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Ab sofort sind Anmeldungen für den neuen Masterstudiengang “Geographie & Regionalforschung: Regionale Transformationen” möglich.

Wenn Sie das Bachelorstudium noch nicht abgeschlossen haben und einige Kurse unseres neuen Masters ausprobieren möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte unseren Studienprogrammleiter Ass.-Prof. Dr. Peter Mandl. Mail: Peter [dot] Mandl [at] aau [dot] at

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Klagenfurt student Sebastian Uitz plans to launch a start-up for computer game development featuring feel-good games

Sebastian Uitz has played games on the computer from a very early age. Supported by a grant from the Carinthian Economic Development Fund KWF, he is now turning this passion into his business model. Together with two colleagues, he is building an innovative computer game that revolves around a spider and its distinctive climbing and web-building abilities. This so-called “wholesome game” is expected to be available on the international games market from mid-2023 onwards. By then, the team also hopes to have set up its own company.

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The university gets cycling: Here are the winners of the JUNE challenges

In the meantime, around 30,000 kilometres have been cycled by students and staff as part of “The university gets cycling“. Many thanks to all who have cycled so far!

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The 34rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) was organized in Leuven, Belgium by the KU Leuven and the University of Ghent from June 5-10, 2022.

Franziska Hollauf, BSc. presented the paper Time-Cost Tradeoffs for Composed Services. A video recording of the presentation is available here:

Hollauf, Franziska S., Marco Franceschetti, and Johann Eder. “Time-Cost Tradeoffs for Composed Services.” International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Springer, Cham, 2022.


Time and cost are crucial criteria in Service Level Agreements. Frequently, the time when and how long a service can be provided or used and the cost for utilizing a service are related and hence users are confronted with a trade-off between time and cost. Besides the fundamental direct and indirect proportional relationship between time and cost, composed services might also have more complex non-monotonic relationships. We introduce a novel way of expressing the trade-offs between time and cost in form of TC-Maps as a set of piece-wise linear functions. For calculating the duration, cost and their relation for service compositions, we introduce specific operations used in a bottom-up procedure resulting in an overall TC-Map. The proposed structure allows us to derive the minimum cost of a composed service given a duration limit, or for analyzing possible durations for a provided budget. TC-Maps offer the basis for optimizing the utilization of composed services according to user preferences, resources and objectives.