in English, that enables students to concentrate on the core subjects of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity (and their intersection) with an additional emphasis on the social, ethical, and legal aspects that arise in practice. The programme is run jointly (as a “double degree programme”) with the University of Udine. Students from the Universities of Klagenfurt and Udine will be able to collaborate in lectures (delivered online) and projects.

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The Master in Informatics is offered in English and creates the best conditions for your personal career by developing the technologies of the future in a practice-oriented manner. Students can specialize in one subject: Artificial Intelligence, Business Information Systems, Data Science and Engineering, Distributed System, Human-Computer Interaction, Information and System Security, Multimedia Systems or Software Engineering. Students are encouraged to complete a suitable internship (project), in order to test, apply and expand the acquired expertise and knowledge in a practical setting. Graduates are qualified to manage complex software development projects, to define novel problem solutions, and to develop the concepts, methods, and tools of Informatics or one of the areas of application in a focused manner.

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The Master in Information and Communications Engineering is international in its orientation and is taught entirely in English. The programme focuses on innovative and future-oriented topics, such as robotics, drone research, autonomous driving or innovative sensors. Three branches of study are offered to allow students to gain in-depth qualifications for the development and use of modern information and communication technologies. To reinforce the practical and research experience as well as the problem-solving skills, students can complete a practical placement as part of the elective subject “Soft Skills”. Graduates of the Master’s degree programme are qualified for a wide range of professional activities, for instance in the development or product management for technical systems.

The branch of study Autonomous Systems and Robotics serves to provide an academic education and qualification for professional activities in the development and operation of autonomous systems, which interact with their environment through mechatronic components, as well as covering the required scientific insights and methods. The course content encompasses both sound theoretical principles and practically relevant methodology. In addition, the degree programme offers opportunities to acquire skills in areas of specialisation, for instance in the fields of autonomous robotics, driving assistance systems, self-driving vehicles, networked sensor and actuator technology, networked control technology and intelligent production systems.

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The Master in Information and Communications Engineering is international in its orientation and is taught entirely in English. The programme focuses on innovative and future-oriented topics, such as robotics, drone research, autonomous driving or innovative sensors. Three branches of study are offered to allow students to gain in-depth qualifications for the development and use of modern information and communication technologies. To reinforce the practical and research experience as well as the problem-solving skills, students can complete a practical placement as part of the elective subject “Soft Skills”. Graduates of the Master’s degree programme are qualified for a wide range of professional activities, for instance in the development or product management for technical systems.

The branch of study Networks and Communications serves to provide an academic education and qualification for professional activities in the development and operation of modern information and communication technologies, which require the application of scientific insights and methods.

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The Master in Information and Communications Engineering is international in its orientation and is taught entirely in English. The programme focuses on innovative and future-oriented topics, such as robotics, drone research, autonomous driving or innovative sensors. Three branches of study are offered to allow students to gain in-depth qualifications for the development and use of modern information and communication technologies. To reinforce the practical and research experience as well as the problem-solving skills, students can complete a practical placement as part of the elective subject “Soft Skills”. Graduates of the Master’s degree programme are qualified for a wide range of professional activities, for instance in the development or product management for technical systems.

The branch of study Business Engineering serves to provide an academic education and qualification for professional activities which require the blending of technical and economic expertise. The programme content focuses particularly on the application and implementation of scientific insights and methods, with an emphasis on integrated thinking when analysing problems and when developing solutions for challenges in the sphere of economic and business.

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The Master in Information Management is offered entirely in English and comprises elements from the field of Informatics and from Business Administration. Students reinforce their business expertise within the focus area Business Administration, and expand their knowledge in one of the specialisations from the fields of Informatics, Information Systems, and Information Management. During the course of the Master’s degree programme, students can complete a relevant practical placement or a practical project, with a minimum duration of 10 weeks and worth a total of 15 ECTS credits. Students completing the Master’s degree programme Information Management learn how to develop information technology solutions from the business administration perspective, and to apply these in the practical setting.

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The English-language master’s program „Game Studies and Engineering“ is an interdisciplinary course that deals with the technical as well as the analytical and ethical aspects of video and other games. Dedicated teachers and bottom-up teaching methods motivate students to concentrate fully on the study of games, their development and their production.

