Außen sichtbar ausdrücken, was innerlich passiert

Tätowierungen, Piercings und Implantate, aber auch Bodybuilding und Schönheitsoperationen gehören zu den herkömmlichsten Formen der Körpermodifikation. Julia Ganterer, Dissertantin am Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung, untersucht für ihre Arbeit, warum junge Heranwachsende zwischen 18 und 23 Jahren ihren Körper gestalten. Unter ihren Interviewpartnerinnen und -partnern waren auch viele Studierende.

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“Technological development does not tend to be the object of democratic processes of negotiation.”

Do we control technology, or does technology control us? Which processes push our technological progress forward? And, with this question in mind, who or what is crucial for determining the shape of the world of tomorrow? The science and technology scientist Daniel Barben joins ad astra in the Sonnepark St. Veit/Glan for a glance into the future.

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Umwelt fühlen: Wenn Filme und Bücher Emotionen wecken

Ob Literatur oder Film, Fiktion oder Sachbuch – Geschichten können uns in ihren Bann ziehen und ganz unterschiedliche Emotionen hervorrufen. Was mit uns passiert, wenn wir Texte rezipieren, in denen Umweltthemen wie Klimawandel und Naturkatastrophen eine zentrale Rolle spielen, weiß die Amerikanistin Alexa Weik von Mossner.

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Monday, 02.10., main entrance is open / 24/7 services are available again

Dear library users,
dear AAUK students and staff,

finally! Renovation of the central building has reached the point where parts of the main hall are accessible again from 02.10. onwards.

This means:

  1. from Monday, 02.10., the main entrance to the library  – via the bridge – is open again (side entrance is closed)
  2. 24/7 services are available again from 02.10.
  3. the reading rooms (desks and literature) are accessible again. Exception: east part of the periodicals reading room (where the EDC is housed)


It was not the easiest of years due to the various restrictions imposed on our facilities. We sincerely thank you for your understanding and patience!

At first glance, the changes might not be noticeable, but there are two differences you as a user will profit from:

  • the new windows in the central building, combined with the air-conditioning system already in use, will create a more agreeable environment.
  • by the end of 2017, when renovation is complete, 3 rooms with the necessary equipment for group work will be available (instead of just one).

Kind regards,
your library team