Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Wojciech Malecki “What Animal Stories Do to Your Mind: Narratives, Psychology, and Social Change”

The power of stories to raise our concern for animals has been postulated through­out history by countless scholars, activists, and writers, including such greats as Thomas Hardy, Leo Tolstoy and Alice Walker. This paper aims to investigate that power and explain the psychological and cultural mechanisms behind it. Read more

Degree ceremony for graduates of the University of Klagenfurt, 16th November 2018

On Friday, 16 November 2018, the degree ceremony for graduates of the University of Klagenfurt takes place in the Hans-Romauch-Lecture Hall (Lecture Hall A).

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Tutors searched!

Tutors searched!

The “System Safety Laboratory” is looking for a Tutor for the academic year 2018/2019.


  • Laboratory completed
  • No worries about JavaCard (and the students’ problems)
  • English language skills


  • Assistance with programming tasks (in particular at the JavCard- and Smartphone-exercise)

If you are interested, please send your job application to Peter Schartner.

Swarms take over production

Scientists working on the research project SWILT are developing Industry 4.0 algorithms inspired by nature.

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