Discussant at the 2nd ESCB Research Cluster Climate Change on November 13, 2023

Martin Wagner will attend the 2nd Annual Workshop of the ESCB Research Cluster Climate Change in Frankfurt am Main, Germany on November 13-14, 2023 and act as discussant on the subject of “The Effect of the EU ETS on Productivity”.

Join us for the “Creating Glocal Perspectives” online conference!

Our first transnational conference – Creating Glocal Perspectives – Global Citizenship Education for a Transformed Future, takes place online, on November 17th and 18th 2023!

Please feel free to join; we kindly ask you to register here beforehand:

The entire programme, including more information about the workshops and their hosts, can be found here:

Poster invitation to the online conference "Creating Glocal Perspectives - Global Citizenship Education for a Transformed Future", held on November 17th and 18th.

Invitation to the online conference “Creating Glocal Perspectives – Global Citizenship Education for a Transformed Future”.


Anerkennungspreis für den ÖH-Unigarten beim ‘European Award for Ecological Gardening 2023’

Mit dem European Award for Ecological Gardening 2023 werden herausragende, realisierte, qualitativ hochwertige Projekte und Leistungen in drei Kategorien prämiert, die das ökologische Gärtnern zur Grundlage haben. Gesucht wurden innovative wie nachhaltige Projekte mit Vorbildcharakter, die naturnah gestaltet sind, ökologisch gepflegt werden, und auch soziale und wirtschaftliche Aspekte einbinden können.

Die Einreichung des Projektes ÖH-Unigarten der Universität Klagenfurt fand im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung ‘Regenerative Umweltsysteme zum Klimaschutz’ gemeinsam mit den Studierenden für die Kategorie “Lernen im Garten – Naturerlebnisgärten, Schulen und Bildungseinrichtungen” statt. Die europaweite Auszeichnung erfolgte durch eine internationale Fachjury.

Frau Mag. Vanessa Rainer und Herr Dr. Mario Molina-Kescher nahmen im Zuge der Preisverleihung am 13. Oktober 2023 in Innsbruck die Auszeichnung entgegen.


The University of Klagenfurt takes first place in the “Student Diversity” category of the Global Student Satisfaction Awards

After winning one of the coveted prizes in 2021, the University of Klagenfurt was again successful at this year’s award ceremony. It won the award in the area of Student Diversity and was able to hold its own in the global final round against the University of West Florida (USA) and the Prince of Songkla University (Thailand). As a result, the University of Klagenfurt is the only university in the world to win a Global Student Satisfaction Award twice in a row.

The Global Student Satisfaction Awards were presented for the seventh time this year. Studyportals evaluated a total of 126,000 university reviews, 1,114 universities were rated. Universities cannot apply to participate in the awards; it is the students alone who decide whether a university is successful. Prizes are awarded in a total of seven categories: Overall Satisfaction, Student-teacher interaction, Quality of student life, Career development, Student diversity, Online classroom experience and Admission process. In 2021, the University of Klagenfurt received the special prize for best Covid crisis management, which was now followed by the prize for Student Diversity.

The Student Diversity category describes how friendly and diverse the atmosphere at a university is and how successful a certain university is in integrating people from all over the world at the university.

Doris Hattenberger, Vice-Rector for Education, is delighted with the prize: “In my view, the best award a university can receive is one where students feel welcome and comfortable at our university. We understand diversity as a source of enrichment and are glad to see that we are successful in putting it into practice. Many thanks to all those who have contributed to this award. Namely our lecturers and the many colleagues in the administration who make every effort on a daily basis to ensure that students feel welcome and well looked after here. I would especially like to thank the students who have given us such a good report card. We will not let up in our efforts to become ever better.”

The tremendous success of the English-language Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes shows that the University of Klagenfurt is on the right track with its many and varied efforts. In total, students from over 100 countries study and research at the University of Klagenfurt. In the Bachelor’s programme Robotics and Artificial Intelligence alone, first-semester students from 33 countries took up their studies this winter semester. The University of Klagenfurt also regularly receives top marks on other evaluation portals, such as Studycheck for the German-speaking countries.


Further information on the Global Student Satisfaction Awards: https://studyportals.com/global-student-satisfaction-awards-2023/

Uni Klagenfurt bei den Global Student Satisfaction Awards in der Kategorie "Student Diversity" mit den ersten Platz ausgezeichnet

The University of Klagenfurt takes first place in the “Student Diversity” category of the Global Student Satisfaction Awards