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Design your optimal career model by studying Mathematics and use your creativity to best describe and solve complex and difficult problems! The Master in Mathematics teaches students advanced and in-depth knowledge and skills in the field of (Applied) Mathematics and Statistics. The language of instruction is English. Specializations are possible in Applied Analysis, Applied Statistics or Discrete Mathematics. Practical training represents the core of the Master in Mathematics. There is a pronounced practical relevance thanks to the extension subjects Informatics and Information and Communications Engineering. Graduates will be able to abstract problems that arise in practice, to subsequently formulate mathematical models, to address this using the techniques they have learned and to discuss the resulting solutions in an interdisciplinary context.

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The English-language Master Media and Convergence Management study program focuses on the areas of technical, media, content and cross-industry convergence and prepares you for an international career in these areas. The course provides you with the interdisciplinary skills you need to understand media convergence and master digital challenges competently.

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Whether digitalization, energy transition, medicine or bioeconomy – scientific and technical innovations are closely linked to social developments. In the Master’s degree programme in Science, Technology and Society Studies, you will learn to look at the mutual relationships between science, technology and other areas of social activity such as business, politics or the media from new perspectives.

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Teacher training programmes

*These degree programmes involve the mandatory combination of two teaching subjects. Further information: www.aau.at/lehramt-studieren

Studierende am Campus der Universität Klagenfurt

Do you want to become a teacher?

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Do you want to become a teacher?

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Do you want to become a teacher?

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Do you want to become a teacher?

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Doctoral programmes

Gruppe von Studierenden sitzen vor dem Haupteingang der Universität Klagenfurt
Studierende in der Aula der Universität Klagenfurt

Programmes with outstanding benefits

In addition to obtaining a broad foundation in your field, as a student studying a technical degree programme at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, you will also benefit from:

  • exceptional, one-on-one supervision
  • continuous exchange between tutors and students at the very cutting edge of research
  • the faculty’s close links with the Lakeside Labs GmbH research institution
  • strongly application-oriented course content
  • countless opportunities for gaining hands-on, practical experience
  • access to many international cooperation projects and research partners
  • an approach that values “quality over quantity”
  • excellent future prospects!

students studying a technology subject


technical science departments


co-operation partners in technical sciences


partner universities specialising in technical sciences

Information for students

Studierende im PC-Raum

Code of Conduct of the Faculty of Technical Sciences

The University of Klagenfurt is a place of learning, teaching, research and work. The Faculty of Technical Sciences promotes respectful interaction between university members and does not tolerate any form of discrimination.

Technology preparation courses

Are you already fit in computer science and / or mathematics? If not, then refresh your knowledge and attend a preparation course with other first-year students. The course will be credited to your studies.

What is a preparation course?

Preparation courses are intensive courses in specific subjects before or at the beginning of your studies and are credited as a free elective course. They also serve as preparation for your studies and are voluntary and free of charge.

What for?

  • Existing knowledge can be refreshed and deepened (e.g. basic subjects such as mathematics and programming)
  • Preparation courses prepare students for the requirements of university studies and make it easier for them to start studying
  • Opportunity to make new contacts

For whom?

Recommended especially for first-year students who want to deepen or broaden their basic knowledge in the basic subjects computer science and mathematics.


311.301 Elementare Mathematik (offered only in the winter semester)
621.915 Basiskompetenzen: Propädeutikum zur Programmierung
311.302 Elementare Statistik (offered only in the summer semester)

Courses for students with good previous knowledge:

700.016 Introduction to Programming in C (offered only in the winter semester)
700.015 Advanced Programming in C/C++ (offered only in the winter semester)

Special preparation courses for the Bachelor’s degree programme Robotics and Artificial Intelligence:

We offer special preparation courses for the Bachelor’s degree programme Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, so that you can prepare yourself optimally before you start with your degree programme. You can find all offered courses here: www.aau.at/en/studien/bachelor-robotics-artificial-intelligence/

Learning Spaces

FUNctions room – math help desk

Each week of the semester, students have several time slots open to them in which they can prepare the lecture material and exercises of the mathematics courses and mathematics lectures; either alone, together with other students or accompanied by student assistants.

The FUNctions room

  • offers support for first-year students,
  • creates a central work and discussion place for the development of important competencies for successful mathematical work,
  • promotes the cooperation of the students in the development of the lecture contents,
  • provides valuable direct feedback to support regular courses,
  • is open to all students attending courses in mathematics.

