Reunited with … Sarah Hüttepohl

Sarah Hüttepohl studied Media and Communications Science and Applied Business Administration at AAU and has been working since 2012 as an editor for the documentary series ‘Bergwelten’ (mountain worlds) and ‘Retroalpin’ (retro alpine) at Servus TV. Sarah is originally from the German city of Wuppertal, and is passionate about winter sports and the Alps. In an interview with ad astra, she explains how she turned her passion for ‘mountain film’ into a career.

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“With language you can move everything in life”

Silke Bergmoser is the first female director of a HTL (Secondary Technical School) in Carinthia and this year she received the Femme-Award as Carinthian of the Year 2015. However, she is not resting on her laurels, but is looking ahead to the future in a focused manner. Portrait of a woman who knows what she can do: “I will certainly not become a teacher!”  Read more

Lebensereignisse, Ressourcen und Weisheit

Warum werden manche Menschen im Laufe ihres Lebens weiser, obwohl sie sehr schmerzhafte Erfahrungen machen, während viele andere nicht viel zu lernen und zu wachsen scheinen? Ziel dieses FWF-Projektes ist die Initiierung einer langfristigen Längsschnittstudie über die Entwicklung von Weisheit.

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