Die Vortragsreihe Wissen4Future startet: Freitag, 14.10.22, 18 Uhr (Online)

Diesen Freitag (14.10.22) startet um 18:00 Uhr die neue Vortragsreihe Wissen4Future.

Vortragender: Douglas Maraun (IPCC Autor, Wegener Center Graz)
Thema: Strahlungsantrieb, CO2-Kreislauf, Klimahistorie, Kipppunkte
Teilnahmelink: https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/94847359964?pwd=OWZZWFQzd3NrTVF0Y1lHaXFIbGh3QT09

Wissen4Future ist der Klima- und Biodiversitäts Grundkurs der S4F-AT.
In 11 aufbauenden Vorlesungseinheiten (immer freitags, 18:00 Uhr) erklären führende Expert:innen verständlich und kompakt alle Aspekte rund um die Klima- und Biodiversitätskrise. Hierbei werden nicht nur die physikalischen Grundlagen und direkten Folgen, sondern auch gesundheitliche, psychologische, gesellschaftliche, wirtschaftliche, und andere Aspekte beleuchtet.

Alle Vorlesungen werden auch zum Nachsehen auf dem Youtube-Kanal (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA75BdEbOXCw8ZhjCZ9hBSQ) der S4F-AT verfügbar sein.

Guest lecture series “The European Union in times of crisis”

The Institute of Public Management invites to a guest lecture series featuring the theme “The European Union in times of crisis” taking place on

Saturday, October 29th 2022

The guest lecture series is an integral part of the lecture “The European Union – history, functioning & current challenges” facilitated by Rene Reiterer, auditor at the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg. The aim of this format is to provide students and interested external participants with first-hand insights into the functioning of the European Union and to cast a critical eye on the EU’s response measures to current health and safety crises.


Opening address by

Paolo Rondo-Brovetto, head of the departement for Public Management and Rene Reiterer


With contributions by

Peter Kaiser, Governor of the State of Carinthia

Valentin Wegerth, Head of the Unit for EU Budget and International Budget Policy, Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance

Helga Berger, Austrian Member, European Court of Auditors

Sabine Piska-Schmidt, Head of the Unit for EU Jobs and Crossmentoring, Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport


See programme for details.

New Pre-doc scientist at the Public Management institute

Tanja Lesnik joined our team in July this year. After finishing her Bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Management, she successfully completed her Master’s degree in Applied Business Administration at the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt. One of the main focuses of her master’s studies was Public Management. In Parallel to her studies, she worked as an intensive care nurse at Klinikum Klagenfurt. The main emphasis of her research is the field of healthcare management. This includes managing Healthcare facilities and Healthcare Professionals. Furthermore, she is interested in the research field of health economics. Our department welcomes her as our new predoc scientist.

Drei Schreibwerkstätten, die Sie inspirieren werden!

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• 010.027 (22W) Schreibwerkstatt für Abschlussarbeiten I
• 030.002 (22W) Wissenschaftliches Schreiben für DissertantInnen