Tag der offenen Tür 2017 an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Am 31. März 2017 lädt die AAU von 9 bis 15 Uhr zum Tag der offenen Tür. Alle Fragen rund um das Studium werden beantwortet und Studieninteressierte gewinnen wertvolle Einblicke in den Studienalltag und können sich umfassend über das Studienangebot an der AAU informieren.

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New review of Social Ecology book by Stefan Pauliuk

A review by Stefan Pauliuk just published in “Journal of Industrial Ecology” (early view) appreciates the 2016 book on “Social Ecology”: “Over the past 30 years, a group of mostly Austrian scholars, called the Vienna School of Social Ecology, has conducted diverse and comprehensive empirical research on society-nature interactions in different regions and time periods. The book Social Ecology, edited by the Viennese scholars Helmut Haberl, Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Fridolin Krausmann, and Verena Winiwarter, bears witness to the work of the School, work whose results have a central place in the wider debate about sustainable development.“

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Fall down, stand up, straighten your crown & carry on: Looking at failure among entrepreneurs

Zulaicha Parastuty investigates how entrepreneurs exit from companies:  Her studies have revealed different circumstances and effects in relation to the affected individuals. She is due to complete her doctoral thesis on this subject in the spring.

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Learning about and from video games

The 2017/18 winter semester at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt will see the start of the inaugural Master’s degree in “Games Studies and Engineering”, an interdisciplinary degree covering the culture, practical application and technical development of gaming. Humanities lecturer René Reinhold Schallegger – along with Mathias Lux one of the main proponents – has been working on his habilitation thesis looking at the ethical questions involved in video gaming, and ad astra wanted to know more.  Read more