Bringing the connection between technology and management to life

Erlfried Taurer is CEO of Constantia Industries AG and was voted one of the most powerful industrial managers in Austria by the Industriemagazin trade journal in 2014. Mr Taurer has built up his success from scratch: a portrait of an inquisitive mind.

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I can’t keep away from the subject of internationalisation

Meinrad Höfferer is Divisional Manager for Foreign Trade and International Relations at the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce. Listening skills, a solution-oriented approach, communication skills and the ability to transfer knowledge are among the key attributes needed for his career. A portrait of a busy man.

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Business administration and music – how do they fit together?

Andreas Schaffer studied Applied Business Administration at AAU as well as Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy at the Carinthian State Conservatory. He is now Director of the Gustav Mahler Musikschule Klagenfurt music school, as well as being a flautist and conductor of various ensembles. In an interview, he explains how he benefits from business administration as a musician, what he likes about his job in particular and why you should always have the courage to oppose other opinions and stand up for your own.

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The AAU Delegation to the European Women in Mathematics General Meeting 2018

The European Women in Mathematics association (EWM) held its general meeting at the Institute for Mathematics of the Karl Franzens University Graz during September 3-7, 2018, celebrating 30 years of existence. The conference was co-organised by Elena Resmerita (Institute for Mathematics of the AAU), who was re-elected as deputy convenor for the period 2018-2020 together with Carola Schönlieb (Cambridge University) as an EWM convenor. More than one hundred female mathematicians from all over Europe met for excellent scientific lectures, minisymposia and posters presentations, discussions and networking: