Taking pride in the company: Employees regard those well who do good in an authentic way

In addition to flexibility and development prospects, activities that endeavour to promote the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) also play an important role when it comes to looking for a job, especially in the case of young people. Organisations that recognise their social responsibility, for example by supporting the environment or social causes, convey values that are highly relevant to many employees. A team of researchers recently investigated how employees’ perception of CSR programmes affects organisational pride.

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The cross-curricular courses at doctoral level in the summer semester 2024

Register now for the cross-curricular courses at doctoral level for the summer semester 2024! Read more

Special discount in the Mensa canteen for students and employees of the University of Klagenfurt

Since January 2024, anyone studying or working at the University of Klagenfurt who would like to eat in the Mensa canteen can benefit from a special discount of 1.50 euros for hot lunches and hot snacks in the Mensa canteen or the Mensa café in the Aula. To take advantage of the special discount, you must be registered as a student or employee of the university. Additionally, students can also take advantage of the ÖH discount of one euro, saving a total of 2.50 euros!

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Habilitation colloquium of Dr. Roswitha Rissner

On February 19, 2024, Dr. Roswitha Rissner held the habilitation colloquium entitled “On the algebraic and arithmetic structure of commutative rings”.

In her lecture, she began by describing the emergence of modern algebra through number theory and geometry. From Fermat’s last theorem and Gabriel Lame’s failed attempt to prove it, to Richard Dedekind and the introduction of the abstract objects of rings and the algebraic description of Riemann surfaces, to Emmy Noether, who laid the foundations of modern algebra.

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