genau deine Richtung!
Termine & Fristen
Summer semester 2025
General admission period for Master’s degree programmes
07.01. – 31.03.2025
Winter semester 2025/26
General admission period for Master’s degree programmes
07.07. – 31.10.2025
How we are seen
- We are distinguished by our students!
The University of Klagenfurt is the only university in the world to win a Global Student Satisfaction Award twice in a row
(Studyportals – the Global Study Choice Platform)
- Our study programmes come highly recommended!
The University of Klagenfurt is recommended by 97 % of its students.
Upon completion, graduates of the Master's degree programme “Science, Technology & Society Studies” are able to:
- perform analyses of current problem areas and fields of conflict with regard to science, technology and innovation;
- comprehend interactions between scientific-technological developments and societal change;
- process insights from social-scientific science and technology research for the benefit of societal decision-making and design;
- apply the acquired skills in the strategic planning and project management of businesses and in public engagement processes; and
- contribute actively to scientific research projects.
Einblicke in die Lehre
In Klagenfurt you can study at your own pace. To help you follow your path with confidence, we keep it clear of (bureaucratic) stumbling blocks and barriers. If you wish to reach your goal quickly and efficiently, we will always be there to support you. Our recommended course of study will guide you through the semesters. You work your way through the curriculum – making the most of opportunities to broaden your horizons and without wasting time. If you would like to know which courses await you before you start, take a look at the wide range of seminars and lectures.
During the programme, you can focus on the following subject areas:
- Governance, innovation, sustainability: you will examine the ambivalences of science and technology in ongoing controversies and risk debates, for example concerning climate change, food security, health and justice. You will develop skills that enable you to comment critically on approaches to sustainable governance of research and innovation, and to refine approaches in research and innovation.
- Knowledge, culture, digitalisation: you will learn about the emergence of ‘modern’ science and current developments in scientific organisation and practice. You will engage with epistemic approaches, practices and work environments of different knowledge cultures, as well as with the changing meaning of data, information and communication in the digital age.
- Democracy, power, politics: you will explore the interrelatedness of science and politics by asking how power relations shape, and are shaped by, knowledge and technology. You will be trained to reflect on, and engage in, political debates on science and technology at the local, regional, national, and international level.
- Gender & diversity, bodies, identities: you will acquire the skills to uncover the context-dependency of knowledge and technology. This will enable you to identify the characteristics and limits of ethnocentric claims to objective knowledge, and to show how individual and collective identities, in particular gender representations, are constructed, perpetuated, or challenged by science and technology.
Aufbau des Studiums: Tabellarische Übersicht
Required Subjects | Grundlagen der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung | 22 |
Empirische Forschungspraxis | 12 | |
Kompetenzerweiterung | 12 | |
Electives | Wahl von zwei Fächern: | 24 |
Internship | Internship (alternativ 3. Gebundenes Wahlfach) | 12 |
Master thesis | Masterarbeit | 22 |
Begleitung von Masterarbeiten | 4 | |
Options | 12 | |
Total | 120 |
Empfohlener Studienverlauf
Bestimmte Vorlesungen werden nur einmal im Jahr angeboten, die Prüfungen können aber ganzjährig zu bestimmten Terminen abgelegt werden.
