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Marta Degani and Werner Delanoy (2023) (eds.). Power in Language, Culture, Literature and Education. Perspectives of English Studies. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.

The volume shows that the power of English can oscillate between empowerment and subjection, on the one hand enabling humans to develop manifold capabilities and on the other constraining their scope of action and reflection. Bringing together contributions from linguistics, literature, culture and language education, a case is made for self-critical English Studies to be dialogic, empowering and power-critical in approach.

Power is a highly controversial notion with multiple meanings. Since the advent of neo-Marxist, postmodernist, poststructuralist or postcolonial perspectives power has been associated primarily with hegemony and domination, with Michel Foucault’s work serving as a major reference point. However, the later Foucault suggested a notion of power inclusive of freedom, resistance, reversibility and social change and similar views have also been proposed by other philosophers (e.g. Byung-Chul Han). This book advocates for a flexible notion of power which permits inclusion of practices of domination and liberation. In line with Peter Zima’s dialogic theory, we take the ambivalence characterizing the concept of power as a pre-condition for critical thinking. This means that in our approach to power we assume neither absolute domination nor total freedom ever to be possible since we see the two poles as always competing with each other. Furthermore, the uses of power suggested by the contributors to this volume all aim for empowerment through practices of English Studies. In this sense, we align with Hannah Arendt’s understanding of power as the force to create a democratic public realm.

Nowadays, the English language is connected to forms of power in various ways. For example, the still growing demand for English as an international language is undoubtedly a major factor for widespread motivation to invest into learning English as a foreign language, leaving those at a disadvantage whose proficiency levels remain low. Moreover, in global popular culture the influence of Hollywood, Netflix or communication platforms such as Twitter or Facebook, all with strong roots in anglophone countries, can have a significant impact on people’s feelings, thinking patterns and modes of interaction. Yet, the use of English as an international language has also opened up manifold possibilities for empowerment. English as a global language can foster intercultural dialogue, promote cosmopolitan conviviality, and give marginalized voices a better chance to be heard.

The idea to reflect on the notion of power from the perspectives of English Studies was particularly inspired by the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the English Department at the University of Klagenfurt. Thus, the complex and multifaced notion of power has been explored from a multiplicity of perspectives in the major areas of English Studies represented at the Department: language and linguistics, literature, culture and education. For language and linguistics, topics include: (in)equality among world Englishes, forms of power in political, religious and banking discourses, methods for empowering language instructors and the empowering potential of question types in coaching. Among the contributions on literature and culture, authors address the capacity of literary texts to foster their recipients’ empathetic capabilities, discuss historical and contemporary perspectives on uses of power in literary texts as well as power abuse in discourses about non-human animals and player disempowerment in videogames. Issues in the area of education deal with the power of literature teaching in language education and that of teaching and learning academic writing skills as well as with perspectives on teacher empowerment in pre-service teacher training and in English-medium instruction. The volume comprises 19 chapters written by current and former colleagues at the Department of English, members of research projects based at the Department as well as affiliates who have supported the teaching programme at the Department throughout the years. All their chapters highlight two major interpretations of power: power as empowerment and power as domination. On the one hand, the authors emphasize how power can be liberating and enables human to develop manifold capabilities. On the other hand, power is seen as a form of domination/subjugation that inhibits people’s capacity for action, reflection and empathy. Altogether the contributions clearly express the intention of this book to make a case for perspectives in English studies that are dialogic, empowering and power-critical in approach.



Arendt, H. (2018 [1958]). The Human Condition. Second Edition. With a New Foreword by Danielle Allen. Introduction by Margaret Canovan. Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press.

Foucault, M.(1982). The Subject and Power. Critical Inquiry, 8 (4), 777-795.

Zima, P.V. (2000). Theorie des Subjekts. Tübingen: Francke.

Coffee- Talk zum Tag der Geschlechterforschung mit Eva-Maria Graf

I shouldn’t have to try hard to fit in: A discursive analysis of women’s accounts of their performance in gendered organizations.

Eva-Maria Graf, Melanie Fleischhacker, Joanna Pawelczyk, Agata Janicka

Gendered organizations typically “create a climate” where women (as minority members or tokens) are not assumed to “quite fit” and are thus expected to be not as competent as men (the dominants) (Ridgeway et al. 2022: 645). This creates increased pressure on women not only to perform according to the prescribed policies and regulations, i.e., to do their job flawlessly, but very often to work beyond what is expected of them, i.e., to over-perform (Yoder 1991). The question remains whether such (over-)performance suffices for these women to develop a sense of felt inclusion and to be recognized as legitimate members of the organization.

Drawing on Discourse Analysis and Conversation Analysis, we qualitatively unpack the complexity of how women’s performance is perceived and received in highly gendered masculine organizations. Our data sets are in-depth, semi-structured interviews with U.S. military women and dyadic coaching interactions between a coach and female leaders working in (technology and reinsurance) business. Assuming that gender-based inequality regimes produce “markedly different experiences” (Flores & Bañuelos 2021:111), we examine these women report on their experiences regarding ‘doing their job’, i.e., performing their organizational duties. Our analysis reveals a problematic (self-)perception and reception of women’s (over-)performance that may have real-life consequences for their career(s). Women’s accounts allow us to both demonstrate how the organizational climate of ‘having to fit in’ is constructed as well as identify various practices of how these women orient to that climate. The accounts also reveal women’s immense labor of coping involved in that process (Ridgeway et al. 2022) and that the practices of (over-)performance do not secure women’s sense of acceptance and inclusion in highly gendered organizations.

On a more general note, our talk is part of a larger research project on “Discourses of (not-)belonging: Exploring women’s experiences of functioning in highly masculinized socio-cultural contexts using discourse analysis.” The overall focus is on how language and discourse(s) are used to express, (co-)construct and enact gendered propositions and gendered identities across various linguistic, socio-cultural, and professional contexts. Concretely, the project focuses on ‘executive coaching’, ‘football’ and ‘military’ and analyzes women’s lived experiences and coping strategies there. The goals of our project are to make women’s experiences and their coping strategies in these contexts visible by linguistically analyzing how these are framed and accomplished during real-time talk-based interaction and as reported by them during interviews. Second, to compare such lived experiences and strategies to carve out similarities and differences across these diverse communities-of-practice. Third, to critically relate these more specific socio-cultural experiences to more macro-discursive (Western) norms and ideologies in the context of gender hierarchies and essentialized gender orders with the aim to help counterbalance such negative experiences by giving an ear to those (still) discriminated against in institutionalized and professional settings.

Eva-Maria Graf is Assoc. Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Klagenfurt. Her research interests are helping formats with a special focus on coaching and psychotherapy, sports and linguistics as well as gender and sexuality and their (de-)construction across language and discourses. She applies conversation analytic, discourse analytic andmultimodal analyticmethods.


Date: 5.12.2023

Time: 14:00 Uhr

Place: Oman- Saal



Alena from Lomonosov Moscow State University in our interview about her exchange period at the University of Klagenfurt

Alena Perekulimova is a student of Economics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia. Through the Joint-Study programme, she spent the summer semester 2023 at the University of Klagenfurt, during which she took part in an exchange student ambassador initiative. In this interview, Alena is telling us more about her studies in Klagenfurt and why she would recommend AAU as an exchange destination for prospective incoming students.

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Liana from V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in our interview about her exchange semester at the University of Klagenfurt

Liana Torosova, our incoming exchange student ambassador from the summer semester 2023, gives us a glimpse on what it is like to study at the University of Klagenfurt for one semester. Liana comes from Kharkiv, Ukraine and is studying International Information and International Communications at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

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