Further information: www.aau.at/mathematik/studium/funktionen-raum

Ada Lovelace Lab

The goal of the Ada Lovelace Lab – Learning Space TEWI is to support students in understanding and learning the content of computer science courses. The Ada Lovelace Lab can be visited to answer open questions and is intended to be an exchange platform where students can work on exercises, discuss the lecture material or study for exams with the help of tutors. This platform is not supervised by one tutor alone, but by several tutors in turn. The tutorials can take place as individual assistance, also in small groups or larger groups, depending on your needs.

Further information: www.aau.at/en/tewi/tewi-learning-space-ada-lovelace-lab/

Mentoring program

Studierende in der Aula

The mentoring program is designed to make it easier for first-year students to start studying. Students are accompanied by mentors in small groups during their first semester. The mentors advise and help to overcome organizational hurdles and orientation difficulties.

All students of the Faculty of Technical Sciences as well as teacher training students who have chosen mathematics and/or computer science will be informed in advance by e-mail. In the winter semester, the allocation to the mentors takes place in the course of the Welcome Days, in the summer semester the allocation is made by e-mail.

Contact & Advice

Mag. Marlies De Roche, BA

Faculty of Technical Science: Website of the Faculty

Information about other important offices and contacts


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Technology Scholarships & Grants

Technology Scholarships

The positive development of the regional labour market in the ICT sector has resulted in an increasing demand for skilled professionals.

The University of Klagenfurt is responding to this demand by training highly qualified specialists in the ICT sector and awarding the University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarships, which aim at

  • increasing the number of highly qualified ICT professionals,
  • enhancing diversity in the Federal State of Carinthia and at the University of Klagenfurt,
  • increasing the number of international students at the University of Klagenfurt, and
  • promoting the University of Klagenfurt’s internationalization efforts.

In cooperation with the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce, scholarship holders will be supported in finding a paid internship in the first year of their Master’s degree programme. Scholarship holders shall be enabled to finance the second year of their Master’s degree programme with a paid internship, which is part of the curriculum.
Based on an agreement with the University of Klagenfurt the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research – OeAD has published the call for applications, will accompany the selection process, award the scholarships and offer its services to the selected scholarship holders before and during their stay in Austria.


The scholarships are valid for bachelor and master programs and can be used by excellent students from the extended Alps-Adriatic region (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia and Serbia).

Eingang Universität Klagenfurt

Best Performer Awards

In recognition of their outstanding achievements in the past academic year, the “Best Performers” of the six technical fields of study are awarded annually. For this purpose, the ECTS and grades of all evaluations are taken into account. The prize is donated by the Förderverein Technische Fakultät (FTF) and the Faculty of Technical Sciences. The prize winners each receive 500 euros.

Angewandte Informatik

  • Alexander Gerhard Lercher (512 Punkte)
  • Fabian Stiegler (428 Punkte – Bachelor)
  • Sebastian Lubos (382 Punkte – Master)


  • Christian Roland Wuggenig (428 Punkte)
  • Sonja Nairz (252 Punkte – Master)


  • Michael Klaus Egger (464 Punkte)
  • Mareike Schmidt (448 Punkte – Master)

Technische Mathematik

  • Jutta Rath (534 Punkte)
  • Kathrin Spendier (376 Punkte – Master)

Lehramt Unterrichtsfach Mathematik

  • Lorena Anna-Maria Gril (317 Punkte)

