ICSE 2024 Distinguished Reviewer Award for Martin Pinzger

Martin Pinzger received an ICSE 2024 Distinguished Reviewer Award. ICSE is the top international conferences in software engineering.

Bib fit! 3 ECTS credit points in only 6 weeks

Information overload and media jungle – become Bib fit! and stay ahead of the game!


Improved library and media skills for more efficient studying and working

The micro-credentials course of the Klagenfurt University Library starts on April 11. Register now and be Bib fit! in only 6 weeks.


  • 3 ECTS-credit points in only 6 weeks
  • Information literacy to last a lifetime
  • Free of charge for students
  • Course language: german


Dates + duration:

  • Start: 11.04.2024
  • 6 blocks (always on a Thursday, 12:00-15:15)
    • 11.04.2024
    • 18.04.2024
    • 25.04.2024
    • 02.05.2024
    • 16.05.2024
    • 23.05.2024
  • Oral exam on 06.06.2024 or individually arranged


  • More efficient literature research
  • Better use of search engines, surf@ubk and others
  • Expert use of databases + E-resources
  • Correct evaluation of literature sources
  • Prevention of plagiarism, identification of fake news
  • Intelligent use of literature administration programmes


To the registration: Bib fit! | MCK (aau.at)

Low Degree Polynomial Models In Cryptography

March 5th 2024             11:45 am – 13:15 pm            HS N.2.57

Matthias Steiner M.Sc.

(Institut für Artificial Intelligence und Cybersecurity)

University meets Industry: Talents for Carinthia

“University meets Industry: Talents for Carinthia” is an event hosted by the Faculty of Technical Sciences (TEWI) and the Federation of Austrian Industries Carinthia. At the event, successful cooperation projects between university and industry will be presented. Students of technical degree programmes, employees of the Faculty, and Carinthian companies will have the opportunity to network in order to further strengthen their cooperation and lay the foundations for new partnerships. Read more