Conflict as part of a European democracy

The EU H2020 project TRACES combines the spheres of the arts and science to encourage the joint development of new discussion spaces dedicated to contentious and painful historical events, the effects of which continue to unfold, even today. The project, which has now entered the last of three stages, has been awarded the “European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH) label”. In this interview, project co-ordinator Klaus Schönberger, professor at the Department of Cultural Analysis, talks about the insights that have been gained so far.

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How much you can find out about a person with an email address

Peter Schartner, data protection expert at the Department of Applied Informatics, shows how much you can find out about a person using an e-mail address.

Find out more here!

Mathematiker Benjamin Hackl im Gespräch über seine Studienzeit

Benjamin Hackl begann mit 15 Jahren zu studieren, mit 20 Jahren hat er sein Masterstudium der Mathematik abgeschlossen. Er ist damit der jüngste Absolvent eines Masterstudiums an der Alpen-Adria-Universität. Heute arbeitet er als Doktorand am Institut für Mathematik.
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KELAG Digital Traineeship Program: Opportunities for TEWI graduates

KELAG offers Digital Traineeship positions for graduates in Informatics, Mathematics, Information Management, Robotics etc.

Find more details here:

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