Lehramt Unterrichtsfach Informatik

  • Sebastian Schönfelder (308 Punkte)
  • Stefan Haan (Angewandte Informatik, 406 Punkte)
  • Philip Steinkellner (Informationsmanagement, 430 Punkte)
  • Stefan Mikl (Informationstechnik, 572 Punkte)
  • Kathrin Spendier (Technische Mathematik, 466 Punkte)
  • Sebastian Schönfelder (Lehramt Unterrichtsfach Informatik, 306 Punkte)
  • Carina Spreitzer (Lehramt Unterrichtsfach Mathematik, 402 Punkte)
  • Max Kesselbacher (Angewandte Informatik, 296 Punkte)
  • Sebastiaan Albers (Informationsmanagement, 289 Punkte)
  • Tomasz Sosnowski (Informationstechnik, 224 Punkte)
  • Jessica Breitegger (Technische Mathematik, 340,5 Punkte)
  • Dominik Pertl (Lehramt Unterrichtsfach Informatik, 112 Punkte)
  • Carina Spreitzer (Lehramt Unterrichtsfach Mathematik, 220 Punkte)
  • Marco Madritsch (Angewandte Informatik, 275 Punkte)
  • Sebastiaan Albers (Informationsmanagement, 285 Punkte)
  • Stefan Mikl (Informationstechnik, 251 Punkte)
  • Gabriel Lipnik (Technische Mathematik, 237,5 Punkte)
  • Melanie Siebenhofer (Lehramt Unterrichtsfach Informatik und Lehramt Unterrichtsfach Mathematik, 177,5 Punkte & 127 Punkte)
  • Johannes Winkler (Angewandte Informatik, 305 Punkte)
  • Simon Reisinger (Informationsmanagement, 246 Punkte)
  • Thomas Dittrich (Informationstechnik, 231 Punkte)
  • Christian Mitsch (Technische Mathematik, 247 Punkte)
  • Albin Weiß (Lehramt Unterrichtsfach Informatik, 111 Punkte)
  • Angela Oswald (Lehramt Unterrichtsfach Mathematik, 164 Punkte)
  • Armin Trattnig (Angewandte Informatik, 289 Punkte)
  • Henrik Mertens (Informationsmanagement, 290 Punkte)
  • Thomas Dittrich (Informationstechnik, 259 Punkte)
  • Benjamin Hackl (Technische Mathematik, 371 Punkte)
  • Andreas Leibetseder (Angewandte Informatik, 68 ECTS)
  • Carmen Findenig (Informationsmanagement, 96 ECTS)
  • Jennifer Simonjan (Informationstechnik, 61 ECTS)
  • Benjamin Hackl (Technische Mathematik, 86,5 ECTS)
  • Kevin Chromik (Informationsmanagement)
  • Daniel Posch, BSc (Informatik)
  • Alfred Müller (Informationstechnik)
  • Barbara Pedretscher, Bakk.techn. (Technische Mathematik)
  • Monika Brodbeck (Informatik)
  • Thomas Sitter (Informationsmanagement)
  • Roland Kersche (Informationstechnik)
  • Daniel Kurz (Technische Mathematik)
  • Stefan Lederer (Informatik)
  • Harald Saupper (Informationsmanagement)
  • Daniel Kurz (Technische Mathematik)
  • Dominik Daniel Egarter (Informationstechnik)
  • Stefan Mak wurde als bester Student der Fakultät der technischen Wissenschaften ausgezeichnet
  • Robert Göritzer (Bachelor-Studium Informatik, 283 Punkte)
  • Günther Repitsch (Bachelor-Studium Informationsmanagement, 326 Punkte)
  • Evamaria Ruß (Bachelor-Studium Technische Mathematik, 365 Punkte)
  • Christoph Unterrieder (Bachelor-Studium Informationstechnik, 245 Punkte)
TeWi-Best Performers 2017/18 I (c) Christina Supanz

Study abroad

Mobility programmes

Partner universities

The Faculty of Technical Sciences has links with over 80 universities across Europe and the world. Overseas study placements are offered at a number of partner universities for a variety of different mobility programmes and subjects.

Erasmus+ partner universities

Joint-Study partner universities


Applications can be made on the Student Portal under “My applications”.
If you have any questions about how to apply, the International Office will be happy to help.


The Faculty of Technical Sciences is always happy to hear from potential scholarship sponsors. We would also like to thank the following organisations, which have provided scholarships to the Faculty for many years:

Additional grants and scholarships for study and work abroad placements can be found under International.

Graphische Darstellung aller TeWi Kooperationspartner

Student life

Studierende am Campus der Universität Klagenfurt

There’s more to student life than lectures and exams. Meeting and exchanging ideas with other people also plays an important role, and AAU’s Klagenfurt campus offers many opportunities to do just that. There is a variety of cafés and food outlets around the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt campus and the University Sports Institute’s (USI) wide variety of sports offers the perfect outlet for the stress that accompanies study and exams.

What other campus offers you the chance to

  • hike and ski in the Gerlitzen mountains within 30 minutes?
  • swim in the Italian seas within two hours?
  • be at the Venice Biennale within two and a half hours?
  • stroll through the Old Town in Rovinj, Croatia, in three hours?
Alpen-Adria-Universität Universitätssportinstitut Skitour Aufstieg
  • Campus

    Discover the many advantages of studying at a campus university!

