Current exhibition near circulation desk: Contemporary Literature from and about China

In January, the showcase opposite the loan desk presents:

Contemporary Literature from and about China

The volumes on show come mainly from the extensive holdings of the University Library.

Project Semester at CERBERUS

Master students at the Institute for Applied Computer Science (AINF) have the opportunity to do their project semester as part of a national or international research project.

Thomas Grafenauer is currently working within his project semester on CERBERUS, a FFG/KIRAS project dealing with the protection of critical infrastructure (KIs).

Based on the information on critical infrastructure objects collected by the public agencies, the security relevant data is structurally prepared and imported in a developed data model in the course of the CERBERUS project. This enables to logically represent the interdependencies and cascading effects in an interdependency model. This interdependency model can be used to identify, evaluate and simulate possible cascade effects. The simulation is done in “Omnet++”, an event simulation tool. With the help of the simulation, the effects of the cascade effect are made visible, enabling targeted preventive measures to be taken at the most critical points of the network.

Learn hacking in a protected environment: Come to the Security Lab on 26.01

What happens in a hacker attack and how can such an attack be detected ?

This know-how is practically indispensable for students of computer science and information management. But how and where can one learn this legally?

On Friday, 26.1.2018 you have the possibility of guided LIVE hacking in a protected environment (room E 1.37,  in the Security Lab from 09.00-17.00h; language of instruction: German).

Attention, limited number of participants! Therefore register (if not already done) by e-mail  to peter [dot] schartner [at] aau [dot] at.

Thanks to the ÖH students’ representatives, catering is also provided!

Bachelor or Master Project – Elastic Input Devices

Technologies & Tools: Arduino • Android
Arduino is a popular open source hard­ware and soft­ware plat­form that can be used to »di­gi­ta­lize« phy­si­cal ob­jects. In this pro­ject we will use an Ar­du­ino mi­cro­con­trol­ler and stre­tch sen­sors to ex­plo­re ways to cre­ate ela­stic ob­jects that can be used as com­pu­ter in­put de­vices. In the first pro­ject pha­se you will get fa­mi­liar with the Ar­du­ino Soft­ware (IDE) and ba­sic hard­ware (sen­sors and con­troller boards). The work in the se­cond pro­ject pha­se will fo­cus on read­ing data from a stre­tch sen­sor and pre­par­ing the data for further use on an Android-smart­phone or smart­watch. This project can also be extended into a Master project.