Interview zum Thema Bodenverbrauch in der Sendung “Plattform Zivilgesellschaft Kärnten / Koroška”

Betrachtet man den Pro-Kopf-Bodenverbrauch über die Jahre 2010-2020 wird deutlich: Kärnten ist Österreichmeister. Warum? Und was ist problematisch am Bodenverbrauch, wie hängt er mit der Klimakrise zusammen – und was können wir tun? Kirsten von Elverfeldt beleuchtet diese und andere Aspekte im Interview mit Ingun Kluppenegger in der Sendung „Plattform Zivilgesellschaft Kärnten / Koroška” auf Radio Agora. Hier die Sendung zum Nachhören:

Mohamed Salem’s Journey of Passion, Scholarships and Technological Advancements

Mohamed Salem’s passion for mechatronics made him pursue a study programme in Autonomous Systems and Robotics in Information and Communications Engineering. Originally from Egypt, he was awarded the University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarship and pursued his Master in Klagenfurt. He is currently working as a Senior Specialist at Infineon Technologies while also working as a lecturer at the University of Klagenfurt and pursuing his Ph.D. In our interview he talks about his journey from university student to lecturer, his experiences as a Technology Scholarship holder and his advice for students. Read more

From Chemistry to International Business and Economics

What does a chemist do when she realises that she doesn’t enjoy working in a lab? She takes up International Business and Economics at the University of Klagenfurt and gains the necessary tools to enter a managerial position – perhaps in a chemical company – in the future.  Janna Despriet Roig, from Spain, tells us how this decision brought her to Klagenfurt.

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Claudia Kitz and Heiko Breitsohl, together with Laurie Barclay, publish paper on “the delivery of bad news” in prestigious journal

Delivering bad news is one of the most challenging tasks for leaders. Recently, the popular press has been awash with examples reflecting poor bad news delivery, such as mass layoffs in the IT sector.

While many disciplines have been interested in understanding the delivery of bad news, different emphases across disciplines have resulted in independent silos of research that impeded scholarly and practical advancements. For example, there is lacking evidence on how to deliver bad news in the workplace.

In their interdisciplinary review, Claudia Kitz, Laurie Barclay, and Heiko Breitsohl review 685 articles and identified key challenges in the extant literature while also providing a path forward by showcasing key opportunities.

For example, Kitz et al. propose conceptualizing bad news delivery as a dialectic process that unfolds over time while they summarize evidence-based practical recommendations on how to deliver bad news effectively. In sum, their research enhances theoretical insights and practical guidance for effectively managing bad news delivery in the workplace.

The review was published on May 24, 2023, in the prestigious journal Human Resource Management Review and is available as an open-access publication at