Martin Wagner is Simone Veil Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute in Florence in 2024

Martin Wagner will spend a sabbatical term in the first half of 2024 as Simone Veil Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy. The EUI (and especially the Department of Economics, the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the Florence School of Banking and Finance) is one of Europe’s leading addresses for economic teaching and research. The five-month stay filled with collaborations and discussions with EUI colleagues will, therefore, contribute to making progress in current projects and initiate new cooperations. The stimulating environment of the EUI, which hosts many scientific guests in addition to its highly-qualified members, will furthermore provide feedback on research questions at issue and allow ideas to be discussed intensively.

Workshop with the POLICIES Institute of Joanneum Research on December 14, 2023

The Quantitative Economics Division of the Department of Economics will hold a workshop with colleagues from the POLICIES Institute for Economic, Social and Innovation Research of Joanneum Research on December 14, 2023. This serves the purpose of getting to know each other better, intensifying existing cooperations and find additional possibilities of working together in both research and teaching.

The Dunning-Kruger effect and the muesli bar: Those who know the least tend to believe they are highly competent

The Dunning-Kruger effect can be observed in many different areas: Those who know the least often think of themselves as particularly competent, while those with a lot of knowledge tend to underestimate their own expertise. A research team recently investigated the extent to which this phenomenon can be observed in the area of media and nutrition. The results are clear: Even when it comes to evaluating a supposedly healthy low-carb bar, people who are not competent at all consider themselves to be particularly competent.

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Drones inspect electricity pylons: Navigation technology under development at the University of Klagenfurt

Power lines are frequently damaged during snowfall or snowstorms. Until now, engineers working for the energy providers have had to painstakingly inspect power pylons and insulators on site to check for damage. In the future, drones will be able to perform this task. Researchers at the University of Klagenfurt are developing new technologies to support autonomous inspections.

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