Grasslands hold potential for increased food production

Managing grazing on grasslands in a more efficient way could significantly increase global milk and meat production or free up land for other uses.

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TECHtalents – Workshop

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Technik erleben, Technik probieren, Technik studieren!

Am 22.11.2016 fanden zum ersten Mal die TECHtalents-Workshops an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt statt! Die Technik-Workshops werden gemeinsam mit UBIT Kärnten einmal pro Monat für Schulklassen der Oberstufe kostenlos angeboten!

Unsere Forschungsgruppe war mit der Millionen Frage in der Robotik: Wo bin ich ? vertreten.

Towards the Material Aspects of Environmental History of Eastern Alpine Grasslands in 16th and 17th Centuries / 78th Minisymposium of the Centre for Environmental History

Lecture with Žiga Zwitter, Univ. of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Dep. of History, hosted by AAU, Institute of Social Ecology

The lecture discusses three main components of the material environmental history of Eastern Alpine semi-natural meadows and pastures in the changing 16th and 17th century environment as reported in archival sources: (1) site conditions and their changes, recorded either explicitly or implicitly, (2) species composition or at least plant characteristics which were important for agriculture or medicine, and (3) human interventions in grassland ecosystems, e.g. in hydrological conditions and in plant species composition. In order to broaden the understanding of 17th century environmental history, a GIS map will be presented, which combines (1) georeferenced areas of meadows as recorded in the first detailed land use maps from the early 19th century and (2) results of a lidar survey of a part of the Julian Alps, belonging to the Southern Limestone Alps. Read more

Neuerscheinung! Bernhard Wieser: How Genes Matter. Genetic Medicine as Subjectivisation Practices

Understanding the significance of genetic factors for our lives requires an analysis that goes beyond biological aspects. It is especially necessary to take into account how human beings relate to others and to themselves. Who we are is a result of social action and the ways in which human beings constitute themselves as subjects. Seen from this perspective, genetic medicine is a social practice that shapes how we think about us, how we conduct our behaviour and how we care for our children.

This book scrutinises practices by which individuals become knowledgeable about their genes and constitute them as responsible decision makers.

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