World Wide Internships
Internships as part of the academic curriculum are highly recommended at AAU and are key to complete the technical studies from both the theoretical and practical aspects. We encourage internships that are generally one semester long and provide work experiences in industry or research institutions. Graduate students are enabled to participate in complex software development projects, gather new problem solution perspectives, or apply and enhance methods and tools in their area of expertise. While our institute provides many strong contacts to worldwide and internationally renowned industrial and academic partners, students are also encouraged to leverage their own contacts and propose internships by themselves. In either case, please contact an advisor before you make definitive arrangements.
For research exchanges and internships at one of our many national and international partner Universities, please schedule a meeting with the lab lead of either SAT , TIG, or CNS. Students with exceptional grades and track records in academic achievements, and proof of outstanding self-guided past work are eligible to apply for the following internship opportunities at industry or research institutions:
NASA – Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Internship at NASA’s Jet Propulsion NASA – Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, USA, in the Mobility and Robotic Systems section in the Computer Vision group. All applications need to be submitted to CNS at least 4 months before the intended internship start date. The best two candidates per semester will receive a study grant by JPL. Additional positions financially supported by CNS may be awarded depending on the applicant. The internship lengths is a minimum of 4 months and includes the following topics in autonomous aerial vehicle navigation:
- Vision based obstacle avoidance
- Vision based landing site detection
- Vision based state estimation
- Path planning
- Algorithm optimization
DLR – German Aerospace Center
Internship at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany, in the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics in the Perception and Cognition group. All applications need to be submitted to CNS at least 4 months before the intended internship start date. The internships are fully funded by DLR. The internship lengths is a minimum of 4 months and are generally in the area of (vision based) state estimation, navigation, and control of robotic systems.
ENAC – Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile
Internship at the Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC), Toulouse, France, in the SIGnal processing and NAVigation (SIGNAV) research group of the TELECOM lab. All applications need to be submitted to CNS at least 4 months before the intended internship start date. The internships are fully funded by ENAC. The internship lengths is a minimum of 4 months and are generally in the area of GNSS, (multi-)sensor fusion, and state estimation for mobile robotic systems.
CSIRO – Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Internship at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Queensland, Australia, in the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Laboratory. All applications need to be submitted to CNS at least 4 months before the intended internship start date. The internships are fully funded by CSIRO. The internship lengths is a minimum of 4 months and are generally in the area of (vision based) state estimation, navigation, and control of robotic systems.
AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology
Internship at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Vienna, Austria, in the department of Digital Safety & Security in the Safe and Autonomous Systems group. All applications need to be submitted to CNS. The internships are fully funded by AIT. The internship lengths is a minimum of 3 months and are generally in the area of vision based navigation, (vision based) state estimation, (vision based) navigation, and control of robotic systems.
ÖWF – Austrian Space Forum
Internship at the Austrian Space Forum (ÖWF), Innsbruck, Austria. All applications need to be submitted to CNS. The internships are generally unfunded; outstanding applicants may apply for funding through CNS. The length of an internship is to be discussed with ÖWF and can be in a variety of activities related to analog space research.
Technische Universität Illmenau
Internship at the Technische Universität Illmenau, Fachgebiet Qualitätssicherung und Industrielle Bildverarbeitung, Illmenau, Germany. All applications need to be submitted to SAT.
eologix sensor technolgoy gmbh
Internship at eologix sensor technology, Graz, Austria. All applications need to be submitted to SAT. The internships are fully funded by eologix. The internship typically has a minimum duration of 3 months with a topic in the area of wireless sensors.
Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan