Gewaltfreie Schule?!

Zum heurigen Schulbeginn weist das Zentrum für Friedensforschung und Friedensbildung auf den Friedensbildungs-Podcast ‚Friedensstark‘ der Berghof Foundation (Tübingen/Berlin) hin. Read more

Information and Communications Engineering is the ideal combination of electrical engineering and computer science

Florian Huber completed an apprenticeship in electrical engineering and spent several years working as electronic engineer and calibration officer in the electronics industry. Today, he is a student in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Information and Communications Engineering, and additionally he works as teaching assistant and tutor. The Carinthian spoke to us about his passion for studying and why perseverance is the most important thing when pursuing a degree programme. Read more

Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association 2022

The Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association took place in Vienna on September 19-20, 2022. The Department of Economics was represented by Martin Wagner with a presentation on „Sources and Channels of Nonlinearities and Instabilities of the Phillips Curve: Results for the Euro Area and Its Member States“ and Dmitri Blüschke and Reinhard Neck with a presentation entitled „How to Deal with the Covid-19 Pandemic in Slovenia? Simulations with a Macroeconometric Model“.

Ringvorlesung „Wohnen jenseits des Marktes? Geographische Perspektiven einer sozialen Wohnraumversorgung“

Die Geographischen Institute der Technischen Universität Dresden, der Universität Klagenfurt, der Universität Leipzig und der Universität Trier veranstalten im Wintersemester 2022/23 die Ringvorlesung „Wohnen jenseits des Marktes? Geographische Perspektiven einer sozialen Wohnraumversorgung“.

Die Ringvorlesung findet immer dienstags von 16.30 bis 18.00 Uhr online statt und steht allen Interessent*innen offen.

Das Programm der Ringvorlesung und den Link zur Teilnahme gibt es unter: