Guest lecture: The Edwardians and the Empire – a historiographical debate

What did the Edwardian British think about the British Empire?

Was the Empire a ubiquitous presence that reinforced comforting ideas of British superiority?

Or was the attraction of imperialism more restricted? This presentation explores these questions and considers why historians come to such different conclusions. It pays particular attention to the attitudes of British youth, and asks whether evidence generated by British schools, educationalists, authors and students themselves offers anything approaching a conclusive answer to the major question of how the British perceived their Empire.



Gerald Power is senior lecturer and chair of the Department of History and Philosophy at Anglo-American University, Prague.

Contact details: gerald [dot] power [at] aauni [dot] edu



2 May 2023

12.00 -13.30


From volleyball to marketing

“Teamwork and leadership skills are important, but so is being human in every aspect of our lives,” Chara Papadopoulou recounts the lessons she learned as a professional volleyball player. The former Greek national player came to Klagenfurt in 2020, where she subsequently became aware of the Master’s degree programme “Media and Convergence Management”. Now in the fourth semester of her studies, she is preparing for a career in marketing.

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Talk at the Standing Field Committee in Econometrics on April 1, 2023

Talk by Martin Wagner on April 1, 2023 on “Sources and Channels of Instabilities and Nonlinearities of the Phillips Curve: Results for the Euro Area and Its Member States” at the Standing Field Committee in Econometrics of the Verein für Socialpolitik.

Widely available and affordable: Programme promoting mental health among adolescents moves to the next level

Early adolescence is a key stage for mental health. Young people in Eastern Europe are currently facing particular challenges, as they are confronted by poverty and inequality on the one hand, and are often adversely affected by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine on the other. In a project funded by EU HORIZON EUROPE, researchers are developing tools to promote the mental health of adolescents, specifically in Eastern Europe, in a manner that is both affordable and scalable.

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