  • Accommodation

    Study, live and relax just a stone’s throw from the university!

  • Catering

    Discover the many cafés, restaurants and food and drink outlets around the university!

  • Sport & leisure

    The home of Austria’s most modern University Sports Institute, AAU has a huge number of sports and leisure activities to choose from.

  • The city of Klagenfurt

    Klagenfurt is a captivating city with a lot to offer including arts and culture, sports and leisure and Lake Wörthersee.

Would you like to study a Master’s at the University of  Klagenfurt?


Each year, around 900 students graduate from Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt and enjoy a positive, profitable relationship with the university even after they have completed their programme of study. Useful information and comprehensive advice on careers is available from the university’s Career’s Service.


Graduates with a degree in a technical subject from Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt have a multitude of different job options available to them. You can find out more about the various careers open to you here.

Research engineers working with wireless transmission systems develop new methods and algorithms for transmitting measurement data between environmental sensors. They test these methods using prototypes and head up international projects alongside partners in the fields of sensor technology, informatics and biology.

Systems architects working in transport system management develop and test algorithms that evaluate toll system data so that transport information can be collated in real-time. They coordinate the design of traffic management systems based on this data and work closely with project teams in road transport infrastructure and traffic control centres.

Development engineers working in medical electronics are responsible for setting the specifications for the analogue and digital circuitry used in CAT scanners and for developing and implementing this circuitry. They are also share responsibility for ensuring that the entire production process runs smoothly from start to finish, and work closely with project teams in mechatronic and software development.

Java software developers and their colleagues play a key role in the ongoing development of new online marketing systems. They are involved in the software development process right from the word go, through to the very end and work independently on web development projects and sub-projects requiring Java, ensuring all the while that existing product portfolios are continuously developed and expanded upon.

System engineers are in charge of looking after and maintaining server landscapes (e.g. Unix/Linux, Windows). They research and evaluate new technologies and techniques to increase performance; monitor system components and perform system back-ups. In addition, system engineers are tasked with designing and integrating security-related concepts into systems, ongoing troubleshooting and problem-solving and documenting these tasks. System engineers are also responsible for the optimisation and conceptual development of existing IT structures.

Load and performance testing consultants execute load and performance tests by undertaking a requirements analysis, designing the test, developing and implementing the test, conducting the test, analysing the test results and establishing a test cycle for each specific client. Since they offer support on a variety of different matters (e.g. application analysis or performance optimisation), consultants also have a lot of contact with their clients.

Web designers are responsible for designing and building themes for content management systems (CMS) and for building entire websites. They need an excellent knowledge of CSS and HTML, as well as a lot of creativity, and must be open to working on a variety of different topics. Web designers are proficient users of new web technologies (including Flash, HTML5, etc.). They are also responsible for designing and drafting traditional printed materials (e.g. flyers, product information sheets and posters).

SAP consultants help clients and companies in a variety of sectors to implement projects based on the SAP standard software program. SAP consultants offer advice and support during strategic decision-making, use the latest technologies to help implement these decisions and offer support when introducing SAP-based projects to the process management system.

Business Intelligence Product Managers are responsible for developing reporting systems and data warehouses. They design and develop new system features and also improve old features. They are also responsible for designing reporting strategies and taking measures based on these strategies. They are also involved in developing conceptual specifications for IT systems.

Mathematicians / Statisticians have been affected by the radical transformation of the energy markets. Procurement processes and business transactions have become extremely complex and are defined increasingly by the power exchanges. A strong background in mathematics and statistics is therefore required for making the necessary optimisations to these processes. Statistics-based tasks in the energy sector include complex options pricing, demand forecasts, weather data and stock market developments. Because of this environment, energy companies have a diverse range of resources for modelling their energy purchases at their disposal. The most effective procurement mix is identified using selection processes based on individual mathematical optimisation models.

Credit risk analysts are responsible for analysing credit risk, structuring and ratings, and even for project finance when applications are received from large clients. They also study and assess financial models in existing balance sheet analyses, conduct their own risk analyses making recommendations directly to decision-makers and formulate credit conditions based on risk. They also check, record and process waiver requests and develop risk handbooks and risk management processes on a continuous basis.

Actuaries compile balance sheets for investment and risk associations and are responsible for forecasting and financial modelling, as well as calculating premiums and claims. They also offer support to specialist sectors on current issues relating to insurance.