Laurenz Kohlbach qualifies again for the International Mathematical Olympiad

Laurenz Kohlbach (Stiftsgymnasium St. Paul) has attended the course of Mathematical Olympiad of the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt for several years now. This year he again qualified for the International Mathematical Olympiad, which takes place in Romania this year.


He has mastered the way there brilliantly. After winning the first prize in the regional competition for advanced students, he solved all problems and got the first place in the first part of the national competition. He also won the first place in the second part of the national competition (two days on May 31 and June 1) together with Veronika Schreitter. This year’s International Mathematical Olympiad will take place from July 3 to 14 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. There Laurenz Kohlbach and 5 other Austrians will compete for medals.


Laurenz Kohlbach already took part in the International Mathematical Olympiad in Brazil last year and received a silver medal there.

Study in Italy

Master Studies: Applied Informatics, Information Management, Information & Communications Engineering


“One study – two degrees”
After completion of the Double Degree program, you will be awarded with one academic degree, which has the legal effect of Austria as well as the partner country; only one academic title shall be used.

Informatics, Information Management, Information and Communications Engineering & Electronic Engineering, Information and Communications Engineering & Multimedia Systems

University Stay


Date Science


  • Waving of tuition at the host and home university
  • Grants to cover the increased costs of living abroad
  • Good contacts and local support

More Information:


Master Thesis TLS Security: Concept for Manipulation Protection of a Certificate Store

Student: Simon Weger

Supervisor: Peter Schartner

Transport Layer Security (TLS) uses a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to verify the authenticity of the communication partner. This infrastructure is based on a hierarchical construct of certification authorities, which certify the authenticity of the other user by means of certificates. An important component in the verification of certificates is the local certificate stores on the users’ systems. Through targeted manipulation of the certificate store, attackers can actively intervene in the authentication process and use these manipulations in various ways for further attacks. This thesis deals with the development of a concept for monitoring a non-manipulation-protected certificate store. Digital signatures are created from the contents of the memory (see figure), so that the memory contents prevailing at later points in time can be verified again and again. Modifications of the certificate store content are displayed to the users and they are offered various reaction options. 



Teaching and Learning Days 2018

On June 6 and 7, 2018, the Teaching and Learning Days with the topic “Explore Teaching and Learning – the Digital and Traditional Contribution” take place. Prof. Simone Bregni (Saint Louis University), Prof. em. Alan Jenkins (Oxford Brookes University) and Prof. Eric Mazur (Harvard University) will hold presentations and workshops on related fields. Additionally, the ApplAAUs! award ceremony for outstanding teaching will take place including a panel discussion with the awardees.
Please register until May 31 via email to vr-lehre [at] aau [dot] at.