The Session of the IASE Journal

Invited Paper Session 153, 61st World Statistics Congress

Marrakech, 16.-21.7.2017

Organiser: Manfred Borovcnik, AAU Klagenfurt
Chair: Delia North, U KwaZulu-Natal
Speakers and discussants:

  • Jim Ridgway, Durham U: To SERJ or not to SERJ – That Is the Question (with Apologies to Shakespeare)
  • Ayse Aysin Bilgin, Macquarie U, Sydney: Future Directions for the Statistics Education Research Journal (SERJ)
  • Manfred Borovcnik, AAU Klagenfurt: Status Quo, Current Problems, and Visions for a Change in SERJ’s Strategies to Serve the Needs of a Growing Research Community in Statistics Education

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A Comparative Study of Statistical Inference from an Educational Point of View

Invited Paper Session 116, 61st World Statistics Congress

Marrakech, 16.-21.7.2017
Organiser: Manfred Borovcnik, AAU Klagenfurt
Chair: Michael G. Schimek, Med U Graz
Discussant: Jan Hannig, UNC at Chapel Hill

  • Robert delMas, U Minnesota: A 21st Century Approach towards Statistical Inference – Re-Randomization, Resampling, and Bootstrap to Replace Traditional Statistical Inference
  • Min-ge Xie, Rutgers U, New Jersey: Urging A Paradigm Change: An Introduction to BFF (Bayesian, Frequentist And Fiducial) Inferences and how Bayesian and Frequentist Come together
  • Dalene Stangl, Duke U, Durham: Informal Inference – Some Thoughts to Reconsider
  • Manfred Borovcnik, AAU Klagenfurt: Why and how to Train Introductory Statistics Students in Bayesian Thinking – A Decision-Oriented Approach towards Statistical Inference

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Verleihung einer Ehrenprofessur an Prof. DDr. Michael G. Schimek

Festakt, Donau-Universität Krems, 16. 2. 2017, 17.00
Zur Würdigung außerordentlicher Verdienste in Forschung und Lehre.

Study in the Beating Heart of England – Erasmus Agreement with Birmingham City University Finalised!

Since June 2017, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt and Birmingham City University (UK) now have a new Erasmus exchange agreement for students and staff. Go and experience Europe’s bustling and diverse youngest metropolis!

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