1. Semester (Beginn im Wintersemester)
Grundlagen der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung | 2 | Orientierungslehrveranstaltung | UE* |
4 | Theorien und Themen der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung 1 | VO | |
4 | Aktuelle Forschungsfelder und Kontroversen der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung 1 | SE* | |
4 | Moderne Gesellschaft und globaler Wandel | SE* | |
Empirische Forschungspraxis | 6 | Forschungsansätze und -methoden der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung | VC* |
Kompetenzerweiterung | 4 | Wissenschaftskommunikation / Technikkommunikation | SE* |
4 | Berufsfelder der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung | UE/EX* | |
Freie Wahlfächer | 2 | ||
Summe | 30 |
* Anwesenheitspflicht
Grundlagen der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung | 4 | Theorien und Themen der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung 2 | VO |
4 | Aktuelle Forschungsfelder und Kontroversen 2 | SE* | |
Empirische Forschungspraxis | 6 | Methoden der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung in Anwendung | SE* |
Kompetenzerweiterung | 4 | Moderation und Partizipation | SE* |
Gebundenes Wahlfach 1 | 4 | Einführung | SE* |
4 | Vertiefung oder Übung | SE* oder UE* | |
Freie Wahlfächer | 4 | ||
Summe | 30 |
* Anwesenheitspflicht
Within the scope of the degree programme students can complete a placement in an organisation, for example:
- in a domestic or foreign business, in public administration, a non-profit organisation, or a non-university research institution, in a publishing house or a museum, or
- in one of the STS research groups (Department of Science and Technology Studies, Department of Science Communication and Higher Education Research) at the University of Klagenfurt.
If it is not feasible or possible to complete a placement, students can earn 12 ECTS credits by completing an additional Elective from the Master's programme.
Following the completion of the placement, students report on the project semester in the course “Reflection of the Placement” (2 ECTS credits) and record their experiences in a written project report.
Relevant professional activities conducted prior to or during the Master's programme may be accredited as practical experience worth a total of 10 ECTS credits in justified cases.
TELLERRÄNDER WAREN GESTERN. Das bieten wir dir noch
There are no limits to your personal development. Enjoy the freedom that only a university degree can offer you and expand your horizons beyond your academic studies. You can pick and choose which competences will set you apart in the future. We have lots to offer, for instance:
Are you looking to set up your own business and launch an entrepreneurial venture? By acquiring the “Build! Entrepreneurship Certificate” you will gain precisely the skills you need to turn your brilliant idea into a successful business! The nearby Lakeside Science & Technology Park also offers you the necessary facilities so you don’t need to sit in a garage while you are working on the app that will change the world and expand your wallet.
Do you want to learn a new language and prepare for an international career? You can learn Russian, Spanish or Chinese (and many other languages besides) at the University of Klagenfurt.
Are you interested in collaborating in groups, teams and organisations to achieve the best possible results? In the extension programme “Social Competence and Organizational Learning SCOL“ we will show you how project and conflict management, mediation processes and moderation techniques can succeed.
Zulassung zum Studium
Die Zulassung zum Master's degree programme Science, Technology and Society Studies erfolgt innerhalb der Zulassungsfrist.
Nicht-EU-Bürger:innen oder Nicht-EWR-Bürger:innen: Das Ansuchen um Zulassung zum Masterstudium muss für das Wintersemester bis 30. Juni beziehungsweise für das Sommersemester bis 30. November vollständig einlangen.
You do not have to go through a special admission procedure to start the Master's degree programme in Science, Technology and Society Studies in Klagenfurt.
You only have to meet the following conditions, which also apply to all other programmes:
Students who have successfully completed a Bachelor's degree programme assigned to the groups of Engineering Sciences, Natural Sciences, Medical Sciences, or the Arts, must demonstrate that they have acquired an adequate level of knowledge in the following areas (overall 12 ECTS credits):
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Science and Technology in Society, e.g. History of Technology, Philosophy of Technology, Sociology of Technology, Technology Assessment, Environmental Policy, Participatory Processes and Civic Participation, Technology and Science Communication, Ethics of Medicine, Technology or Environment, Sustainability Research, and/or
- Fundamental Principles of the Social and Cultural Sciences (theories and methods), particularly from Sociology, Political Science, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Geography, and/or History.
irst language is not the language in which the degree programme is conducted must provide evidence of language proficiency at the required level at the time of application.
Prospective students who apply for admission to a Master's degree programme and whose f
Wir lassen dich nicht allein, besonders beim Studienbeginn!
- In Klagenfurt lernst du deine Studienkolleg:innen bereits bei den Welcome Days kennen – und findest schon in der ersten Woche Freund:innen, mit denen dich in den kommenden Jahren unvergessliche Erlebnisse verbinden werden.
