New Paper by Martin Wagner accepted for publication in Economics Letters

“Fully Modified Estimation and Inference for Systems of Cointegrating Polynomial Regressions” by Martin Wagner accepted for publication in Economics Letters.

Interview mit Estrid Sørensen: Dekolonialistische Datenforschung um Beziehungen sichtbar zu machen

In Ihrer Keynote „Von distanzierten Daten zu engagierten Daten“ am Donnerstag, 18.05. 2023, 19 Uhr (Stiftungssaal AAU) während der Konferenz „Alltag und Kultur/en der Digitalität“, stellt Estrid Sørensen (Bochum) den Ansatz einer engagierten und dekolonialistischen Datenforschung vor.

Veranstalter der Konferenz sind das Institut für Kulturanalyse (AAU), das Digital Research Center (D!ARC/AAU) und das kulturwissenschaftliche Netzwerk Alltag und Technik. Das Interview führten Studierende des Studiengangs Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft und Transkulturelle Studien an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt / Celovec

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Invited Talk: The Macroeconomic Impact of Euro Area Labour Market Reforms: Evidence from a Narrative Panel VAR

Gerhard Rünstler (Monetary Policy Research, European Central Bank) holds a talk on “The Macroeconomic Impact of Euro Area Labour Market Reforms: Evidence from a Narrative Panel VAR” on Mon. May 22, 2023 at 4:15pm in B01.0.203 (Lakeside Park). Guests welcome!


Using new quarterly narrative evidence, this paper examines the macro-economic impact of reforms of unemployment benefits (UB) and employment protection legislation (EPL) in the euro area from a Bayesian narrative panel VAR. The approach complements existing micro-econometric evidence by aligning short- and medium-term effects in a unified framework and assessing state dependencies. Liberalizing reforms result in temporary wage declines and highly persistent increases in economic activity and employment. In contrast to UB reforms, the effects of EPL reforms on employment emerge only gradually.

Splendid career ahead – with International Business & Economics and the new Master’s Programme Management, Economics & Data Science

We asked our international student Gian Marco Palazzoni, who is enrolled in the Bachelor’s Programme International Business and Economics, why he came to Klagenfurt and what he likes about studying here.

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