Can novels make us care about others? A study based on ethnic American literatures

When President Donald Trump addresses the nation, he often resorts to discriminatory stereotypes when referring to African American, Mexican American and Muslim American communities. The narrative that suggests that these groups represent a threat to the American nation is shaping a number of current debates, but there are also important counternarratives. Within the scope of a project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), scholars from the field of American Studies are investigating how ethnic American literary texts are inviting readers to imaginatively step into the shoes of a character who is different from themselves and to see the world through that character’s eyes.

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Finding faults in Excel

A familiar situation for many: A large Excel file that includes many sheets, rows and columns – and in the end, the correct result stubbornly refuses to materialize. Troubleshooting can be complicated whenever numerous formulas and references are involved. Patrick Koch is working on the project “Debugging of spreadsheet programs (DEOS)”, funded by the FWF, which aims to simplify the search for errors. He recently received the “ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award” for his publication on this subject.

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The Department of Marketing and International Management at Global Marketing Conference 2018 in Tokyo

At the end of July 2018, the Global Marketing Conference 2018 took place in Tokyo, Japan’s lively capital.

The Department of Marketing and International Management, represented by Andrea Ettinger and Ralf Terlutter, presented current research in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility at this important international conference.

The title of the presentation of Andrea Ettinger, Sonja Grabner-Kräuter, Ralf Terlutter and their cooperation partner Shintaro Okazaki of King’s College London was: Is “Greenhushing” indeed Desired by Hotel Guests? The Relationship between Corporate (CSR) Communication and Hotel Guests’ Intentions to Behave Unethically in the Context of Holiday Behavior and their Attitudes towards CSR Communication”.

New publication from the Department of Marketing und International Management

The same video game in 2D, 3D or virtual reality – How does technology impact game evaluation and brand placements?

Co-authors:  Johanna Röttl and Ralf Terlutter


The open access paper is available here:

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