- Die Studieninformation ist für dich da, wenn du am Anfang deines Studiums Unterstützung benötigst. Du erreichst sie über WhatsApp, E-Mail, Telefon oder unsere Social Media Kanäle.
- Bei den ÖH Infodays am Anfang jedes Semesters beraten dich erfahrene Studierende zu deinem gewählten Studium und geben dir wichtige Insider-Tipps.
Beste Perspektiven. Deine Berufsaussichten
The Master's programme aims to prepare students for work in various institutional contexts. Job opportunities, among others, exist in:
- university and non-university research as scholars;
- the media, museums, and in research centres as experts in science and technology communication;
- the public administration of the EU, as well as national, provincial and local governments, professional associations, and civil society organisations as specialists in research, technology and innovation;
- international organisations as programme managers;
- research funding organisations as experts in programme management;
- companies as innovation managers or sustainability officers;
- policy and business consultancy; and
- mediation and as moderators in public participation processes.
Stories & news about the degree programme
You’ll soon discover this: There are many interesting facts, stories and news updates regarding this degree programme.
In general, students are encouraged to spend at least one semester studying abroad. This particularly applies to periods of study spent abroad at the locations of members of the European Programme “European Studies of Society, Science and Technology” (ESST), in which the University of Klagenfurt is an active member. It is recommended to schedule the ESST study visit abroad in the third or fourth semester. Examinations successfully completed within the context of a study visit abroad shall be recognised, provided that the student obtains the programme director's specific permission in advance.
FAQ / Häufig gestellte Fragen
Wann beginnt das Studium?
Das Wintersemester beginnt am 1. Oktober und endet am 31. Jänner. Das Sommersemester beginnt am 1. März und endet mit 30. Juni. Nähere Informationen zu Terminen und Fristen
Kann ich auch im Sommersemester einsteigen?
Sofern das Studium kein Studium mit besonderem Aufnahmeverfahren ist, kann man auch im Sommersemester mit dem Studium starten.
Kann/Muss ich in diesem Studium ein Auslandsemester machen?
Wenn du Wissenschaft, Technik & Gesellschaft studierst, interessierst du dich für die wechselseitigen Beziehungen zwischen Wissenschaft, Technik und anderen gesellschaftlichen Handlungsfeldern wie Wirtschaft, Politik oder Medien. Daher legen wir Studierenden ans Herz, einen Teil des Studiums im Ausland zu absolvieren, da die Erfahrung anderer Länder und Sprachen ein wichtiges Element gesellschaftlichen Verstehens ist.
Wir haben über 250 Partneruniversitäten weltweit. Wenn du gerne eine Zeit lang woanders studierend möchtest, steht dir die Welt offen – nutze die Chance! Alles dazu findest du unter: Studieren im Ausland
Ich bin berufstätig, kann ich das Studium trotzdem absolvieren?
Das Studium wird nicht berufsbegleitend angeboten, viele unserer Studierenden sind allerdings berufstätig. Ob das auch für dich machbar ist, hängt von deiner Organisation und Flexibilität ab. Es gibt Lehrveranstaltungen, die wöchentlich stattfinden und eine Anwesenheit von ca. 2 Stunden erfordern. Andere finden geblockt z.B. an einem Wochenende von 9-17 Uhr statt. Du kannst dir deinen Stundenplan individuell zusammenstellen. Wenn du dabei Hilfe benötigst, kann dich die ÖH (Österreichische Hochschüler:innenschaft) dabei unterstützen!
Wo finde ich weitere Informationen? Wen kann ich bei Fragen kontaktieren?
Weitere Informationen rund ums Studium findest du im Curriculum (PDF). Bei weiteren Fragen kannst du auch jederzeit die Studienprogrammleitung kontaktieren.
Weiterführende Studien
An das Master's degree programme Science, Technology and Society Studies kannst du folgende Studien direkt anschließen:

Universität Klagenfurt
Lakeside Park