Training and introductory courses, summer term 2024

During the summer term, the library again offers training anhd introductory courses to anybody interested.
We offer the following courses:

  • Introduction on how to use the library for students (Registration via Moodle)
  • Supervised database and internet research (Registration at the library’s information desk)

You can find the dates on our posters in the library, on our homepage and on our facebook account.






International Day of Mathematics

The International Mathematics Day is an event proclaimed by UNESCO and supported by the International Mathematical Union, which takes place annually on 14 March. The day is also known as π-day, because: The decimal expansion of the circle number π begins with 3.1415…. — and especially in the American-speaking world, 14 March is written as “3/14”.

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Shudian Zhao is awarded the dissertation prize of the Austrian Society for Operations Research

Shudian Zhao received the prize for her doctoral thesis, completed in 2022, entitled “Splitting into pieces: alternating direction methods of multipliers and graph partitioning”. 

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1st Annual Alpen Adria Workshop in Combinatorics

During the semester break while students spend time on mastering the content of the semester for their exams, researchers have more time to spend on advancing research projects without any teaching. On Monday, 5 February 2024, a group of researchers in Combinatorics gathered to share progress updates and ideas relating to projects they are working on in what is hoped to be an annual event.

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