Smaller & lighter: Printed sensors for spectrometers

Imagine that a pipeline that stretches for miles and miles springs a leak. Traditionally, this would mean many miles of walking for someone tasked with finding the hole. In an ideal world, this search for the precise point of methanol leakage could also be performed by a drone, onto which a spectrometer has been mounted that specializes in analysing chemical samples. Existing devices are currently far too heavy; the drone would soon have to give up. Lisa-Marie Faller is working on a technology, with which the fitted spectrometers can be made much smaller and would therefore be suitable for this type of deployment, amongst others. In recognition of her work, the doctoral student received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Conference EuroSimE in Dresden in April.

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Supermarket Home Delivery Efficiency Increased by 10 Per Cent

Delivery services by supermarket chains are on the fast track, with retail customers readily taking advantage of the option to have their everyday grocery needs delivered to their home within a defined time slot. For the chain stores, online retail activities involve a vast effort in terms of logistics, with much to lose, but also much to gain. A team of mathematicians at the Alpen-Adria-Universität, assembled by optimisation expert Philipp Hungerländer, has succeeded in increasing the efficiency of the delivery routes of a global retail brand in England by more than 10 per cent. As a result, the corporation has reduced its costs by several million Euros per year.

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Scratch Day 2017 an der AAU

Am 13. Mai 2017 findet der weltweit durchgeführte „Scratch Day 2017“ an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt statt. Mit der Programmiersprache Scratch lassen sich Spiele, Geschichten und Animationen selbst erstellen.

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3D-Drucker für Kärntner Schulen

Die Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt und die Kärntner Sparkasse machen es möglich: 11 Schulen in Kärnten werden durch eine Sparkassen-Förderung von 30.000 Euro mit 3D-Druckern ausgestattet.

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